The Medvezhiy Stan quarter is located on the banks of the Okhta River and is part of the village of Murino, which is the administrative center of the Murinsky rural settlement of the Vsevolozhsky district of the Leningrad region. In the north, it is bounded by the St. Okhta River.
It is generally accepted that the name of the former village "Medvezhiy Stan" is associated with the placement of prisons in this area for keeping black bears in the middle of the 18th century. These bears were caught on the banks of the Okhta and used for court hunting in the forests around Murino.

Medvezhiy Stan near St. Petersburg was supposedly formed in the 18th century, when the construction of gunpowder workshops began on the territory of the present-day Krasnogvardeisky district on Okhta, on the territory of the present Krasnogvardeisky district. One plant was launched in 1716, the other - in 1747. Nearby on the river, by 1768, a dam and a lock were built. At that time, there was a dense forest on the territory of the Bear Camp itself, where in1860 the powder magazines were moved. They were specially arranged at a distance from factories in order to prevent explosions and fires. In total, there were about 20 cellars surrounded by earthen ramparts. Communication between factories and warehouses was carried out by river, using boats.

By the end of the 19th century. The Okhta gunpowder plant turned into a huge industrial complex for those times. He occupied about 469 hectares of land, owned 23.5 km of narrow gauge railway, 16 km of highway and 427 m of cobblestone road. Instead of ordinary boats for transporting gunpowder along the river, tug boats with an electric motor began to be used. An electrical engineer V. N. Chikolev participated in their construction. The Okhta Powder Plant is the first enterprise in the world that has been using water electric ships for a long time.
Powder magazines required enhanced security. Since 1888, the 147th Samara Infantry Regiment has been located in the barracks built on the territory of Medvezhy Stan. His companies were used as special forces. In the mid 90s. XIX century, after several reorganizations, the 200th reserve Izhora infantry regiment was also permanently located here. Brick barracks, a water tower, which has survived to this day, and engineering structures were erected for him. In 1899, a wooden church in the name of St. Michael the Archangel was also built on the banks of the Kapralyev Creek. After the revolution, the church was closed, and in 1946-1948. she was taken down. Until the early 1960s. on the site of the church there was an artillerya warehouse, then a skating rink was filled there for some time, and after that a five-story panel residential building was built.
By the end of the 19th century, the population of the village of Medvezhiy Stan was almost 2000 people. According to historical documents, the relationship between local residents and the military personnel guarding the powder magazines was not easy. According to the volost foreman, the latter now and then arbitrarily came from Medvezhiy Stan to Murino and abused alcohol, which led to clashes. So, on April 12, 1911, on the third day of Easter, between the peasants and soldiers of the Samara regiment, the "Murinsky massacre" took place, ending in severe wounds of four young Murinians, who later died.
The parties to the conflict put forward opposite versions: the peasants claimed that the drunken soldiers began to shoot for no reason, and the military - that they were attacked by hooligans from the nearby village of Murino. However, the investigation found that the peasants did not actually attack the soldiers. They only ran to the sound of shots in the air, produced by a drunken non-commissioned officer, who was returning to his unit from a village tavern. Patrolmen arrived in time and without thinking twice opened fire on the crowd. Such incidents, given the attempts of the military to confuse the investigation, undermined the confidence of the population in the army.
In the spring of 1918, all the regiments that were in Medvezhiy Stan were disbanded. To protect the powder magazines, either foresters or workers from the Okhta gunpowder factory were involved. Since 1924, the School of Junior Commanders of the Border Troops of the OGPU LVO was located here.
In the years of the GreatThere were no battles on the territory of the Bear Camp in the Leningrad Region, but not far from it, on the site of the current old cemetery, there was a military airfield, from which combat sorties were regularly made. In the very same village there was a border regiment guarding the rear of the Neva Operational Group, and then the 67th Army. Then a civil defense regiment was stationed there, as a result of which, in the 1970s. the village became closed for some time. And in 1996 it was annexed to the village of Murino.
Despite the fact that the Medvezhiy Stan quarter is small, it has something to see for a curious tourist. Residents of the historic district affectionately call it "Medvezhka" and are proud of local attractions.
Former water tower
An old water tower is located next to the local government building. This original monument of industrial architecture, although now located outside the quarter, is directly related to its history. After all, the tower was built in 1907 for the water supply of the Izhora regiment, located precisely in the Medvezhy Stan. It provided the settlement with water from Kapralyev Creek until the early 1960s. But then there was an epidemic of hepatitis A, in connection with which the Leningrad water supply network began to be used for water supply.
The tower is currently undergoing restoration, which should be completed in 2018. After that, it is planned to place a local history museum in it with an exposition dedicated to the history of Murino, the life of local peasants and, possibly, the former owners of these lands - the Vorontsov family.

Monument to soldiers of local air defense
This monument is installed on the territory of the FGKU "North-West RPSO EMERCOM of Russia" at the address: Oboronnaya st., 51. The locals call him "Alyosha". It is a sculpture of a soldier taking an oath. Behind the monument there are stands that provide information about the Days of Russian Military Glory.

Monument to bears
On the even side of Oboronnaya Street, in the square opposite the house 37 k.1, next to the playground, there is a monument "Bears for the Bear".

This statue of four bears was given to Murino as a gift for his 265th birthday in 2014. An inscription is engraved on a stone stump near it: "Bear camp" Murino district, in which a bear nursery was located in the second half of the 18th century.

Museum of vintage cars and motorcycles
In 2014, a museum of retro cars and motorcycles was opened on the territory of Medvezhy Stan at 36B on Oboronnaya Street. Here you can not only admire rare vehicles, but also get behind the wheel. Among the exhibits are the Pobeda cabriolet, the legendary Emka and the Douglas motorcycle - the hero of the domestic TV series The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. On one site, equipment of the 30-50s is presented, while the other is occupied by military vehicles. Visitors note a pleasant atmosphere and an interesting exposition, part of which is located on the street along with mannequins and a fieldkitchen. The museum is open from Friday to Sunday from 12:00 to 18:00. The museum can be reached by foot or by shuttle bus number 1 from the Devyatkino metro station.

Transport infrastructure
The Medvezhiy Stan quarter has a well-developed infrastructure. By land transport from it you can get to the stations of the St. Petersburg metro, as well as to the railway station "Vsevolozhskaya". From St. Petersburg to Medvezhy Stan, you can take bus number 205, which departs from the Prospekt Prosveshcheniya metro station.
The following organizations operate on the territory of the Medvezhiy Stan quarter:
- Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Leningrad Region;
- Crisis Management Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Leningrad Region;
- Fire test laboratory;
- department of the training complex USTS "Vytegra" EMERCOM of Russia;
- North-Western Regional Search and Rescue Team of the EMERCOM of Russia;
- fire station;
- a study room and a playground of the driving school of the FSBEI HE "SPbSU State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia";
- post office;
- kindergarten;
- dispensary;
- pharmacy;
- medical testing center;
- medical laboratory;
- dog kennel;
- shops;
- catering establishments;
- hotel;
- military registration table;
- passport office;
- salonbeauty;
- car service;
- concrete plant;
- bank branch;
- Museum of vintage cars and motorcycles.