Kotui River. General information. Fishing and hunting

Kotui River. General information. Fishing and hunting
Kotui River. General information. Fishing and hunting

The Kotui River is considered one of the most beautiful rivers located in Western Siberia, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The length of the reservoir is considerable, even by Siberian standards, it is 1409 km, and the area occupied by the river flow is 176 thousand kilometers. The course of the river is directed from northwest to southeast and passes through two administrative districts - Evenk and Dolgano-Nenetsky.


The source of the Kotui River is located on the Putorana Plateau, in the center of which the stream merges with another one - the river. Kotuykan, making a rather sharp turn to the north. Further, near the village of Crosses, it connects with another river called the Kheta, forming the powerful Siberian river Khatanga.

In the article we will consider the geography of the river, which banks surround it, what grows in the surrounding area, what living creatures can be found both on the coast and in the reservoir itself. Readers will find out if there is fishing on the Kotuy River and in the lakes through which it flows, how to get to the shores in winter and summer, which attracts lovers of nature, extreme sports and fishing.

Geographic location of the reservoir

From the Putorana Plateau, where its source is located, the river flows in a southerly direction, smoothly skirting the Taimyr Peninsula. Further Kotuy alternately flows into the lakes of Siberia: Kharpina and Dyupkun. Numerous tributaries appear along the river, both on the left and on the right side.

river Kotuy
river Kotuy

Sleeves on the left are formed on the plateau, not far from the source, the right tributaries appear later, in the area of the Vilyui and Anabar plateaus. All of them fill the Kotuy River with powerful water flows that appear after the snow melts. Water in many places just seething, well enriched with oxygen.

Places around

The banks of the river differ in the direction of the stream. In one place, they can squeeze the river with rocks on both sides, forming deep depressions up to 8 meters. In other areas are far from each other, then the stream spreads widely, and the current is gaining power and strength. On the vast expanses of water, cold Siberian winds walk, dispersing large waves. In such spills, the distance between the banks can be up to 600 meters. Basically, such places can be found in the North Siberian Lowland.

beautiful coast of Kotuy
beautiful coast of Kotuy

On the Putorana plateau, the stream exits twice, passing by the most beautiful bas alt mountains, which abruptly break into the river. Giants with smooth peaks rise above the water surface and amaze people with their majesty and beauty. The valley of the Kotui River is narrow in such places, and the bottom is covered with rubble and sharp stones from falling cobblestones.

Bouldersare found along the entire course of the river, forming impassable rapids, shivers and various clamps in some places. The slopes along the river bank are overgrown with low larch. In summer, the banks in the lowlands and on gentle slopes are covered with dense grass. In the middle of the hot season, it mixes with many flowering plants.

Water flow analysis

As already mentioned, the river collects water from numerous tributaries, which in turn are replenished by rains and heavy snows. On the Putorana Plateau, where the Kotuy River originates, one can see a low-water stream, which seems to have sawn through a winding passage through the banks. Places are full of rapids and stormy rifts. When the bas alt mountains end, the stream enters the open expanses of the Marukta basin and becomes a little calmer.

rocks on the river
rocks on the river

When the river takes the other tributaries in its company, it gains incredible strength, creating a hurricane of spray and foam on countless boulders. The river connects with the Laptev Sea, passing through the narrow and long Khatanga Bay. The water in the river is clean and cold, rich in oxygen. This is a great environment for the growth and reproduction of river inhabitants, and it is not for nothing that fishermen love to go here on fishing tours.

River fishing

The Siberian River is located in a hard-to-reach place in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, you can get to the water only by helicopter, and then in the summer. In winter, small groups of fishermen get on all-terrain vehicles along the icy stream from the village of Khatanga.

After arriving at the place, the fishermen raft alongselected section of the water surface, looking for places for parking. It is best to go on such a trip in the summer, as the river freezes already in late September or early October, and the ice melts only in late May or early summer.

fishing on the river Kotuy
fishing on the river Kotuy

Mostly fishing takes place on spinning. Bait must be brought with you. An artificial fly, insects are used as a bait and for a nozzle, both baubles and a wobbler are suitable. On such a bait they catch burbot and perch, whitefish and roach. In the stones at a depth it is best to wait for a large taimen. Some fishermen boasted of a catch weighing 20 kg. There are also grayling and pike, broad whitefish up to 6 kg and brown trout.


In the places where the Kotuy River is located, there are many living creatures, so it is not surprising that many hunting winter quarters are located along its course. This is either a wooden house built in the forest, or a trailer. They are brought on special skids over the ice in winter.

on the banks of the river Kotuy
on the banks of the river Kotuy

The upper reaches of the river belong to the territory of the Putoransky Reserve, and in order to hunt or fish in protected areas, you need to obtain a special permit. In other places, a hunting license is also required. Its price depends on the type of extraction. You will have to choose from a large list. Siberian roe deer and elk, brown bear and scorched reindeer are especially popular with hunters.


The word "kotuy" in Yakut means "girl". Everyone who has been on this river notes that the character of thisThe "ladies" are rather wayward. The Kotuy River, the photo of which you saw in the article, greets guests with a chill. You need to prepare for the difficulties and hardships of tent life, for a meeting with the wild Siberian nature, and it will compensate you for all the inconveniences with its unprecedented beauty.
