The population of Angola in 2015 was 19 million 625 thousand people, which puts it in 59th place in the world ranking. The data of international organizations are fundamentally different from the results of the official 2014 census, according to which 25 million 800 thousand people lived in Angola. The number of inhabitants of Angola is growing steadily, as the birth rate in 2015 was 38.78%, which puts the country in 9th place in the world in terms of population growth. The death rate was at 11.49%, which put the country in 29th place in the world in terms of the number of deaths. The rate of natural population growth is 2.78% per year, which puts the country in 16th place in the world in terms of the number of citizens replenishing the population annually. At the same time, many are wondering what type of population reproduction is typical for the country of Angola.

For the country of Angola, natural population growth is ensureda high birth rate with a fairly high mortality rate. The potential birth rate in 2015 was 5.37 children per woman. The level of contraceptive use according to the latest polls in 2009 was 17.7%. The average age of a mother at the birth of her first child in the same year was 18 years. The country is characterized by a type of population reproduction, when a high mortality rate is offset by an active birth rate, which is why the population of Angola is increasing.
Age structure

The average age of the population of Angola is 18.2 years, which pits the country to 214th place in the world and makes the Angolans one of the youngest nations. The average age of men in Angola is 3 months younger than women. This is due to the higher mortality rate among the male population. Life expectancy was 55.63 years, one of the lowest in the world.
The population of Angola is divided into different age groups, as of 2015 they are as follows:
- children under 14 - 42.95%;
- youth aged 15-24 - 20.65%;
- adults aged 25-54 - 29.46%;
- older people (55-64 years old) - 3.98%;
- the elderly (65 years and older) - 2.96%. Statistics show that only a small part of the population does not live past the age of 55.
Family in Angola

Middle age,when men enter into their first marriage, it is 24.7 years, women - 21.4 years. The median is 23.1 years. Statistics were last calculated in 2001.
Resettlement, migration and urbanization processes

The density in which the population of Angola lives in 2015 was 20.1 person/km2, which is much less than most highly developed countries. This points to the fact that most of the population lives in rural areas. A significant part of the population of Angola lives in tribes, in wild conditions, which significantly affects the development of the state. Angola's low population density is seen in rural areas, with slums growing in cities due to a lack of housing space.
Angola is a country with a medium level of urbanization. According to the latest data, 44% of the country's population lives in cities. At the same time, in Angola, there is an active growth rate of the urban population - 4.97%. Statistics were collected between 2010 and 2015.
Main cities of the state:
- Luanda is the capital with a population of 5 million 506 thousand people;
- Huambo is a large industrial center with a population of 1 million 269 thousand people.
Migration processes

The annual immigration rate in 2015 was 0.46%, ranking the country 71st in the world. This indicator does not take into account the difference between legal and illegal migrants, refugees, labor migrants and others.
Angolais a member of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Refugees and IDPs
As of 2015, there are 12,900 refugees permanently in the country from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where in recent years the inhabitants of this country have replenished the population of Angola due to repression by the dictatorial regime and hunger.
Ethnic and linguistic composition

Main ethnic groups of the country:
- Ovimbundu - 37%;
- Kimbundu people - 25%;
- ethnos Bakongo - 13%;
- representatives of the population of mixed origin from Europeans and Africans - 2%;
- Europeans - 1%;
- others - 22% of the population.
Most of the population of Angola speaks Portuguese. Also, dialects of indigenous peoples are actively used in the country, of which there are more than a dozen on the territory of Angola. Portuguese is more actively used in the cities, when the rural people use ethnic languages more. The rich ethnic and linguistic composition provides unique features of the life of the population of Angola.
Main religions and beliefs professed, as well as church organizations, to which the population of the country considers itself:
- Catholics - 41.1%;
- Protestants - 38.1%;
- others - 8.6%.
Atheists make up 12.3% of the population.
The literacy rate in 2015 was 71.1% of the adult population, namely among persons agedover 15 years old. Literate 82% - men and 60.7% women. Many members of the weaker sex do not even receive a basic education, as they are constantly engaged in domestic life, without access to educational institutions in rural areas. Government spending on education is 3.4% of the country's GDP, which is quite high for Africa. On average, residents of the country study for 10 years, 13 years for men, 8 years for women.
Socio-economic situation
The ratio of people who are financially dependent on people of working age in general is 99.9%. The proportion of children is 95.2%, the elderly - 4.6%. There is 1 pensioner for 21.6 potentially able-bodied people. In general, the indicators characterize the level of demand for state assistance in the sectors of education, he althcare and pensions, respectively. 40.5% of the country's population is below the poverty line. In Angola, 15 million people do not have access to electricity. Only 30% of the population has access to electricity. In cities, this figure is 46%, in rural areas - 18%. The level of penetration of Internet technologies is extremely low. As of July 2015, there were 2 million 434 thousand unique Internet users in the country, which amounted to 12.4% of the total population of the country. The total labor resources in 2015 amounted to 10 million 510 thousand people. Employment of the economically active population in the country's economy is distributed as follows:
- agricultural, forestry and fisheries - 85%;
- industry and services - 15%.
832, 89 thousand children aged 5 to 14 (24% of the total population of Angola) are regularly involved in child labor. Data on the unemployment rate among the working-age population of the country are not available.
He althcare
Provision with doctors in the country is very low and is at the level of 0.17 doctors per 1000 inhabitants. Total he alth care costs - 3.3% of the country's GDP. Given the low level of development of medicine, such expenses are only enough to maintain the current state. The country faces serious problems with a shortage of doctors and basic medicines, which is causing a high death rate among the population.
The mortality rate of infants under 1 year old, as of 2015, was 78.26%, the maternal mortality rate is 477 cases per 100,000 births. This is one of the highest child and maternal mortality rates in the world.
In terms of the prevalence of AIDS, the country ranks 21st in the world ranking. Angola is a member of many global he alth organizations. However, advanced medical advances are coming to this state with a considerable delay.
Angola is a country with many African indigenous peoples. The population of this state is constantly increasing, despite the high mortality rate and poorly developed he althcare system.