Spring Conscription: Conscription dates in 2015

Spring Conscription: Conscription dates in 2015
Spring Conscription: Conscription dates in 2015

Since ancient times, all the states of the world have tried to have a strong and large army. It is needed to protect their territories and citizens from encroachment by other countries. Russia today has one of the largest armies in the world. Every year in our country calls for military service are held, in addition, many contract soldiers serve in the Armed Forces.

Spring 2015 draft dates

There are two conscriptions in Russia: autumn and spring. In order for them to take place, the President of the Russian Federation signs a special law. It indicates the lines of conscription and the number of conscripts. The 2015 Fall Conscription will run from October 1 to December 31.

spring call
spring call

The beginning of the spring conscription falls on April 1 and will last until July 15. It is planned to call for about 150 thousand recruits from all regions of the country. As of the current year in the Russian Federation, men from 18 to 27 years old are considered persons of military age. The term of military service in the Russian army is 1 year. In a word,a fairly long spring call is planned. The terms of conscription are 3.5 months, and the leadership of the regions is responsible for the timely replenishment of military units with recruits.


spring call 2015 deadlines
spring call 2015 deadlines

In 2015, there will be several innovations when accepting men for military service. This year's spring draft will differ from previous ones in that men with higher education will have the opportunity to make a choice:

  • serve one year of military service;
  • serve two years on a contract basis.

Naturally, some will choose the second option, because the allowance is now rather big, living conditions and food are also at a decent level. But there is one minus: the contractor must serve where he is sent, and not just defend the territory of the Russian Federation.

Equally important, the spring conscription (2015) will not affect teachers and doctors. The law applies only to those who, at the time of receipt of the summons, will work in rural areas and urban-type settlements. All other men of a suitable age will be affected by the spring draft. Deadlines allow employees of the military registration and enlistment offices to complete the plan on time.

Whom the state will take to the service

As mentioned above, the state plans to put under arms 150 thousand men aged 18 to 27 years. Young people who have reached the lower age bar and those who have completed the deferment will become the defenders of the Motherland in the spring draft. The terms of conscription are quite long, as, indeed, every year. Men will undergo medicalexamination, and all who have sufficient physical characteristics must undergo compulsory military service. The selection procedure is not easy, and a huge responsibility falls on the military commissars who directly select recruits. There are cases when men have to be brought by force because they refuse to go to serve. The police are here to help. Today, young people are patriotic and want to serve the Motherland. With each new call, the evaders are becoming less and less. If a person is really ill or needs a deferment, exemption from compulsory active duty is guaranteed by law.

start of spring call
start of spring call

Right to delay

The beginning of the spring conscription has raised questions about who is eligible to receive a deferment from service in the Russian Armed Forces. This issue must be considered from two sides, because some people have the right to only miss one or more calls, while others may even receive exemption from the army. Consider two options that will be in effect at the time when the spring conscription (2015) begins, the terms of which are quite long:

Deferment granted:

  • citizens with two or more children;
  • single fathers;
  • for fathers with a disabled child under the age of 3;
  • men whose wife is expecting a baby;
  • men temporarily unfit for he alth reasons;
  • students studying in higher educational institutions at full-time faculties;
  • deputies or candidates.


  • Passed alternative service;
  • recognized as unfit for service by the medical board;
  • with a degree;
  • under investigation;
  • having a criminal record.

How dodgers are identified and what "shines" for them

conscription spring 2015
conscription spring 2015

Many military-age men went into hiding as soon as the spring draft began. The terms of the call are quite long, so hiding is not very easy. Today in Russia, the one who:

  • failed medical examination;
  • feigns illness;
  • cheating commission;
  • deliberately does not come to the draft board;
  • brought fake documents to the draft board.

There are enough such citizens in our country: some are afraid to go to serve, others simply don’t want to, and as soon as the spring conscription of 2015 knocked on the door, the terms of which are 3.5 months, these people go to any tricks just to avoid service. Some flee the country, others hide in villages or distant relatives. Everyone has the same goal - to avoid being drafted. But there is some bad news for the evaders: they violate the laws of the Russian Federation, and this is a criminal offense (Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Punishment can be in the form of a fine of up to 200,000 rubles. or imprisonment up to 2 years. Agree, not a lot. As soon as the spring conscription begins (the conscription period is long), it will not work to hide and deceive the state for a long time, because sooner or later they will find you, and it will only get worse. July 15, until what spring draft will last, this is alreadysummer. Not everyone can stay locked up.

spring conscription
spring conscription

What does the army give to a soldier

Many parents, especially fathers who went through the Soviet army, believe that in order to develop a male character, it is necessary to serve in the Armed Forces. The army makes a man out of a boy, tempers his character, teaches discipline and order. In everyday life, it is easier for a person with such experience to adapt to any situation and, accordingly, come out of it as a winner. A huge plus of the army is the opportunity to learn combat craft, hand-to-hand combat and shooting from various types of modern weapons, to get a military speci alty that can be useful in civilian life. On the "citizen" most of this knowledge, in principle, is not needed, but every man should be able to protect his home, family and homeland.

until what spring call
until what spring call

Prospects for contract service

Conscripted soldiers also have the opportunity to remain in the army as a contract soldier after the end of military service. Salaries there are not bad, there is a prospect of getting free housing. Many of the men who did not even do military service today want to sign a contract with the military department. This is a good job with a stable salary, besides you are dressed and shoes. There is a crisis in Russia now, the ruble is depreciating, and it is not easy to find a good income.

To summarize all of the above, the President signed the law, which means that there will be a spring call. It will last as usual 3.5 months and will affect men aged18-27 years old. Some may receive a legal reprieve, but dodgers face criminal prosecution. There is only one way out: serve the due date and go to the reserve with a sense of accomplishment.
