Who is a patriot? Qualities of a patriot

Who is a patriot? Qualities of a patriot
Who is a patriot? Qualities of a patriot

Recently, which is very pleasing, more and more often it comes to patriotism. The authorities at all levels began to think about the revival of patriotism, since it is high time to close this "gap" in education. But attempts to patch it up with the help of financial stimulation will have no effect, since patriotism cannot be bought, it is brought up, formed over many years. A certain part of the younger generation, who is now 25-35 years old, does not even perceive any calls for patriotism, and it is embarrassing for them to respond to them. They don't know what it is.

who is a patriot
who is a patriot

Who can be called a patriot?

So who is a patriot? For many years, this concept was not mentioned, and in the 90s, calls to love the Motherland were even considered hackneyed and conservative. Cultural monuments were destroyed, joining the army was considered stupid, and it was normal to evade service.

A patriot can be considered one who has been brought up from childhood on specific examples, for whom someone else's feat is not just words. Who is a patriot? The one who is really able to feel other people's problems, whose feeling of compassion and love is not canned. You can't just call a person a patriot andassume he is. To be such means not only to throw oneself into the embrasure or give one's life for loved ones. This is the cultivation of universal human qualities in oneself, the stay of an individual in a society that can be considered normal, with values, dignity and the ability to take care of others.

young patriot of Russia
young patriot of Russia

If these conditions are not created, then for a person only personal ambitions, his own welfare and prosperity will always be a priority.

How are things now?

The situation has changed dramatically, finally the authorities realized that nothing happens by itself. The obligations imposed on parents to educate full-fledged members of society were often not fulfilled. Sometimes it was problematic to feed your children, and there was no question of wasting time on patriotic conversations.

At the moment, military sports clubs, search teams are organized, which clearly demonstrate real work and assistance to the relatives of the dead. Cadet classes are being created, Cossack detachments are being organized, a young patriot of Russia is studying the origins of the Cossacks, and the basics of military affairs are taught in schools for teenagers.

young patriot
young patriot

They try to instill the basics of Orthodox culture, to designate high spiritual values in cooperation with representatives of the church. Orthodox education lessons are being introduced.

Press and television about patriotism

The media are enthusiastically picking up the theme of patriotism, more and more often you can find specificexamples of heroic deeds, those who have distinguished themselves are awarded certificates and incentive gifts, which is widely covered in newspapers and on television. The film industry is trying to convey to teenagers who a patriot is, films are made that are of interest to young people, it happens that when watching films on military topics, values change. The young patriot strives to become like heroes, he is worried about the problems in the country, which means there is a chance that he will want to solve them when he grows up.

Sport in the education of patriots

The younger generation is full of strength, aspirations and ambitions. The task of society is to guide them, prompt them, discern their abilities, and sport does an excellent job with this task. The sections not only allow their pupils to become strong and fast, but are also able to awaken this feeling in a teenager - patriotism.

patriots of the fatherland
patriots of the fatherland

When he stands on the podium, he involuntarily touches a single sense of pride for the Motherland, for himself, for his club. Most athletes are true patriots of the fatherland, they perceive the anthem differently when it is played in honor of their well-deserved victory. No wonder many people have tears in their eyes, they are familiar with such feelings as dedication, hard work and the desire to be the best. They know for themselves what price they had to pay for this tremulous and exciting moment of victory.

Parenting by example

If the guy next door gets a fire rescue medal, it's perceived as brighter than the speeches of strangers and important people on TV. Concrete examples are always more effective, and it is necessary to arouse interest,a teenager will definitely discuss this with friends, want to imitate the hero, and be able to overcome self-doubt and fear. He can always answer who a patriot is.

qualities of a patriot
qualities of a patriot

Speak the same language with the younger generation

The interests of today's youth are diverse, there are many sources of information. In this situation, you should pay attention to the fact that you can direct the curiosity of the guys in the right direction, the young patriot will respond if there is an opportunity to find out his history, roots. This is no longer entertainment: with the help of historical facts, examples, it is easy to translate interests into a patriotic channel. You should not use the methods that were worked out on the pioneers and Komsomol members. Time goes forward, and today's youth requires a different attitude towards themselves, you need to forget the old patterns, they can only complicate the process. Indifference to the small homeland, honesty, responsiveness and compassion are the qualities of a patriot. It must be pointed out that the state is not those who govern at the moment. You and I are the country, Russia, and if nothing is done, there will never be changes.

Lies and idle talk are the main enemies of a true patriot, if you do not pay serious attention to this problem, then we will get a generation of cynics who only care about their well-being. It is worth paying more attention to the historical heritage, memory, culture, then there will be a return, there will be someone to protect the Motherland, stand on a pedestal and rule the country. If you are interested in the history of your family, the place where you grew up, the chance increases that this aspirationto knowledge will grow into more, will touch on a common history.

The changes that have taken place in recent years have led to the fact that people's worldview has changed, ideas about spirituality are breaking down, the process of forming new realities and values lags far behind the debunking of old ones. And as a result - the loss of patriotism, which until recently was an important part in the minds, it was he who was a factor in the formation of the Russian mentality. Studies have shown that modern youth is confused, there is no clear position, ideals, hence the frank pessimism in the perception of real life.
