Biblion (Greek) – book, teka (Greek) – storage. Library - what is it? A room for storing books, manuscripts, information on digital media for private or public use.

The ancient East is considered the birthplace of the first libraries. In the Babylonian city temple of Nippur, a collection of clay tablets dating back to 2500 BC was discovered. e. A box of papyri was found in a tomb near Thebes. In the era of Ramesses, under the New Kingdom, there were 20 thousand papyri. Tablets of the Assyrian king are considered the most famous ancient oriental library in Nineveh.
The Library of Alexandria is considered to be the center of the ancient collection of books and papyri. It was part of the training complex, which included rooms for sleeping, study rooms, reading rooms, and eating. Created by Ptolemy. It included 200 thousand copies for reading and 700 thousand documents for the school. Destroyed by fire in 270 AD. e.
All ancient bookstores were kept at temples. As in the Middle Ages, libraries were only attached to monasteries. There, in special dry cellars, sacred scriptures andwritings of the great Fathers of the Church. It was also necessary to copy ancient manuscripts, Latin and Greek texts that fell into the hands of the monks. The value of books was so high that they were even chained to walls and shelves to avoid theft.
Printing was developed with the invention of the printing press, and it was a new era in the history of libraries. The availability of information, the reasonable cost of scientific and fiction literature have influenced the development of culture, education and self-awareness of all mankind.

Types of libraries
- State.
- Municipal.
- Private.
- Budget.
- Private.
- Educational.
Social Species:
- Public.
- Baby.
- University.
- Industry: medical, technical, agricultural.
- For the blind.
- Youthful.
- Academic.
National Library what is it? Repository of the entire press of the country. Official publishing houses are obliged to provide the archive with several copies of their products. Not only books, but also memos, newspapers, magazines.

Serving the reader and providing literature for reading or further education. There are two forms of customer interaction:
- Giving a printed publication to your hands (home) for a certain period.
- Providing the opportunity to read the book in the reading roomhall.
More demanded material is in the public domain, and the visitor himself can choose without the help of a librarian. The rest of the literature is in the book depository and is issued upon request. Copies of especially rare editions that are damaged or contain state secrets require special permission.
Mobile library what is it? A bookstore on wheels? In remote places, where the local archive is scarce or non-existent, a bus with popular literature leaves. This is a classic for schoolchildren or modern novels. Has the function to accept orders from readers.
"If as a result of a global catastrophe nothing remains on Earth but libraries, then a person will be able to be reborn," wrote D. Likhachev.
Library. What are the types of libraries
The main differences between libraries are the volume of the fund (number of books), purpose, budget and national significance. The qualification of personnel, the quality of storage and the ability to serve the population to the fullest depend on financing. As well as innovation in obtaining information.
In order to serve readers more effectively, the library system uses catalogs. These are cards that are information units. Listed alphabetically by author, with book title, summary, and year of release.
Currently there are two types of filing cabinets: manual use and on electronic media. An electronic filing cabinet is more efficient, it allows you to quickly find the information you need, it is durable anddoes not take up much space in the computer. But not every library has the opportunity to purchase computer equipment due to low funding.

Children's libraries
What is a children's library? The storage fund includes books for the youngest readers, as well as literature recommended for school and extracurricular reading. These are classic and modern stories and stories about children, animals, fairy tales to develop the imagination.
What is a school library and how is it different from a children's library? The difference is primarily in funding. If children's book depositories are city institutions and receive money for development from the state, then the school library fund is formed at the expense of the school budget. In addition to art and educational books, they contain methodological literature for teachers.

Electronic Library
What is an electronic library? These are documents (books, magazines, newspapers) in digital format, which are arranged in an ordered collection. It is equipped with search and navigation functions. This could be a website that regularly adds texts, both artistic and scientific. The fund may include media files that are self-sufficient in themselves and are in demand by users.
What is an online library (or electronic) and the main benefits:
- maximum available information;
- preservation of national heritage;
- high efficiency for learning,self-study, work.
The first digital library projects appeared in the early 90s. There is practically no state support and funding. But successful and popular projects are supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Humanitarian Science Foundation.
The popularity of online libraries is growing every day, today there are more than a thousand sites selling, exchanging or simply providing information.

Modern library
In this age of electronic technology, the modern user needs to effectively provide information. The Russian modern library is currently at the stage of development. Although the model has already been developed, there are difficulties in the field of implementation. Funding is mostly.
Project "Model Library" - what is it? This is a model of a modern repository of information for public use. The standard was approved at the sixth annual conference of the Russian Library Association in May 2001. Purpose: to provide the user with any requested information. The first experience was made in rural libraries of the Pskov region.
Methods of service: prints, video and audio recordings, drawings, programs. Transfer in person or online. Objectives: to improve the quality of life of urban and rural residents, the development of new, modern intellectual needs, facilitating adaptation to the accelerating pace of life, assistance in finding a job or additional employment,fighting low living, gaining knowledge.
Conditions for creating modern libraries are possible under:
- creative staff;
- support for local governments;
- availability of premises and equipment;
- developed infrastructure.
What is a modern library? This concept has a wide meaning. First of all, the desire to meet the standard of highly developed countries. To work effectively, you need to restructure all activities. Automate information processing, provide resources on electronic media.

Basic requirements for a modern library
The main requirements include maximum accessibility for the population. Within a radius of 3 kilometers (or 20 minutes on foot) there must be a library or branch. It should also be located conveniently for users, at a pedestrian crossing or near a public transport stop.
The room of the library must be separate, the temperature and climate (humidity) regimes must be observed in the storage. Area not less than 80-110 sq. m. A complete set of equipment: tables, chairs, racks, technical equipment. Fire protection - at least 1 fire extinguisher per 40-50 sq. m floor, in each room. As well as a fire alarm.