You can argue as much as you want about the value of obscenity, but swearing exists, is widely used and will not go anywhere, even if you try to ban it. The boundaries of what is acceptable are constantly changing, and now a veiled obscenity is coming to the fore as a way to swear hard and at the same time maintain the reputation of a decent person. There is a kind of ingenuous craftiness in this, but in itself this interesting phenomenon deserves attention.

Swearing as an integral part of the language
H. G. Wells has a story in which a linguistics professor rehabilitates obscene language as a way to bloodlessly shed aggression. It is worth recognizing that the ability to express your emotions expressively really helps not to accumulate tension, not to dwell on the negative. Of course, in society there are rules fixed by the traditions of the concept of decency, but at the same time people do not stop cursing. Even a veiled swearing makes you feel better.
Oddly enough, you also need to be able to swear. If swearing slips into speech exclusively in the role of parasitic words, this impoverishes the language and creates the impression of a narrow-minded person. At the same time, the obscene equivalent of quite acceptable and censorship concepts allows figuratively and convexly to depict the entire depth of emotional coloring.

How does a veiled mate help?
First of all, foul language can cause discomfort even to the speaker himself. This is a completely understandable duality: the situation requires you to express your attitude directly, but at the same time you don’t want to lose the title of a decent person. All kinds of euphemisms make it possible to express themselves, while hiding behind the conditional framework of decency. In network communication, all kinds of substitutes for several letters in well-known words can be used for this. At the same time, everyone knows what the person meant, but formally he has nothing to present.
The veiled swearing does not lose its reprehensibility, it equally expresses expression and emotional intensity, but the tone of this intensity can be both negative and positive. As one humorist said, only a Russian person is capable of enthusiastically cursing a moonlit path on the water. Just in awe that it's so beautiful.

Creative swearing
Few people purposefully and specifically think about how to disguise a checkmate - most often it comes from somewherefrom the outside. Heard somewhere, successfully applied, and a few repetitions gives rise to a habit. One of the oldest and most common examples is the "Damn!" exclamation. The traditional Russian flour dish has absolutely nothing to do with it. In this case, "damn" is a euphemism that replaces the obscene name for a fallen woman.
Examples of veiled obscenities can be found in abundance in Russian cinema. "Yeshkin cat", "elkin drin", "your mouse", "I wave yours into porridge", "chewed mole" and an incredible number of other expressions are based on a general consonance with obscene expressions, which does not have to be obvious.
It is worth noting that not only the Russian language is rich in very intricate curses, covered with a thin veil of decency. Each dialect has its own ways to speak effectively, while slipping over the edge of propriety.