From childhood, we are taught to behave properly and are encouraged to ensure that our every action is a moral act. If you look in more detail, there are a lot of questions about what it really is.
What to focus on
Each person should comprehend the realities of the world that surrounds him, roughly imagine what others expect from him. When we behave in one way or another, we show through a moral act that our value system is correct and distinguished by kindness and justice, a desire to help, encourage our own freedom and the choice of others.

In contrast to this style of behavior, immorality, injustice and hatred can be brought. A person should strive to realize his moral aspirations, and not destroy himself and the world around him. Of course, just understanding how things should be arranged is not enough.
A person with a correct system of values is betrayed by moral behavior and a moral act. It is worth taking actions, the result of which will be positive both for the individual and for the world around him. Behappy and don't disturb others, as they say. Sometimes you even need to give up certain actions, such as avoiding temptation, refusing a bribe, or a chance to win some benefits in a dishonest way.
Listen to everyone, listen to the chosen ones
Society, as a rule, gives its assessment of certain actions. In many ways, they depend on what kind of people you are surrounded by. There are generally accepted norms of behavior that may differ slightly in different social groups.
The moral deeds of a person may not be evaluated as such if it is unprofitable for your environment. But here it is very important to understand when you are to blame, and when those around you think too much about their own gain. Then we can say that the motives of a moral act have nothing to do with the goals of your colleagues and friends.
You can't blindly follow someone else's orders and please, you need to be able to analyze, be honest with yourself. Only then will you be calm and feel that you are doing the right thing.

Where the roots grow from
There are a number of factors on which the analysis of personality behavior is based. First you need to figure out what exactly pushes a person to this or that action. A moral act is performed only for good purposes, which can be described as noble. Although, of course, it also happens that, by the will of fate, having a rather favorable plan, harm can also be done. The consequences of the event are already being evaluated here.
They are the basis for the final verdict andassessments when the signs of a moral act are analyzed. The main criterion is how significant and useful the step is for society as a whole. It is also important to consider the circumstances in which the events took place.

Good purpose
In different conditions, the same action can be both commendable and immoral. So you need to be flexible and be able to grasp the demands of the world around you, while at the same time not losing your own head on your shoulders. A moral act denies covetousness and profit, although there is nothing wrong with achieving your desires in a righteous way.
The most important thing is that you do not harm others. Only that result should be achieved that will not cause harm to other people. There is a fine line between perfection, reaching new heights and selfish behavior, excessive individualism. You need to feel it and try not to cross it.
Only a morally developed person can carry out moral deeds. Examples of these can often be found in literary works or cinema, which carry a certain charge of wisdom to the reader and viewer. In any novel or story there are heroes whose behavior can be encouraged for courage, dedication, and ethics. This is how we learn about the sublime purpose of the individual.
All this happens against the backdrop of a certain era, its way of life and ideas about right and wrong behavior. In order to make the reader think, the authors create situations in which the characters on the pages of books makemoral deeds. Examples abound in Tolstoy's War and Peace.
You can talk about a whole chain of difficult moral problems that are solved in the course of the story. Even looking at the life of one of the main characters, A. Bolkonsky, one can notice moments of perfect peace, which are replaced by military difficulties. He selflessly sacrifices his own life for the sake of his native land, which deserves all praise and approval.

Proper upbringing
Also, a lot about morality and spiritual purity can be learned from a large number of fairy tales. Take the same "Cinderella", written by Charles Perrault. The main character is hardworking, despite all the bullying, she helps her unloving relatives. Anger and hatred do not appear in her heart.
Of course, you should not let others push you around, but letting go of resentment is really a skill that everyone should learn. It is very important to keep peace and purity in the soul. This is a feat for the benefit of not only others, but also your own heart in the first place.
Life is full of sharp turns, but this should not knock a good man down, he must remain strong and steadfast without losing love for the world. Another storehouse of wisdom for children, and for adults, can be considered the story "The Scarlet Flower", written by Aksakov. There is love for the father of the main character, and the ability to see things hidden behind appearance and bright attributes, to look into the inner world of even the most terrible monster.
Not enoughThe fact that Anastasia surrendered for the sake of her relatives, she also managed to feel the brightest sides of her new owner's personality, helped him return to balance and beauty. A truly pure, kind person can do this.

Look inside yourself
The system of values and aspirations of an individual must always remain harmonious and not interfere with the development of either a person or the world around him. You need to cultivate pure convictions in yourself, strive for good goals, not go over heads, but achieve everything in legal ways, strive for self-development and show will.
Every person wants to express themselves, but this must be done in constructive ways that do not destroy anything in the process. You are free to do as you please. Since every person deep down wants everyone to be happy and live in peace, you should listen to your deep impulses, and you will find the right path.

Take a closer look at your surroundings, but always make the choice yourself, carefully weighing everything. Somewhere in the middle lies the desired balance, the golden mean, finding which you will find peace, happiness and psychological he alth.