Saturation of Moscow roads with traffic requires unloading existing routes. A new project, the Central Ring Road (TsKAD), should solve this problem. The 2014 scheme has now been adopted as a baseline for the implementation of the mentioned large-scale construction. Let's take a closer look at this project of the Central Ring Road.
Main reasons for construction
First of all, we need to talk about the main reasons that contributed to the emergence of the very idea of the Central Ring Road. The 2014 scheme will help to understand the main premises.
The problem of a very heavy traffic load on the roads of Moscow, as well as those routes that serve directly to ensure the transit traffic through the city, has long been overdue. Congestion causes quite frequent traffic jams on various sections of the highway, as well as increased wear and tear of the roadway, which, in turn, causes the need for frequent unscheduled repairs.
Just the question of redirecting the traffic flow from the Moscow Ring Road and federal roads to other routes of communication gave rise to the idea of the Central Ring Road project. The goals of this project can be easily understood just by looking at its plan, which we will detail below.

Project implementation
At the official level, the idea of building the Central Ring Road arose back in 2001. Then the first project of the road appeared, approved by the Government of Russia. Initially, the construction of the highway was planned to begin in 2011. But for a number of reasons, at the end of 2013 there was not even an approved construction scheme. In this regard, in the same year, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev asked to speed up the process of preparing for the construction of the Central Ring Road. The 2014 scheme was supposed to accelerate the pace of this project. Therefore, after its development, many believed that construction would begin almost immediately. In August 2014, a capsule was even laid, indicating the start of work. The top leaders of Moscow and the Moscow region took part in this event. At the same time, preparatory work began, the construction of service communications for the first section of the route, but the construction of the roadway itself did not come to fruition.

Even in 2015, the construction of the road did not begin. At the same time, it was announced that the start of construction was postponed to February 2016. However, the deadlines for completing the construction of the Central Ring Road have so far remained unchanged. The construction of the road was planned to be completed by the start of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. But due to the constant postponement of construction and the economic crisis that Russia is currently experiencing, the deadline for the project was pushed back to 2022-2025. Nevertheless, the plans are still to close the ring by 2018, and then there will beonly work to expand the number of lanes continues. That is, in fact, the first cars will be able to drive on the road by the beginning of the world football championship.
At the moment, the only thing that has really been achieved on the way to the implementation of the construction of the Central Ring Road is the approved scheme of 2014. She will be the subject of our study.
Contractors and contractors
Who will implement the 2014 Central Ring Road scheme in construction? Avtodor will be the main curator of the project. It is this organization that conducts a tender among potential contractors and selects the most worthy ones.
Stroygazconsulting was appointed as the original developer of the first section of the road. But, given that during 2014 nothing was actually built, in 2015 Avtodor changed this contractor to Crocus Group and Mostostroy N6. It is also known that the developer of the fifth section (the scheme of the Central Ring Road, 2014) "Avtodor" appointed the company "Koltsevaya Magistral" LLC.

Naturally, the implementation of any project is impossible without appropriate funding. At present, it has been decided that the receipt of funds for the construction of the Central Ring Road will be carried out both from the state budget and by attracting private investment.
The total cost of the project is estimated at approximately 350 billion rubles, but due to the devaluation of the national currency and the emergence of unforeseen expenses, it may increase significantly.
Bthere are also rumors in the community about cases of misuse of funds allocated for the project.
Main road specifications
Now let's look at the main technical characteristics of the track, which provides for the new scheme of the Central Ring Road in 2014.
The total length of the track should be 529.9 km. The number of lanes will vary from 3 to 8. In addition, it is planned to build a separation barrier. On normal sections of the route, the maximum allowable speed will be 80 km / h, and on high-speed sections - 140 km / h. But you will have to pay money to pass the last motorists.
Construction sites
Into what sections will the construction of the Central Ring Road be divided? The scheme of 2014 will allow us to answer this question in detail.

The construction implementation project assumes the presence of five start-up complexes. The first one will be divided into two sections of the Central Ring Road (scheme 2014). Section 1 will have a length of 49.5 km. Its beginning is supposed to be within the boundaries of the Domodedovo urban district of Moscow, and the end - in the Narofominsk district of the Moscow region. The section will also run through the Podolsky district of the Moscow region and the Trinity district of the capital. It will be crossed by such motorways as M-4 Don, M-2 Krym, A-110 Kaluzhskoye Highway and A-107 MMK.
The second section of the Central Ring Road will start at the junction with the fifth start-up complex and stretch to the second start-up complex at the intersection with the Minsk highway. In addition, it will cross the Kiev highway. Its length will be 68.5 km. It will run through the Narofominsk district of the Moscow region and the Troitsky district of the capital.
The total length of the first start-up complex will be 118 km, and, according to the original plan, its construction should be completed by the end of 2016.
Second Launch Complex
The second start-up complex will start from the final point of the first one at the intersection with the Minsk highway and will continue to the Moscow Big Ring and the village of Tuchkovo on the Central Ring Road (diagram 2014). The Ruza district, which includes this settlement, will thus also be included in the system of this highway. The route at the second start-up complex will intersect with Volokolamskoye and Leningradskoye highways. Its total dyne will be 100 km.

The construction of this start-up complex will begin later than all the others (in 2018), and the date of its final completion has not yet been precisely determined.
Information about the third launch complex
The length of the third section of the Central Ring Road will be 105.3 kilometers. It will be located between the fifth and fourth launch complexes. It will join the latter at the junction with the Gorky Highway. In addition, the route of this complex will intersect with the Yaroslavl and Dmitrovsky highways. It will pass completely through the territory of the Moscow region, without crossing the city of Moscow.
The construction of this section of the Central Ring Road is planned to begin in 2016 and be completed in 2018, but both dates can be shifted upwards.
Data on the fourth launch complex
Fourth launcherthe complex will lie between the first and third. Its beginning will be located at the intersection with the Gorky Highway, and the end will be at the Kashirskoye Highway, where it will join the first launch complex. In addition, this section will have an intersection with the Ryazan highway.

The total length of the route of the fourth launch complex will be 63.6 km. Like the third, this section of the road will pass entirely through the territory of the Moscow region.
The construction period of this part of the Central Ring Road is scheduled for 2016-2018
Starting complex of the Central Ring Road No. 5
The fifth launch complex is the shortest. Its length will be only 76.0 km. It starts from the junction with the first and adjoins the third section, intersecting with the Kyiv, Minsk, Volokolamsk and Leningrad highways, and closes the Central Ring Road (2014 scheme). The Istra district is the last administrative formation along which the route of this complex passes.
The fifth start-up complex of the motorway has the longest length of the non-speed free section. It is also necessary to point out one more feature of this section of the Central Ring Road (scheme 2014). Zvenigorod, through which it passes, is one of the few settlements that lie directly on the path of the highway. She leaves most other settlements aside.
The construction of this section was planned to begin in 2015 and be completed in 2018. But, due to the shift in deadlines, work will begin only in February 2016.

Thus, the implementation of the Central Ring Road project will significantly unload the highways of Moscow, as well as other bypass roads of the capital, which will significantly reduce the number of traffic jams, increase the speed of transport and help reduce the level of wear and tear of the roadway.
It is also planned to introduce a fare on the high-speed sections of the Central Ring Road. This helps to attract private investors to the project, and will also serve as an additional source of budget replenishment in the future.
But if it was originally planned to complete the construction of the highway by 2018, now these terms have been revised towards a significant increase. At the moment, the planned completion of all work is indicated by a date no earlier than 2022-2025. However, the ring part of the Central Ring Road is still planned to be put into operation before 2018. After that, the construction of the second launch complex will continue until it connects with the Moscow Big Ring, as well as the expansion of traffic lanes on the already operated sections of the Central Ring Road.
Most motorists in Moscow and the region look to the future with hope and expect the results of this project.