What is the culture of speech? Definition

What is the culture of speech? Definition
What is the culture of speech? Definition

Is it possible to imagine a person who considers himself to be quite educated, but does not know how to connect two phrases, and if he does, then he is extremely illiterate? The concept of "educated" is almost a synonym for the word "cultural". This means that the speech of such an individual should be appropriate.

What is the culture of speech?

This concept, like many in the Russian language, is far from unambiguous. Some researchers tend to single out as many as three meanings of the phrase "culture of speech". The definition of the first can be expressed as follows. First of all, this concept is perceived as those skills and knowledge of a person that provide him with the competent use of the language in communication - both in writing and in oral speech. This includes the ability to correctly build a phrase, pronounce certain words and phrases without errors, as well as use expressive means of speech.

culture of speech definition
culture of speech definition

The definition of the concept of "speech culture" also implies the presence in it of such properties and features, the totality of which emphasizes the perfection of the transmission and perception of information, i.e. communicative qualities in language communication.

And finally, this is the name of a whole section of linguistics that studies speech in societysome era and establishes general rules for the use of the language.

What is included in the culture of speech?

The central core of this concept is the language norm, which is considered literary speech. However, there is one more quality that the culture of speech should have. Definition "principle of communicative expediency" can be interpreted as the ability, the ability to express some specific content in an adequate language form.

definition of the concept of culture of speech
definition of the concept of culture of speech

This concept is closely related to the ethical aspect of the culture of speech. It is clear that according to it, such rules of linguistic communication are applied that cannot offend or humiliate the interlocutor. This aspect calls for observing speech etiquette, which includes certain formulas of greetings, congratulations, thanks, requests, etc. As for the language itself, the concept of culture here implies its richness and correctness, imagery and effectiveness. By the way, it is this aspect that prohibits the use of swear words, foul language.

The history of the origin in Russia of the concept of "culture of speech"

The foundations of the norms of the literary language were laid down over many centuries. The definition of the term "speech culture" can be expanded to the concept of a science that deals with the normalization of speech activity. So, this very science "hatched" already in the ancient handwritten books of Kievan Rus. They not only consolidated and preserved the traditions of writing, but also reflected the features of the living language.

definition of the term culture of speech
definition of the term culture of speech

By the 18th century, it became clear in Russian society that if there is no unity in spellings, then this makes communication extremely difficult, creating certain inconveniences. At that time, work was intensified on the creation of dictionaries, grammars, rhetoric textbooks. At the same time, the styles and norms of the literary language began to be described.

The role of M. V. Lomonosov, V. K. Trediakovsky, A. P. Sumarokov and other prominent Russian scientists.

Theoretical propositions

Linguistic disciplines include stylistics and culture of speech, the definition of which by many researchers before was reduced only to the concept of "correctness of speech". This is not entirely true.

As already mentioned, the concept of speech culture includes three main aspects: normative, communicative and ethical. At the heart of modern views on this branch of external linguistics lies not so much the question of the formal correctness of speech. The ability to effectively and competently use the capabilities of the language is no less significant. These include the correct pronunciation, the correct construction of phrases, the appropriate use of phraseological turns.

The academic definition of the culture of speech also implies the presence of functional styles of the modern language, of which there are several: for example, scientific and colloquial, official business and journalistic.

The role of speech culture

There is an expression, the meaning of which boils down to the fact that a person who owns a word is able to own people. Since ancient times, a huge role in the management of society has been played byoratory, culture of speech. The definition of a rhetorician skillful in eloquence was given by Cicero, himself the bearer of this “divine gift”. He emphasized that a good orator is able to both provoke and calm passions; how to accuse someone, and justify the innocent; how to raise the indecisive to a feat, and to calm any human passions, if circumstances so require.

academic definition of speech culture
academic definition of speech culture

To master the art of communication, i.e. culture of speech is important for every person. And it does not depend on the type of his activity. You just need to remember that the level, the quality of communication determines success in various areas of life.
