Field bell: description and classification

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Field bell: description and classification
Field bell: description and classification

Video: Field bell: description and classification

Video: Field bell: description and classification
Video: Jean Bricmont - Bell and nonlocality 2024, April

The bluebell is one of the most popular flowers that can be found in the forest, in a clearing or in the steppe, as well as in decorative plantings by gardeners. There are many varieties of it, differing in various shades, some of them have medicinal properties.

field bell
field bell

Biological Description

The field bell belongs to the genus of herbaceous plants of the family of the same name, the Latin name Campanula comes from the diminutive version of the Italian word Campana, that is, the bell, the Russian version is similarly chosen.

For all types of this culture, a funnel-shaped flower is characteristic, a tubular corolla, consisting of 5 jagged petals diverging upward, which have grown together at the base. Inflorescences are found in 2 types (paniculate or racemose), crowned with peduncles at the top, occasionally solitary.

Its stem can be simple or with branches, in some species creeping in length or creeping. The leaves are elongated, form a basal rosette at the base, petiolate above.

Usuallybluebells bloom from late spring to mid-summer for 15-45 days. But there are also later species that bloom in August-September. In addition, some varieties are distinguished by a long, up to 3 months, flowering period. The fruit looks like a box with many seeds.

Classification and popular varieties

There are almost 300 types of bluebells in the world. According to the duration of the life cycle, they are divided into one-, two- and perennial, the latter of which have many varieties and interspecific hybrids.

By habitat they are classified into the following species:

  • field;
  • forest;
  • mountain.

In Russia, in forests, meadows, floodplains and steppes, you can find more than 10 types of field bells that bloom from the end of spring almost the entire summer season.

wildflowers bluebells
wildflowers bluebells

The most popular varieties of this flower, which are often used to decorate summer cottages and household plots:

  • Spreading bell. A modest-looking flower loves light copses, meadows, slopes of ravines, blooming in early June. The stem usually does not exceed 60 cm in height, branches upwards. The plant is biennial, differs from others in a dissected corolla of a flower of 5 lobules, oblong leaves with sharp tips arranged in a spiral.
  • Peach-leaved. Considered a model of beauty among its fellows, the flower has a sky-blue hue, the petals are fused, it grows in fields, sparse forests, near paths and paths. This view was the firstcultivated in Europe.
  • The bell is crowded. It belongs to dwarf species, reaching a height of 30 to 60 cm, the stems are very thin, the flowers are small, collected in bunches, have a dark blue-violet hue. Flowering time - from late June to mid-August.
  • Nettle leaf. Prefers wet and damp ravines, common in the middle lane, can grow up to 140 cm in height, has strong stems covered with hairs. Its leaves are similar in shape to nettles, inflorescences are grouped up to 3 pieces in a brush near the top and in the axils, the corolla has a lilac-blue hue.
  • Broad-leaved. Found in ravines, between shrubs in the forest, blooms later than all other varieties, usually in July-August. The leaves are large, 10-15 cm long, located at the base. The stems are straight and strong, reach a height of up to 130 cm. The flowers can be blue or pale purple, arranged in 1-3 pieces. The species is cultivated, many varieties have been bred.
field bell photo
field bell photo

Mountain views

Such bells are medium-sized, with a maximum height of up to 80 cm. The most popular among them are Caucasian species:

  • Round-leaved. Differs in a more rounded shape of the leaves, collected near the root, which die off during the flowering period. The petals are tinted blue. The plant has medicinal properties.
  • Takeshima. Winter-hardy culture, decorated with double flowers with pink, lilac or blue petals, collected in racemose bunches, heads hanging down.
wildflowers that look like bluebells
wildflowers that look like bluebells
  • Point. Large white and pink-lilac flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences, seem to droop.
  • The bell is medium. The most effective and popular type. Breeders have bred many of its interesting varieties.
field bell useful properties
field bell useful properties

Dwarf varieties

Short bellflower species include:

Carpathian. An ornamental variety with a long flowering period of up to 70 days. It grows in bushes with a diameter of 20-30 cm, abundantly strewn with small flowers in shades of blue, lilac and white

field bell
field bell

Daisy-leaved. Perennial winter-hardy plant, forming dense tufts up to 15 cm tall. Flowers vertically upward, blue or purple, arranged 1 on each low stem

types of field bells
types of field bells

Growing and care

Basic rules for planting and watering field bells:

  • plants love sunny places, can not stand close groundwater, as this can cause freezing of the root system;
  • the soil is preferably loamy, neutral or slightly alkaline, sand and humus are also added, prepared in advance with the introduction of rotted manure, fertilizers, drainage is laid down;
  • watering is moderate, fertilization with nitrogen is useful during the growth period, when laying buds - mineral;
  • loves loose soil, which helps in the fight against weeds;
  • dry,faded parts of the plant should be removed immediately, which will open up space for new buds;
  • boxes with seeds must be collected, avoiding self-seeding;
  • perennial varieties for the winter are covered with peat, dry leaves or spruce branches.
field bell useful properties and contraindications
field bell useful properties and contraindications

Each species also has its own nuances and features of cultivation and care.


Wildflower bluebells reproduce in 3 ways:

  • seeds - annual species;
  • cuttings and seeds - biennial;
  • vegetative propagation or long root segments.

Black small seeds of annuals, extracted from a dried box, are sown in late autumn directly into the open ground. You can make seedlings for planting in the spring, after frost, in the 3-leaf phase.

The vegetative method is perfect for southern heat-loving varieties, as well as for preserving the desired genetic traits (double, etc.). The division of the plant is carried out in the spring on the 3rd year, with the exception of rapidly maturing species that can give planting divisions in the fall.

field bell
field bell

When dividing, an adult bush is dug up, ground shoots are cut off, and the rhizome is divided so that each part must have a growth point. When planting in grooves, it should remain above the ground.

When cuttings, young shoots of the plant are used, separating them in the spring in the 2nd year.

Pests and diseases of bluebell

The plant is a resistant species, rarely susceptible to disease. However, when growing a crop in the same place for a long period, the development of fungal diseases is possible. Therefore, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to treat the soil and the seedlings themselves with a solution of "Fundazol".

With prolonged moisture, rotting of the neck or the roots themselves may occur, but this can be avoided by making drainage when planting and regularly loosening the soil. Water sparingly.

Among the pests, the plant is most often attacked by slugs, from which it must be treated with metaldehyde.

Plant relatives

By structure and appearance, there are wildflowers that look like bells:

  • Foxglove (digitalis). The plant belongs to the herbs of the plantain family, beautiful pink and lilac flowers, arranged in bunches on the stem, shaped like fused bell petals.
  • Lilies of the valley. A common plant in temperate countries with small white flowers.
  • Fritillaria (fritillaria). Herbaceous perennial from the lily family, has 150 species, grows in a temperate climate. The Russian name comes from the words "pockmarked, motley".

Field bell: useful properties and contraindications

In folk medicine, several types of plants are used. The crowded bell has the greatest therapeutic effect. For the preparation of decoctions and infusions from this culture, all parts of the plant are collected, except for the roots. The optimal time for harvesting is the periodflowering. It is better to collect in places of mass growth (see the photo of the crowded field bell below).

field bell
field bell

It is better to harvest raw materials outdoors in the shade under a canopy, but you can use a dryer. But only at a maximum temperature of up to 40 ºС. Plants are stored in cloth bags in a dry, dark place for up to 1 year.

Useful properties of the field bell are due to the content of active substances: carotene, kaempeferol, citric and caffeic acid, magnesium and potassium. Prepared medicinal infusions have a sedative effect on the peripheral nervous system, are successfully used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the throat, when coughing, are used in the form of compresses to relieve the symptoms of rheumatism, wound healing.

Recipes for medicinal decoctions and infusions:

  • Decoction is made from 3 tbsp. l. dry mix for 0.5 l of water, boil for 5 minutes. covered, insist 1 hour, strain and squeeze. Use ½ tbsp. after eating to strengthen the body in viral and infectious diseases.
  • For the treatment of sore throats, stomatitis and other diseases of the throat, gargles with a decoction of the bell are used: 2 tsp. herbs for 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  • Infusion to reduce pain in the stomach and kidneys can be prepared from 20 g of dry grass per 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, then filter. Drink 2/3 tbsp. with pain. The maximum daily dose is 2 glasses.
  • A soothing and relaxing bath is made with the addition of infusion (100 g of dry mixture per 1 liter of boiling water, insist untilcooling). Strain the liquid and add to the prepared bathing water.
  • Removal of joint pain and treatment of sciatica. It is carried out using a compress dipped in a decoction prepared from 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs for 1 tbsp. boiling water. It must be insisted for 40 minutes, then strain. The compress is applied to the sore spot several times a day.

Contraindication to the use of medicinal products is the individual intolerance of the plant, as well as the disease of leukocytosis.

Many hybrids and varieties of bluebell are favorite and popular flowers widely used in home garden ornamental plantings.
