Talented illustrator Yana Frank has been living in Germany for many years. However, at home and in Russia, many people who are passionate about art know about the girl. After all, she is another example of those strong women who, despite a difficult diagnosis, continue to work and believe in themselves. Her story is not unique, but it motivates not to despair and at all costs and go towards your goal. You will learn about the biography of Yana Frank and her creative life in our article.
The future artist was born in Tajikistan in 1972. The girl's mother worked as the editor-in-chief of a children's magazine, so from an early age, Yana knew how to observe the creation of colorful illustrations and the publication of publications. Almost in the first years of her conscious life, Frank became interested in drawing. A little later, the hobby began to turn into the business of her whole life. At the age of 15, Yana decided to get a job in a publishing house, to her mother. There she tried her hand as an illustrator and evendesigner.
When it came time to choose an educational institution, the girl no doubt took the documents to the local art school. While studying and working in parallel, Yana began to comprehend all the new horizons of her chosen profession.
Birth of a son and marriage
Being a very young girl, Yana Frank met her future husband. Young people played a not very magnificent wedding in Central Asia. And about a year later, at the age of 19, they had a son. The young illustrator could not combine caring for a baby and work, so it was decided to send her grown son to a nursery. At that time he was about 2 years old. Many people around Yana believed that such carelessness towards her son and the desire to earn money characterize her as not the best mother. But Frank still believes that women do not need to be limited to home and family if the soul requires self-realization.
Moving to Germany
In 1990, Yana moved to Germany with her husband. It was there that the artist became who she is today. After the move, the girl took courses and worked on small projects, creating signs, comics, and illustrations for magazines. Over the years of her creative life, Anne Frank managed to achieve a lot. After all, she took place not only as an illustrator, but also a writer. In the early 2000s, with the development of the Internet, she discovered a new profession for herself - a web designer.

At the same time, she entered another course dedicated to just this direction. The experience grew, and Yana's ideas and plans grew with it. Back to top2002, she was already an art director and had weight in the society of artists and web designers in Germany. Pictured is Yana with her son.

When all the desired peaks were conquered, the woman thought about changing her field of activity. But just at that moment, the terrible news came.
Disease and fight against it
In 2003, unsuspecting, Yana went to the hospital for a routine examination. However, she will remember this day forever, the doctors diagnosed her with a fatal diagnosis - cancer. Life is divided into before and after. The next two years, she spent as if in a fog, moving between various hospitals and hospitals. Yana had to undergo a complex procedure that all cancer patients undergo - chemotherapy. When the doctors began to endure comforting prospects, Yana decided that she would continue to do her job. Drawing and work helped her to get a little distracted from sad thoughts during a difficult life period.

Now that cancer is almost over, Yana is disabled. She still has to undergo examinations and some procedures, because the disease has not completely left her. But she believes that awareness of the value of life and the desire to exist in this world in general will help her stay here for many more years.
Creative Time Manager
Besides her main activity, Yana is to some extent a psychologist and trainer. One of her favorite areas is time management. The study of this topic led to the writing of a diary forcreative personalities "Muse and the Beast". It describes Yana Frank's method, which should help all those who work in the creative profession. The main idea is that it is impossible to do everything. Therefore, Yana proposes to single out 4 main goals and work on them. The second rule says that the ideal schedule for a creative person is the format: 45 minutes of work + 15 minutes of rest. It is during this time that a person will not overwork, but will have time to do something. 15 minutes of rest is also enough to drink a cup of coffee or watch half an episode of a series. The diary also talks about the importance of careful planning of each case, day, month.
Life after illness
Today, Yana Frank is a successful woman working with many projects. After completing the treatment, she finally realized that it is impossible to be perfect in everything. She shares this in her books and blog. The image of Yana and her work attract attention with their brightness.

Someone, having learned about the artist, wants to get a haircut like Yana Frank, and someone decides to radically change their lives and finally stop the senseless rush for imaginary "needs".