Hugo Reyes is one of the central characters of the American series Lost. Also known as Hurley. Hugo is played by Jorge Garcia. The character was played as a child by Caden Waidyataillika. Hurley appears in 107 episodes. At the time the series ended, his age was 32.
The life of a hero before entering the island
Reyes lives in Santa Monica. From an early age, he suffers from obesity caused by stress due to the departure of his father from the family. In adulthood, Hurley went out onto the balcony, where there were 23 people. The structure collapsed, resulting in two deaths. After that, the hero ended up in a mental hospital.
After leaving the clinic, Hugo Reyes decides to try his luck in the lottery and wins $ 158 million. Then the character begins to pursue a series of troubles꞉ the house he gave his mother burned down, Carmen herself broke her leg, Hurley ends up with the police instead of a real drug dealer, and a meteorite falls on the diner he bought. Soon the hero learns that the cause of all events is not the cursed money, but the numbers that were winning.

Following events
In September, Hugo Reyes gets on a plane to get to Los Angeles. The flight ended in a crash. Hurley was one of the characters who helped the survivors get out of the plane. Among the new acquaintances, Reyes discovers Danielle Rousseau, a Frenchwoman who fell victim to the same numerical combination as he. At the end of the first season, the main characters find the bunker. There they found a small supply of food.
Soon, the character again begins to see the fictional friend Dave, whom he created back in the clinic. He claims that Hurley is in the same mental hospital in a coma. In order to return to reality, Hugo must jump off a cliff. Libby saves the hero from this act. She also manages to convince Hurley of the reality of the crash and the rest of the recent events. The second season ends with Hugo's courageous act, thanks to which he managed to save the lives of pregnant women. During the attack of the Others on the survivors, Hurley hijacked a minibus, with which he stopped the invasion and ran over one of the aliens.

Return home and back to the island
Being one of the Oceanic Six, Hugo Reyes flies to Hawaii. Upon arrival, he is met by his mother and father. Some time later, Hurley gets behind the wheel of a car that he repaired with his dad a long time ago. On the odometer, Hugo notices the same combination of numbers that leads the hero to a nervous breakdown.
Hurley sees Charlie's ghost. The character then becomes a hospital patient again. Santa Rosa. Here he is constantly visited by Jack. Hugo tells him about Charlie's ghost asking to return to the island. Three years later, Hurley escapes from the hospital. In order not to get to the island, the hero tells the police that he killed four people. He ends up in prison, however, Ben Linus, using his connections, frees Hurley. The character then met with the island's protector, Jacob, who told him that he should board the plane. Reyes, in an attempt to prevent this, buys all the tickets for the flight. But this did not help, as a result of which previously familiar characters, including Kate, Jack and Hugo Reyes, get back to the island.

Actor Jorge Garcia
The American was born in 1973 on April 28 in Omaha. He first became interested in theatrical art during his college days, while the most interesting for Garcia were comedic roles. Upon graduation, Jorge honed his acting skills in one of the studios in Beverly Hills. The artist can be seen in the films "How I Met Your Mother", "Mr. Sunshine", "Fringe", "Alcatraz" and others.
By the start of filming the first season of Lost, the performer of the role of Hugo Reyes lost 15 kg. In addition to cinema, Jorge also plays in theatrical performances. The most famous production with his participation among the residents of Los Angeles is the comedy "Fun Factory".