Kristina Potupchik - former Kremlin blogger

Kristina Potupchik - former Kremlin blogger
Kristina Potupchik - former Kremlin blogger

The almost red commissar gained fame thanks to scandalous political activity as part of the pro-government youth movement Nashi. Kristina Potupchik probably benefited the most from participating in the “fight” against the opposition, gaining fame in the country, then a position in Rosmolodezh. However, "earthly glory" passed quickly.

Early years

Kristina Andreevna Potupchik was born on January 19, 1986 in the famous city of Murom, Vladimir Region. Mom, Irina Borisovna worked as the head of the Russian language office at the Faculty of Philology of the Vladimir State University for the Humanities. Father, Andrey Petrovich, a graduate of the Gorky Higher Military School of Logistics, after demobilization in 2003, established the private company Trading Firm Collection.

On vacation
On vacation

The girl grew up in Vladimir, in the mid-2000s she wrote notes in local newspapers. In 2008 she graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Vladimir State University for the Humanities with a degreespeci alty "teacher of Russian language and literature". However, some publications doubt this, since her revelations are cited, written with errors: “I am a philologist by education.”


Kristina Potupchik was brought into the Nashi movement by her mother, who really liked the fact that free courses in the humanities (history, politics, psychology) were organized there. Soon, an active and active girl made her way to the position of Nashi press secretary in her hometown.

In the fall of 2007, she replaced Anastasia Suslova as spokeswoman for the youth movement. In the same year, she became the press secretary of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs. When Vasily Yakemenko, the former head of Nashi, was appointed head of the department. The following year, she began to do the same work already at the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, where Yakemenko went to increase. In 2010-2011, she was constantly mentioned in various publications as the press secretary of Rosmolodezh.

Struggle in the media space

With Yakimenko
With Yakimenko

Kristina Potupchik is an active blogger, maintains pages in LiveJournal, Ekho Moskvy and Twitter. Some experts reported that she could promote her diary on LiveJournal, paying 30 rubles for each publication that referred to her entries. And that some of the posts in her diary made it to the top of the LiveJournal rankings even before the first comments were given.

As a responsible spokeswoman, she constantly wrote about the "unsightly" aspects of the activityopposition, made harsh and often scandalous statements. In 2010, many publications noted that Kristina Potupchik's blog is often one of the key organizers of the distribution of videos with scandalous materials, including sexual content, to various cultural and political figures. Including satirist and journalist Viktor Shenderovich, district deputy and politician Ilya Yashin and journalist Mikhail Fishman.

For a new democracy

Photoshoot Potupchik
Photoshoot Potupchik

In 2012, she announced on her blog that she was leaving the youth movement due to fatigue. The following year, she organized the Open New Democracy Foundation, which intended to support various projects from donation to the promotion of taxation. According to some media reports, the organization is engaged in analyzing the state of the blogosphere, writing posts and monitoring on orders from the presidential administration.

After Kristina Potupchik's email was hacked in December 2014, the Anonymous International hacker group published reports on opposition leaders' posts on social networks and critical materials about the actions of the authorities. In addition, the correspondence contained letters with information about the remuneration that bloggers received for their publications. The “Nashi” paid both with money and with expensive gifts.

From Radicals to Centrists

At a press conference
At a press conference

In 2014, Kristina Potupchik was elected to the Public Chamber, where she took up issues of the information society and mass communications. Elections were heldthrough Internet voting and not without scandal. Her opponent considered it abnormal that in addition to the 800 votes that Kristina had after two weeks of voting, another 2.5 thousand have been added over the past four days. According to the results of counting the number of collected votes, she was the second.

In recent years, Kristina Potupchik has practically disappeared from the media space. She changed her political image a little: from a brawler she became a moderate centrist.

Personal Information

With husband
With husband

Little is known about Christina Potupchik's personal life. She is an active blogger and user of social networks, while gaining fame through political scandals. For example, she began to attack Ksenia Sobchak when she posted a video on the Internet, where the head of Rosmolodezh, Vasily Yakemenko, ordered oysters in an expensive restaurant. What discredited the young star of Russian politics, at that time her immediate superior.

At the same time, while working in the youth movement, she published her candid photos on the Web, where she poses in beautiful swimsuits. The pictures were quickly removed from her LiveJournal page, but photos of Christina Potupchik have already spread among Internet users. Despite the wide discussion of the beautiful commissar body of the young politician, there were no comments from her handlers.

Since 2013, numerous photos of Christina Potupchik and her husband have appeared on social networks. However, there was no official information about the marriage.
