For many centuries, humanity has been unsuccessfully trying to answer the question of how life originated on Earth. This topic has interested and is still interested in many people, and not only scientists and researchers. It would seem that science is moving forward, scientists are constantly surprising us with new discoveries, and the origin of life on Earth, its mechanism remains incomprehensible to mankind. And this is natural, since we still cannot look into the past, and all theories known to us today are based not on facts, but only on conclusions.
We know that the history of life on Earth has more than one millennium. There are many theories about its origin. Some of them seem absurd, others are simply unlikely. In the Middle Ages, the main disputes about the origin of the universe and the emergence of life on Earth were between materialists and idealists. Of course, humanity does not stand still in its development, and theories explaining the origin of life on earth are overgrown with more and more new theses. The most realistic hypotheses look like the theory of evolution, the panspermia hypothesis and creationism.

In 1865, the German scientist Hermann Eberhard Richter put forward the hypothesis of panspermia, according to which life was brought to planet Earth from outer space. She explains the appearance of life on Earth by the fact that meteorites carry the germs of life from one celestial body to another. At the same time, this hypothesis does not explain the emergence of life at all, believing that life exists by itself.
Since school, we have known about natural selection, which formed the basis of the theory of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin. Naturally, the theory has not been preserved in the form in which it was proposed by the scientist, but despite this, its main principle can be expressed in simple words: evolution from simple to complex.

For religious people and believers, there are no other hypotheses for the emergence of life on Earth, except for creationism. This theory owes its appearance to Christian scientists. According to the concept of creationism, all life on earth was created by God or the Creator. The concept has two sources: firstly, these are Christian texts describing the process of the creation of the world by the Creator, and secondly, there are many scientific facts that cannot be explained if considered from the point of view of the Darwinian theory of evolution.

Be that as it may, but to this day no one has been able to unambiguously determine how life originated on Earth. Any theory out of the many available is subject to criticism, any thesis derived can bechallenged. Until now, there is not a single fact confirming or refuting this or that theory. And humanity continues to develop, more and more new theories, hypotheses and concepts appear, every scientist and researcher wants to prove that his theory is true. But the fact remains that so far no one has been able to answer this question. And do we really need to know the answer?