The idea of fixing a modern girl is the perfect figure. At the time of Rubens, the ideal figure was considered to be a powerful camp with rounded shapes, a noticeable difference between the chest and waist, and thinness and pallor were more likely signs of exhaustion than beauty and he alth. Times are changing, and the image of painful fragility and tenderness has been elevated to the ideal of femininity. Long-legged models with perfect proportions walk the runway in slender rows, driving both men and women crazy. A model is a dream, a fabulous life, easy money and the love of hundreds of fans. Every girl dreams of such a life from early childhood. The heroine of this article, Ksenia Bubenko, was no exception, and she quickly slipped into an abyss called “anorexia.”

The sad story of "victory"
Ekaterinburg has been going through more than a year for a girl named Ksenia Bubenko. And after the release of the “Let them talk” program that excited the public, residents of the whole country are also worried about the girl. Ksenia Bubenko is an adult. At the time of the release of the program, she was 19 years old. By this age, the girl weighs 23 kilograms. She suffers from anorexia, and she herself has already come tounderstanding of this terrible diagnosis. On the program, she told her sad story. The motive for losing weight was glamorous magazines. Model beauties excited the imagination of a young girl, and she wanted to become one of them. Before happiness, quite a bit was not enough - to work on the figure and lose those extra pounds. Ksenia Bubenko solved the problem radically - she simply stopped eating. The results of such a “diet”, which Ksenia gave the name “Victory”, were not long in coming. If Ksenia Bubenko weighed about 48 kilograms before anorexia, then her minimum weight was 19 kilograms. In a short time, the girl lost almost 30 kilograms.
Let them talk

On the program "Let them talk" Ksenia Bubenko stood on the scales. Her weight was 23 kilograms. Family and friends are horrified. They beg the girl to change her mind, start eating and stop torturing herself. Girls suffering from anorexia and in the recovery stage also gathered in the studio of the program. They told the audience their stories and gave advice on how to recognize and defeat the disease.
Predominantly anorexia affects the fair sex, who are more susceptible to the influence of other people's opinions. Perfectionist girls, such as Ksenia Bubenko, strive to do everything and always do it perfectly, to achieve the best results. For them there are no half measures, only victory, only the ideal result. Ksyusha's height is small for a modeling career - 158 centimeters. But that didn't stop her. The girl, without telling her parents, decided to achieveideal weight, drinking only water. Parents, confident in their daughter's prudence, could not believe that she was not eating anything, but then Ksyusha's legs turned into skin-covered bones, and anxiety due to her rapid weight loss turned into panic. On the “Let them talk” program, Andrei Malakhov suggested that the girl fulfill one of her dreams - to organize a professional photo session when her weight exceeds 30 kilograms. Ksenia agreed to the bar of 30 kilograms, but no more.

Cunning of anorexia
This alerted the parents and the audience even more, because, despite the obvious dystrophy and lack of weight and nutrients, vitamins in the body, Ksenia Bubenko does not want to recover to normal weight and considers herself beautiful, although her protruding bones are covered parchment skin, cause horror in others. Inadequate self-perception is one of the sure signs of an insidious disease - anorexia. Many parents incorrectly assume that anorexia only occurs with significant weight loss. In fact, anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by a lack of appetite and a constant fear of gaining weight. Anorexia can also manifest itself with a large excess of weight, when a girl is under constant emotional pressure generated by her own dissatisfaction with herself, the ridicule of others and the desire to change. Often this disease is attributed to models that regularly withstand huge competition and are terribly afraid of the appearance of superfluouskilogram, which will inevitably be noticed during the fashion show in swimsuits. According to rough estimates, about 1% of the beautiful half of humanity and 0.2% of the strong half suffer from anorexia. At the same time, the average age of patients ranges from 13 to 20 years.
What are the main causes of anorexia?
Rarely, but it happens that the cause of the progression of anorexia is a brain tumor, which provokes an imbalance in the hormones of the pituitary or hypothalamus. But predominantly the disease has psychological causes. In other words, the obsessive desire to lose weight is due to low self-esteem, the desire to make a career, to please a lover, depressive disorders or schizophrenia.

How to recognize anorexia early?
The main symptom, of course, is weight loss of 20 percent or more of body weight in six months or less. There is a panic fear of getting better. Progressive depletion of the body. Patients have a clear goal and dream about the number of the desired weight. With a long absence of effect, depression develops, accompanied by outbursts of anger. With weight loss, bouts of euphoria are possible. New norms of behavior during meals appear and are strengthened. For example, patients eat standing up, divide the food they eat into portions, and hide from their family members. Using the trust of their loved ones, patients throw away food, put it on other people's plates, give it to animals.

If it turns out, then patients completely refuseeating, as happened in the case of Ksyusha Bubenko. Her muscles began to atrophy. It's scary to look at the girl's body. Calcium is washed out of the bones, teeth and hair are badly damaged. The girl has an arrhythmia and constant weakness. The monthly cycle has stopped, and since the restoration of organs is not observed, the cells began to die. In the event that Ksenia Bubenko recovered, perhaps the cycle would return.
The path to life
Now the girl needs urgent hospitalization, which she resists. Recovery will be possible when she starts receiving intravenous vitamins and medication. In addition, she needs a balanced diet and behavioral therapy. Ksenia Bubenko has now gained several kilograms, but her he alth is still in danger. Without a clear desire to recover, the girl is doomed. Meanwhile, many hundreds of little girls study her photos, envy her success and dream of a career as a supermodel, the path to which for them begins with a diet.