What is Chernyakhov culture? Chernyakhov culture: origin and description

What is Chernyakhov culture? Chernyakhov culture: origin and description
What is Chernyakhov culture? Chernyakhov culture: origin and description

The Chernyakhov culture is one of the largest archaeological periods in the early history of the Slavs. It occupied a rather large space in the territories of modern Ukraine, Romania, Moldova and Russia. Geographically, it was located mainly in the forest-steppe, forest, less often - in the steppe zones.

General characteristics

The study of this culture is of great importance for understanding the history and ethnogenesis of the Proto-Slavs. During the period under review, active migration processes took place, peoples mixed with each other, which sometimes makes it very difficult to identify certain ethnic components in the composition of cultures. Nevertheless, most experts agree that the formation of the ancient Slavs took place in close contact with the resettlement of other tribes, primarily Goths. The point of view prevails in science that it is the movement of the latter, which in the 1st-3rd centuries A. D. e. moved to the areas of the Roman provinces, the Northern Black Sea region, played a special role. By the same time, some cultures of the Slavic type were being formed,such as, for example, Przeworsk, Kyiv and others. Many scientists believe that the Slavs stood out among the Antes tribe, as there are reports in ancient sources. It is in this context that the Chernyakhovsky period in the history of Slavic settlement should be considered.

Chernyakhov culture
Chernyakhov culture


This culture got its name from the village of Chernyakhiv (Kyiv region), which was explored at the beginning of the 20th century by the scientist Korotinsky. Most experts are inclined to believe that it was multinational in its ethnic composition. It is also believed that the Zarubinets and Chernyakhov cultures are closely related, since the latter replaced the former, which is considered Slavic (although there is a point of view in foreign historiography that it was German in its national composition). The culture that replaced it was studied by such prominent scientists as Rybakov and Sedov.

Chernyakhiv culture
Chernyakhiv culture


The Chernyakhov culture arose as a result of migration processes that took place on the territory of Eastern European countries. Many historians associate its occurrence with the resettlement of the Goths, who, having occupied Ukrainian territory, mixed with the local population. At this time, the state of Oyum arose here. Its borders coincide with this political entity. Due to complex migration flows, the Chernyakhov culture was multi-ethnic, it included Slavs-Antes, Germans, Scythians, Sarmatians. The historian Rybakov believed that it was ancient Slavic, but this opinion is inscience is contested.


The Chernyakhov culture covers the period from II to IV centuries. n. e. It was quite developed in terms of its economic level. The basis of the economy was arable farming. Archaeologists have found the remains of plows, iron tips, hoes that were used in agriculture. Cattle breeding prevailed, although the inhabitants bred pigs and horses. For storage, pits were used, which were found in a number of settlements. Chernyakhiv culture is characterized by a high level of handicraft development. The population skillfully processed metal, bones, wood. Non-ferrous metal ornaments and remains of labor tools made from animal bones have been preserved.

monuments of the Chernyakhiv culture of the Vinnitsa region
monuments of the Chernyakhiv culture of the Vinnitsa region

Metallurgical forges have been found in some sites. The inhabitants, apparently, were familiar with various methods of iron processing (hardening) and steel production. However, a lot of bronze items have been preserved. There is a point of view that some processing techniques were borrowed from the Roman provinces, as well as from the Central European region.


Chernyakhovskaya culture spread mainly in forest areas, so its dwellings were large in size and, as a rule, rectangular in shape. There are few fortified settlements, but still some of them have survived in the southern area (Gorodok, Aleksandrovka). Their walls reach twelve meters in height, there are earthen ramparts and fortifications. They were located on hills, while ordinary houses - along the tributaries of smallrec.

Dwellings were divided into two parts: residential and economic. There was a hearth in the center. In some houses, the walls were made “dry”, that is, without a special binder solution. These structures, as a rule, are columnar, their frame was made of wattle and covered with clay. The dwellings were located in "nests" along the floodplains of the rivers. Inside they had one or two cameras.


Chernyakhov archaeological culture has preserved a number of interesting monuments. First of all, we are talking about the famous Serpentine (Troyan) ramparts, which are located south of Kyiv along the banks of the Dnieper. This colossal structure was defensive in its purpose. It is a chain of earth embankments and ditches that stretched over a long distance (individual structures ranged from one to one hundred and fifty kilometers in length).

Chernyakhovsky House of Culture
Chernyakhovsky House of Culture

Memorials of the Chernyakhov culture of the Vinnytsia region are also of particular interest. A unique rock drawing was discovered here, the meaning of which is still debated by scientists. It depicts a leafless tree, on one of the branches of which a rooster sits, and in front of it is a man, behind whom is a deer. In addition, the composition has a frame in the space between the horns. Another monument in the same area is the Ilyinets quarry for the extraction of volcanic tuff for the manufacture of millstones. This indicates a high level of development of metallurgy in this region.

Chernyakhiv archaeological culture
Chernyakhiv archaeological culture


Clothing complex Chernyakhovskayaculture can be traced not only in dwellings, but also in burials. However, as a rule, few of them are found in burials, but nevertheless, some artifacts make it possible to recreate the appearance of this period. In the burial pits, household items and household items are sometimes dug up. Sometimes there are vessels and parts for homework, such as a whorl. They also find jewelry. Among them, for example, a fibula.

Chernyakhovskaya culture is characterized by two ways of burial: inhumation and cremation. In the first case, ordinary rectangular pits were used, in the second, the remains were placed in vessels: jugs, pots, and even bowls. The remains of weapons are also found in the burials: for example, arrowheads, spears, swords bent for ritual purposes. There are both single and binary burials.

Household items

The settlement of the Chernyakhiv culture, as a rule, was economic in its purpose and functions. Therefore, very often here they find products necessary for agriculture and metallurgy. The inhabitants knew the potter's wheel, they made dishes of the most diverse forms. Weaving was also highly developed, archaeologists periodically find traces of various fabrics on household items.

clothing complex of Chernyakhiv culture
clothing complex of Chernyakhiv culture


Separately, it should be said about clay vessels, since archaeologists most often distinguish cultures by this clothing complex. The population of the period under review produced a wide variety of household items, but finds of vessels decorated withor horizontal lines, or additional molded-on rollers and grooves. Notable among the finds are Black Sea amphorae, as well as red-clay and red-glazed utensils, created and brought from the workshops of the Roman provinces. Products made of coarse clay are usually found in outbuildings.

Zarubinets and Chernyakhov cultures
Zarubinets and Chernyakhov cultures

Other artifacts

Metal of the Chernyakhov culture is predominantly iron. The population skillfully processed the ore, obviously, not without the influence of Roman technology. Nevertheless, there are not so many finds of weapons: these are mainly arrowheads, spears, parts of swords.

Separately, it should be said about treasures. On the territory of culture, a large number of coins of Roman minting are found: to the west of the Dniester - bronze, to the east - silver. Moreover, quite a lot of the latter was found in treasures, however, at the same time, experts express the opinion that this money was used for international trade, while barter was used for local needs. Bosporan coins are less common.

Clothing complex

Among the artifacts there are a large number of ornaments: for example, brooches, beads, buckles, combs are found in large quantities. From household items there are knives, axes, spurs. Sometimes they find military items, but there are not many of them. Of particular interest are swords, daggers, spears. Separately, it should be said about the original find - the image of the calendar on the vessel. It has a round shape, and under each month -matching pattern.


Thus, the Chernyakhov culture, the photo of the monuments of which is presented in this article, was distinguished by a fairly high level of development in the economic and economic spheres. Separately, it should be said about the vessels of ritual purpose: on some of them images of calendars were found. In addition, there are finds of glassware. The technique of its manufacture was mastered by the Romans at the beginning of our era and passed to the population of the culture in question. Most often, egg-shaped vessels of a yellowish or greenish color are found.


Chernyakhov culture, as mentioned above, was multinational in its ethnic composition. This is due to the migration flows that took place on the European continent at the time in question. In this regard, historians identify several ethnographic components in its composition: Germanic, Sarmatian-Scythian, Slavic. The first is represented by binary burials, large houses and buildings, as well as special ceramics of the Wielbar type. These signs are characteristic of almost the entire area of distribution of this culture.

The second ethnographic type is represented by large stone buildings, multi-chamber houses, a special funeral ritual, when meat with a knife stuck into it, pieces of chalk or paint were placed in the grave. Most of the burials were carried out in pits or catacombs. This area is also characterized by a special form of dishes - pots with a neck expanding upwards. This group of finds is mainly concentrated in the area of the NorthernBlack Sea coast, where these peoples lived.

Finally, the Slavic group of artifacts is represented by small square semi-dugouts with a large number of utility pits. This territory is characterized by the absence of large burial grounds, as well as the presence of mostly stucco pots. The main place of distribution is the Dniester region, where other Slavic cultures also developed: Kyiv, Przeworsk. A separate Penkovskaya, as well as Slavic culture was singled out by O. M. Prikhodnyuk. The Chernyakhov culture closely adjoined them, although the scientist claimed that it did not have a decisive influence on the development of the Slavic elements, since it was too polyethnic.

Chronology issues

In connection with the above feature in science, there are problems of dating and chronology of this culture. This is due to the fact that the findings do not always allow with sufficient certainty to attribute its artifacts to a particular century. In addition, many imported products are found in this area, primarily of Roman origin, under the influence of which it developed. Therefore, the method of dating by burials is considered the most acceptable.


So, this culture is characterized by a variety of finds, which indicate that several different elements took part in its formation. Of particular importance is the fact that it was in the zone of Roman influence. Its provinciality undoubtedly contributed to a high level of cultural development and, in turn, stimulated the emergence of more advanced production technologies in this area.region. Some experts also note the Dacian influence in this area.

Relationship with other cultures

Chernyakhovsky period was an important stage in the development of the ancient Slavs. However, at that time they were in very close contact with other ethnic groups, so this culture allows only a partial reconstruction of Slavic antiquities. But she was influenced and, in turn, herself had an impact on other cultures in which the Slavic element was more pronounced: Przeworsk, Kolochin, Kyiv.


The decline of culture occurred due to another migration wave that shook the European continent. This time there was a resettlement of the militant nomadic tribe of the Huns. This led to the outflow of a significant part of the population to the west, as there are written sources. At the same time, some groups of the population remained in the forest-steppe and steppe zones, which were subordinate to the Huns. But to the northeast, in the period preceding the Chernyakhov culture, and then coinciding with it in time, another Slavic culture continued to exist - Kyiv. Her traces are well preserved. Archaeologists find burial grounds, dwellings, household items and even treasures.


The Chernyakhovsky period of development is important because it is one of the first stages in the history of the early Slavs. It covers a rather large territorial space, including a number of regions of our country: Belgorod and Kursk. At the same time, it has access to the history of other peoples of the time under consideration: the Germans, the Scythian Celts and others. ExceptIn addition, this period bears clear signs of late Roman, Black Sea influences, which makes it possible to study the later stages of development of these regions. Therefore, the culture described in the article was actively studied before the revolution, in Soviet times, and its analysis continues today. The Chernyakhovsky House of Culture, for example, periodically holds events to preserve traditional folk cultural traditions, which should maintain interest in antiquity.
