Libraries seem to lose their importance nowadays. You can easily find any information you are interested in on the Internet in a split second. The text can be immediately copied, pasted, edited according to your desire and needs. And also - to share with friends, discuss with people located anywhere in the world. Why visit the library, where you have to spend quite a lot of time looking for what you need, writing it out, processing information?
Pros of working in a library
There are several reasons to go to the nearest library as soon as possible. First, there is the possibility that not all books or periodicals have been scanned and posted online. Secondly, work with books is search, research. Thus, everything you find will be somewhat more valuable than if you found it on the Internet, because it will be remembered better, you will delve into the essence of what you write about. In addition, thisquite interesting in the presence of a large amount of free time, and develops useful skills. Another plus is that many more or less modern libraries have computers with network or wireless access, so the old-fashioned argument is dismissed.
Another library is a place where you can really devote yourself to your work. Imagine that you are preparing for an important report while sitting at home with a laptop. You are either distracted by annoying advertisements, or a new message looms, or someone every minute calls for help or pesters with questions. This is not in the library. Peace, silence, the sound of the phone is off, only the rustle of books or whispers. Are you considered a weirdo for disappearing into the library? But in vain. They are still popular among the reading population. Here you can meet people who may be investigating the same problems as you - and these are new ideas, mutual assistance in work. So it makes sense to visit this institution! Moreover, there is a lot of interesting things going on here.

Library holidays
Librarian is an interesting and even noble profession: a real feat is to dedicate oneself to the cause for such a salary. Be that as it may, being a book keeper is quite difficult and painstaking.
The day of the librarian and libraries was created in order to draw attention to the problem of the decreasing popularity of libraries and the work of their employees. It is celebrated on May 27th. This is an occasion to look into the book storage, because events and interesting exhibitions are held. What can be inferred from thisabout? It depends on what the library is. For example, a small village may hold a small concert with the participation of regular readers. A reputable institution can afford a larger event, such as a lottery among active visitors.
On this day, you can put the librarian in the spotlight and devote the holiday to his work. If it's a small group, host a themed party. “Yes, we have such a theme party at work every day,” you say. This is where stereotypes come in. There are two ways: either exaggerate them, or "break the pattern." If you decide to go the first way, then find somewhere a lamp with a lampshade, a round table, wrap yourself in shawls, put on glasses and drink tea with the whole team (the table, you know, should be quite modest: tea, coffee, sweets or cookies). For entertainment - charades, riddles, intellectual games. You can give everyone a task in advance: to come up with a story from the “stormy” library youth (do not limit yourself in choosing an era). The second way: to show that representatives of such a profession as a librarian can have fun, and how! Therefore, the team go to a concert, to a club, an extreme amusement park. For visitors, you can arrange an exhibition combined with a mini-presentation of the talents of employees. The more unusual the chip, the more interesting. The holidays don't end there.

Celebration ideas: anniversary and beyond
For example, World Book and Copyright Day falls on the twenty-thirdApril. On this day, of course, thematic exhibitions in libraries will be ideal. It is also appropriate to work with children: they can be asked to talk about their favorite books, writers, draw heroes of works. For some, this may be the occasion for a writing debut. Therefore, there is a lot of material for decorating a festive wall newspaper. You can also carry out field work, for example, in schools. Usually they arrange quizzes, tell interesting facts and teach how to handle a book. In preparation for the event, you can take to the streets, asking adult passers-by tricky questions from the field of literature.
And, of course, each library has its own personal holiday - anniversary. How to mark it? You can use the same ideas as for any library holiday. But it is customary for us to celebrate anniversaries on a grand scale. Below are the developments of scenarios.

Library Anniversary: Screenplay. Mission Possible
First, understand what kind of holiday you need. It depends both on the contingent and on the date. If the figure is solid enough, then the anniversary of the library should be the same. The scenario can be built on the history of the institution. If this is a gala evening, then look for photographs that tell about the life of the library at different times. You can make a slideshow of them. Probably, in every library there is such an album, like a book of complaints and suggestions. There are no negative reviews, but there are certainly wishes written by the grandparents of current readers, their notes, children's drawings. This could be the basis of the eveningmemories.
If you have a large enough amount, hire an agency to develop a short film about the book depository. If your own direct hands allow - please! This material can be shown at the beginning of the gala evening. Then announce the chronicle of the life of the library. Starting from the year of foundation and naming subsequent anniversary years (or those when something significant happened in the library and the world), briefly tell what time people went through, and at the end - what happened to the library. Perhaps there was nothing special. Play it up by celebrating the anniversary of the library. Build the script on the fact that it is indestructible, it is the guarantor of knowledge, wisdom and stability. So the story is told, what's next?
Next, give the floor to the guests of honor (they will be discussed below). Then you can hold a solemn rewarding of employees, the same guests and readers. If the chosen format allows, be sure to use amateur performances: skits, songs, dances, performances by children's ensembles, presentations of the work of folk artists. Don't let things take their course: alternate long speeches from guests with numbers. So the audience will not lose interest in what is happening. Dedicate the next block to the present library: present achievements. Most libraries have circles and various associations. Give the floor to their members. In the final part, you can look to the future: talk about plans or innovations. Ending the holiday with a book giveaway is a great idea.

Young Book Depository
If the library is relatively young, then in the presentation film, focus on the present. Make changes to the chronicle as well. Let the history of the library be compared with the life path of a person. If long evenings with speeches and speeches are not to your liking, then transfer the library anniversary to the virtual space or supplement the range of possible events in this way. On the website or in groups on social networks, announce, for example, a flash mob. It can be a photo with your favorite book, in the library, and so on. The best photos should be noted as book gifts, of course. If you want to celebrate the anniversary of the library on a larger scale, break the script for the whole week. During this time, hold events for the anniversary of the library and exhibitions of books and photographs. Give each day a separate topic. It can be the history of the library, and the stories of readers, and facts about books, about reading generations, about talents, about circles, about plans …

The village library is a hotbed of culture
If there are no cultural centers and major events in your locality, then the anniversary of the library is the best time to remember its services to the village. Write the script for the anniversary of the rural library under the slogan "So many years for the center of culture." Then you can proceed as in the paragraph above. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of this institution in rural areas. Perhaps a magnificent celebration will not be entirely appropriate, but it’s still worth talking about the achievements. Organize a play or concertamateur art. Since rural institutions often receive little money from the budget, the anniversary of the library is an excellent opportunity to find sponsors. Moreover, they can help not only with money: books, materials, repairs, and so on. When writing a script for the anniversary of a rural library, you can focus on the progressiveness of this institution, on the popularity of reading.

Children's Book Holiday
Here you can give a flight of fancy and write a fabulous script. The anniversary of the children's library is always celebrated quite widely, as children read a lot and often go to the library. Option one: a journey into the depths of centuries. In the script, start from the idea of telling about the history of the library in general. Where were the first ones, what did they look like, what has been preserved to our times. And so travel from antiquity to our time. And just approaching the present, start talking about the hero of the occasion. In advance, you can ask the children how they see the library of the future. The script for celebrating the anniversary of the library for children should be as interactive as possible: use video and music, computer games. As many children's performances and games as possible is what you need. You can arrange a holiday with your favorite book characters.
Library Anniversary Events
Congratulations on the anniversary of the library can be done not only in the form of a concert. It can be both drawings and quests. By the way, treat the latter with attention. Hide notes with hints in a certain area. Organize an action: at each housethere are unnecessary books, so let them be useful in the library! You can also arrange an exhibition.

Why organize an exhibition?
If regular exhibitions in libraries do not cause much attention, then anniversary exhibitions should correct this. Each librarian is a creative person, so special attention should be paid to design. Let them be books on a certain topic. Give the booth a catchy title. Graphic design should match the theme. Arrange the books not randomly, but so that the composition is respected. Pay close attention to illustrations. What other exhibitions to hold? This is the work of citizens or fellow villagers, and what is associated with various clubs and circles. By the way, you can invite to meetings with writers - then make the topic appropriate. Try to cooperate with some publishing house and exhibit its books.
How to congratulate the hero of the day?
Congratulations on the library's anniversary are warm words, full of hope and confidence that it is needed and will be needed for another hundred years. What does the library want? Honored guests often present something really necessary. So, you can congratulate the library in different ways… Books. New books are always welcome. Ideas. Help in organizing events, especially material, is welcome. Condition improvement. Of course, this is not a renovation and not a new building, but still. But by far the best gift for a library every day is people's love for a book.