The capybara animal is the largest rodent. Description, photo

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The capybara animal is the largest rodent. Description, photo
The capybara animal is the largest rodent. Description, photo

Video: The capybara animal is the largest rodent. Description, photo

Video: The capybara animal is the largest rodent. Description, photo
Video: Capybaras, the Largest and ‘Chillest’ Rodents in the World 2025, January

The capybara animal, or as this animal is also called, the capybara, is a herbivorous mammal that leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Outwardly, capybaras resemble guinea pigs, but are much larger in size.

animal capybara
animal capybara


The Capybara is the largest rodent living on the planet today. An adult beast reaches the size of a large dog. The capybara reaches 60 cm at the withers, and its body can be from 100 to 135 cm in length. The weight of adult males ranges from 30 to 63 kg, and females - from 36 to 67 kg. The largest capybara weighed 70 kg.

The animals are large and look plump. Outwardly, they resemble a guinea pig. The head is massive, ears and eyes are small. The legs are short, while the front legs are longer than the hind legs. On the front paws there are four fingers with swimming membranes, on the back - 3.

capybara photo
capybara photo

The capybara's coat is tough, a bit like a beaver skin. The hairs are brown, 3 to 12 cm long. The tail is short. Capybaras were also described by Gerald Durrell, who indicated that the animals are phlegmatic and good-natured.


Capybara lives in tropical and temperate forestsCentral and South America. This cute animal is called capybara for a reason. For normal life, they simply need water bodies. Animals settle along the banks of rivers, lakes, ponds. They can be found in the Amazon, Orinoco and La Plata basins.

capybara rodent
capybara rodent


Capybaras cannot live far from water. During the drought period, they flock to the shores of large reservoirs in hundreds, during the rainy season they disperse over the area. Animals can travel considerable distances in search of food and water.

Capybaras don't just live on the banks. They do well in a river or lake and are excellent swimmers. Their eyes and nostrils are positioned so that liquid does not enter them. And if the capybara notices danger, it can simply dive and hide in the water. The animal does not hold its breath, its nostrils remain on the surface.

The capybara can also protect itself from predators with the help of its powerful large incisors. Capybaras are hunted by both aquatic and terrestrial predators - jaguars, ocelots, wild dogs, anacondas, caimans, crocodiles. Small pigs should also be wary of large birds of prey.

capybara inhabits
capybara inhabits


What does a capybara eat? The mammal is a herbivore and eats a variety of plant foods. Animals scour the shallow water, looking for delicious herbs growing on the shore. Since the ears, nostrils and eyes are located at the top of the head, the capybara can wander through shallow water, almost completely submerged. Notice a group of grazing animals from the shorealmost impossible due to the short grass.

Capybara is a rodent that leads a predominantly diurnal lifestyle. Animals feed in the morning, evening or at night. On a hot afternoon they rest. However, if the animals are often disturbed by people and terrorized by predators, they can become completely nocturnal.

The capybara animal feeds on grass, aquatic plants, tubers, vegetables and various fruits. The rodent cuts plants with its incisors, and chews with the help of molars. Capybara teeth are large and yellow. They grow throughout life.

capybara mammal
capybara mammal

Social Connections

Capybaras live in large families of 10-20 adults. During a drought, they can gather on the banks of large water bodies in large groups of more than a hundred individuals. A capybara family is headed by a dominant male and several females, as well as cubs and subordinate males. It happens that a high-ranking male expels male competitors, and they are forced to live alone. Capybaras actively communicate with each other using various sounds reminiscent of barking, clicking, whistling.

capybara teeth
capybara teeth


A capybara animal becomes sexually mature at 15-18 months. Mammals can mate throughout the year, but the breeding season usually occurs at the beginning of the rainy season. Pregnancy of the female proceeds quickly. Babies are born after 150 days. A female can give birth to up to 8 cubs.

Babies weigh about 1.5 kg. They are born independent, covered with wool. Their eyes are already open, teetherupted. Small capybaras feed on mother's milk for another 3-4 months, after which they begin to feed on their own. Usually the female brings one litter, but in good conditions she can give birth 2-3 times a year.

animal capybara
animal capybara


The capybara animal is bred on farms in Venezuela. Their meat is used as food and tastes like pork. The application is also found in the skin of animals, and their subcutaneous fat is used in pharmaceuticals.

Because capybaras live in wetlands, their breeding is seasonal. In the rainy season, they disperse over a vast territory and breed, and in the dry season they gather in a limited area, where part of the herd is selected for slaughter.

capybara photo
capybara photo


Recently, such an animal as the capybara has become popular. Photos of these cute animals are spreading across the network. Many dream of having such a charming pet. And this is quite possible if you live in a tropical climate.

Capybara, whose photo cannot leave you indifferent, can really become a great companion. The animals are completely non-aggressive, affectionate, trusting, quickly become attached to a person and are capable of learning. Some gifted individuals can be taught various tricks and commands.

Capital pigs are clean. They can be walked on a leash like dogs. In captivity, animals can live up to 12 years. Capybaras need a large enclosure with a pond. A shade is required in which the animal can hide from the sun. Feed capybarasrodent pellets, hay, aquatic plants, grass, vegetables. They also need branches from shrubs and trees to grind their teeth on.

capybara rodent
capybara rodent

Interesting facts

Here are some interesting facts about Capybara.

  1. Capybara is the only species in the Hydrochoeridae family. However, some scientists distinguish a separate dwarf species of mammals, significantly inferior in size to ordinary capybaras.
  2. The capybara is recognized as the world's largest living rodent. But the distant ancestors of rodents were the size of a modern bear.
  3. In the language of the Guarani Indians, the animals are called kapiyuwa, which means "master of herbs".
  4. During the time of the conquistadors, the Pope declared that capybaras are fish, as they spend most of their time in the water. This decree allowed the consumption of rodent meat even during fasting.
  5. In many countries, capybaras are hunted, as they are considered to be harmful to agriculture. In fact, rodents feed mainly on aquatic and marsh plants.

Capybaras are peaceful and friendly mammals with good looks and interesting behavior. Thanks to their sociability and good nature, they can become pets.