Bitter is an edible mushroom or not?

Bitter is an edible mushroom or not?
Bitter is an edible mushroom or not?

Bitter is a fungus belonging to the genus Lactarius, Russula family (Russulaceae). It occurs both in large groups and singly. It has several Latin names (Lactarius rufus, Agaricus rufus, Lactifluus rubescens, Lactarius rubescens), and even more Russian ones used by the people (bitter mushroom, putik, bitter gourd, red bitter gourd, goryanka).

bitter mushroom photo
bitter mushroom photo

Its hat rarely exceeds 18 cm in diameter. It is bell-shaped in a young mushroom, but becomes flat with time. The old mushroom is well recognizable by the cone-shaped impression in the central part. The color of the cap is reddish-brown, does not change with time. The fungus has a smooth skin with slight pubescence. The photographs presented in the article demonstrate the thinness of the edges of the cap.

The stem of the mushroom has a cylindrical shape, its length does not exceed 7 cm, the thickness at the base is about 2 cm. Sometimes it has a grayish fluff, slightly brightening its reddish color. The young specimen does not have cavities, unlike the old one. The flesh of the leg is light at the base, closer to the cap it acquires a characteristic brownish color.

It has a peppery taste and a peculiar delicate aroma of bitter gourd. The mushroom has a densepulp. When broken, a white thickish liquid is released that does not oxidize in air. The plates in which spores are formed are located under the hat. They are narrow, descending along the stem. Their color may be whitish or reddish. Spores are oval in shape, reticulate in structure.

bitter mushroom
bitter mushroom

Bitter is a mushroom that grows only in pine forests, coniferous forests or birch groves. Of the entire genus of lactifers, it is the most common. Fruiting is annual, despite the weather conditions. These fungi prefer swampy, moist soils. Rarely are worms. Inexperienced mushroom pickers are unlikely to be able to distinguish them from similar serushki, brown lactic, rubella, smooth.

Interesting fact: the fruiting body of this fungus contains a substance that stops the development of Staphylococcus aureus, as well as a number of intestinal pathogenic bacteria.

In the West bitterness is not eaten. However, in our country it is believed that the bitter is an edible mushroom. But such a statement is conditional. Like many other representatives of this kingdom, the bitter is capable of accumulating radioactive elements, in particular cesium. This fact should be taken into account when choosing a collection site. Before use, mushrooms must be soaked, removing the characteristic bitterness that gave them their name.

edible mushroom
edible mushroom

Bitter is a mushroom that requires soaking for at least three days with a daily double water change. It should be boiled over low heat in s alted water for 30 minutes, removing the resulting scale. After recline in a colander. Bankssterilize, pour peppercorns, s alt and dill on the bottom. Spread the mushrooms in layers, adding chopped garlic and bay leaf and sprinkling with s alt. At the end, pour in vegetable oil, tighten the lid and put it on s alting in a cool place. You can use the product after 50 days. The ratio of ingredients per 1 kg of mushrooms: 5 tbsp. l. s alt, a few bay leaves, dill to taste, 5 cloves of garlic, 50 ml of vegetable oil.
