Linder Joseph Borisovich, his biography and personality are of interest to fans of martial arts.

Practicing and practicing oriental martial arts such as jiu-jitsu, kobudu, iaijutsu from a young age, he is the founder of the school of these martial arts since the days of the Soviet Union, as well as the president of an association that deals with professional training and training of security personnel and special services. To date, Joseph Linder is and is a full member of several scientific domestic and international organizations.
In addition to the above, he is a Russian writer: the author and co-author of more than 35 books on the history of the emergence of special services, counterintelligence, as well as martial and military arts.
Personal data
Some information can be found about a man named Joseph Linder - his biography inwidely available is scarce. A native Muscovite, born in 1960 on March 1. In 1983 he graduated from the Academy of Social Sciences, and in 1987 - from the Pirogov State Medical Institute. In addition, Joseph Linder graduated from a number of higher specialized educational institutions abroad and holds an MBA.
Received his Juris Doctorate in 1993 with a paper on the development of alternative security systems for organizations. Since 1994 he has been a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Economic Sciences.
Career start

From an early age, Joseph Linder began to practice Japanese martial arts and in 1978 created his own school of jiu-jitsu and kabudo. Since April 1979, the school has officially held annual competitions in the traditional technique of the martial arts school, as well as in irigumigo, full contact fights without armor, and in narrowly focused sections for special forces.
Development of martial arts
In 1990, Joseph Linder was appointed director of the Okinawa Martial Arts Union, which has international status. The Union was accredited in Moscow by order of the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Council and the State Sports Committee of the USSR. And in 1991, the World Credentials Commission awarded Joseph Linder a master's degree in eighth dan jiu-jitsu, kobudo and unsportsmanlike (traditional) judo. At the same time, he received the authority to represent the Federation of Ju-Jitsu and Kobudo of the USSR according to the principles and order,approved by the international headquarters in Okinawa, Japan.

Joseph Linder was the permanent head of this Federation as president and headed the USSR Martial Arts Federation in the status of vice president until 1993.
International recognition
The activities of Soviet sports organizations were terminated with the collapse of the Soviet Union, so Linder continued his career and became the head of the Russian representative office of the International Union of Martial Arts (abbreviated MCBI), which received accreditation in Russia in 1993.
According to the decision of the leaders of the Japanese Institute "Nihon Budokan", engaged in the study and development of the traditional school of martial arts and the All-Japan Organization of Traditional Budo and Iaido Schools, Joseph Linder received a master's degree: jiu-jitsu - 10th dan, in the art of kobudo - in the rank of soke.

The World Martial Arts Hall of Fame nominated Joseph Linder for his international activities over the years for the title of Grand Master 2004, and in 2009 he was issued a certificate confirming official membership in the Japan Kobudo Society.
As a result of this many years of fruitful work, the Japanese Association of Kobudu and Iaido decided on a fundamentally new level of recognition of oriental martial arts in Russia. Documents officially confirming the accreditation of the representative office of the traditional school were sent to the Administration of the President and the Government of the Russian Federationmartial arts in Russia and contributing to its deeper spread in the country. The corresponding documents were signed by the head of this association and the 21st head of the school - Sensei Juku Sekiguchi.

Naturally, a member of the Japanese and international community of martial arts instructors with 30 years of experience Professor Joseph Linder was appointed to the position of head of the representative office.
Accreditation was extended in 2009.
Delegates from the mission constantly participate in various martial arts events of international and national scale taking place in Japan.
In addition, documents on cooperation were signed between the representatives of Japanese schools accredited in Russia and the Russian Paralympic Committee.
Counter-terrorism activities
In addition to activities within the union, Linder Joseph Borisovich heads the International Counter-Terrorism Training Association (ICTA), being its president since 1988.

The activities of the ICTA are carried out in many countries of the world through representative offices and branches accredited in accordance with the Hague Convention and having the appropriate licenses.
The main activity of the ICTA is aimed at the development and implementation of educational and training programs for special purposes, designed for security services and security forces at various levels. By the forces of this organization exclusivelyspecial programs are developed in accordance with the needs and specifics of a particular country.
As an international specialist in security and terrorism issues, within the framework of the ICTA, as president and ideological inspirer, Joseph Linder is engaged in strengthening national and international security, improving both firepower and tactical training.
Writing experience
From the pen of Joseph Linder came out more than 35 books of various genres - non-fiction, memoirs, novels and short stories. The topics of the published books are devoted to martial and oriental arts, the work and history of special services and counterintelligence.
In addition, Linder acts as an expert in various documentaries and feature films, special programs and television programs, the plots of which are devoted to the history of the formation of intelligence services and special forces, both domestic and foreign, as well as their activities.
He is a member of the Writers' Union of Russia and the winner of the 2006 prize awarded by the Russian Federal Security Service for the book “A Riddle for Himmler. SMERSH officers in Abwehr and SD.”
Has award orders and medals of domestic and foreign states and departments.
Short bibliography
Iosif Borisovich Linder wrote many books, but the most famous and popular are listed below.
- Series: "Saboteurs". "Legend of the Lubyanka. Yakov Serebryansky.”
- Series: "Saboteurs". "Legend of the Lubyanka. Pavel Sudoplatov.”
- "Red web. Secrets of intelligence of the Comintern. 1919-1943.”
- "Notes from a sensible adventurer. Through the looking glass of special services.”
- "Special services of Russia for 1000 years".
- "History of special services of Russia X-XX centuries".
- “A riddle for Himmler. SMERSH officers in Abwehr and SD.”
- "Samurai Leap" (dedicated to the 90th anniversary of military counterintelligence).
- Oriental Martial Arts Dialogue (Book One).
- "Stop the weapon."
- "Jiu-jitsu is a weapon of special services. Path to victory.”
- “Taizutuishou. Affordable ways to stay he althy and protected.”
- "On the other side of the mirror. MKTA.”
- "Oriental Gymnastics".
It is worth noting that in his books on various techniques and schools of martial arts, Linder not only tells and describes them, but lays down an enlightening idea of how they can be used to follow and maintain a he althy lifestyle.
Fly in the ointment or envy of competitors?
Despite the fact that Joseph Linder has a large number of regalia, titles, professions, and his merits to the fatherland and foreign partners are visible to the naked eye and marked at the state level, there are those who call Linder Joseph Borisovich a swindler or a charlatan.
For the first time, British Special Forces General James Shortt spoke about this back in the early 90s of the last century. Having personally met Linder and worked with him for some time, heconfidently stated that his associates and Linder Joseph Borisovich himself were swindlers in martial arts. He came to this conclusion by studying his way of teaching various oriental martial arts and watching him work.

You can also find materials allegedly indicating that Linder was stripped of 8th dan back in 1992, as well as his expulsion from several martial arts associations. He was also accused of forging the logos of famous schools.
According to some unconfirmed rumors, Linder has a very remote relation to the formation of martial arts in Russia, owns several types of wrestling as an amateur, and is also not the eminent expert in the history of the formation of special services and counterintelligence, which he positions himself to be.
Private life and family
Joseph Linder says little about his personal life. Family, children - this is a wife and daughter, whom he adores and writes about in his poems:
…Two women in the house and in life with me, And their holy name is Wife and Daughter.”
This is an excerpt from the collection of poems "Ricochet", which was dedicated to my daughter and wife.
It is also known from Linder's personal preferences that he prefers to drive French cars and loves homemade food.