Amorpha shrub plant and its use in medicine

Amorpha shrub plant and its use in medicine
Amorpha shrub plant and its use in medicine

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Amorpha shrub - a plant that has primarily analgesic and sedative effects. Amorpha (Amorpha fruticosa) is a perennial shrub reaching a height of 2 meters, rarely a plant grows up to 6 meters high). Belongs to the legume family, has been widely used in medicine.

shrub amorpha
shrub amorpha

This deciduous shrub has pinnate leaves reaching a length of 30 cm and consisting of small elongated leaves. Branches and shoots are green, hairy-pubescent, after wintering they become brown. Shrub amorpha, when rubbed with fingers, exudes a specific pronounced smell of essential oils. The flowers of the shrub are quite small, are in long and dense racemose inflorescences and have a dark purple color. All stamens in the flower are fused, stern of one. The fruit has the shape of an elongated bean up to 9 cm in size, inside which there are seeds, usually one or two.

Amorpha shrub blooms quite profusely from May to June, and the fruits of the plant ripen closer to September annually. Flowershoney-bearing and very well pollinated by bees.

shrub amorpha
shrub amorpha

Amorphous living conditions

This plant of the legume family is drought-resistant and photophilous, not very fastidious. It grows calmly in dry soils and very easily tolerates almost any adverse environment (dust, heat, air pollution). Frosts also do not have a strong negative effect on the shrub, it is able to withstand temperatures down to -20 degrees. There is a need for sanitary pruning of the plant and haircuts.

In the wild, amorphous shrub grows in North America (Canada, almost the entire territory of the USA). Cultivated amorph grows in Western Europe, Ukraine (in its southern regions) and Russia. If you correctly limit the root growth, then you can use the amorphous as a border, fence or hedge. With the help of the plant, ravines and steep slopes are also strengthened, it is often planted along highways and railways. Planted in parks and recreation areas in order to decorate the landscape. With insufficient care, the plant runs wild and can become dangerous invasive (as, for example, in the USA).

application in medicine
application in medicine

Healing properties of amorpha and its use in medicine

The seeds of the plant contain the substance amorphine, which has a calming effect. In addition, it has neurotropic and cardiotonic properties, can prevent convulsions caused by strychnine and camphor. Seeds also have a positive effect on the human central nervous system. based on amorphousshrub created the drug "Fruticin" (Fruticinum) - a sedative used for neurosis of the cardiovascular and autonomic systems, as well as for paroxysmal tachycardia.

Amorpha shrub in folk medicine

Despite the fact that there are many recipes, using the plant for self-treatment is extremely careful, since in case of an overdose, the effect on the heart can be negative. In folk medicine, leaves, seeds and young branches of a shrub are used for neuroses, vegetovascular dystonia, sometimes for epilepsy and spasmophilia. However, before you start using amorpha, you should consult your doctor.
