Sam Worthington: filmography, biography, personal life, photo

Sam Worthington: filmography, biography, personal life, photo
Sam Worthington: filmography, biography, personal life, photo

Samuel Worthington is a young Australian actor who gained worldwide fame after James Cameron's Avatar, where he played the lead role of Jake Sully.


Sam Worthington, whose biography began in the English county of Surrey, was born in August 1976. Almost immediately after the birth of the baby, his parents moved to permanent residence in Australia. Sam spent his childhood and youth in the town of Rockingham near the large city of Perth. His father worked in an aluminum factory. From an early age, the boy was surrounded by the poor of the port areas, and he did not think about fame and big money. After school, the boy worked as an ordinary bricklayer at a construction site, but at one fine moment he realized that it was not necessary to spend his life like that, and decided to try his hand at something else.

Sam Worthington filmography
Sam Worthington filmography

Acting art Worthington began to get involved very early, constantly participating in school plays. It was then that he realized that he would like to connect with the theater all his life.

Sam got his first acting knowledge at the Drama School of John Kartin. The teachers noted the extraordinary talent of the young man,but they claimed that Sam was not distinguished by special diligence and diligence.

After graduating from high school and briefly working in construction, Sam travels to Sydney and joins the National Institute of Dramatic Arts, where he is in good standing with course leaders. In 1998, he graduated from the institute, and a completely different life begins for him - a future movie star.

Careers in Australia

After graduation, Sam receives an offer to work at the Belvoir Theatre. There he played a role in the play "Kiss of Judas". After the success of this work, Sam Worthington, whose filmography begins with Australian TV series, receives an offer from the director of the Blue Heelers series.

Sam Worthington biography
Sam Worthington biography

In fact, according to Worthington himself, it is quite difficult to succeed in Australian cinema. If you're not already famous, then you have to make ends meet with cameo roles, commercials and work in the crowd of American films, which are filmed in Australia.

Having reached the age of thirty, aspiring actor Sam Worthington, whose filmography included more than fifteen film credits by that time, was terribly disappointed with his life and unfolding career. So one fine day, he sold almost all of his possessions and, having loaded the necessary things into his car, he drove to the mountains to contemplate his fate.

It was there that the agent's call caught him, as it turned out, fateful. Sam was invited to audition for Avatar.

US career

Sam Worthington began his career in American cinema with low-budget films and low-profile roles back in 2000. But the real breakthrough for his career was 2009. It was then that the films "Terminator: May the Savior Come" and "Avatar" were released.

Sam Worthington Movies
Sam Worthington Movies

The role in "Avatar" was a revelation. Everyone noticed the acting skills of the Australian young man. And offers rained down on him hail. Sam Worthington, whose filmography was replenished with such works as Clash of the Titans, Wrath of the Titans (Perseus), On the Edge (Nick Cassidy), quickly consolidated his position on the Hollywood Olympus. To some extent, James Cameron also became his guide to this world, choosing an unknown Australian from hundreds of applicants for the role of Jake Sully, which became his most stellar work.

Despite the fact that Sam Worthington, whose filmography is replenished with several films a year, continues to work hard and shoot endlessly, for the audience he remains the hero of "Avatar". The production of the second part of the sensational sci-fi film is now underway, where Sam will continue to play the role of Jake Sully, apparently already in a new look.

In addition to his work in cinema, Worthington takes part in voicing the famous computer game Call of Duty.

Nominations and awards

Sam Worthington, whose films do not always qualify for eminent awards, was nominated for an M-TV channel award for his role as Jake Sully in threecategories: "Best Kiss", "Best Fight" and "Best Action Hero". But he did not become a laureate of any of them.

In 2010, he was also nominated for the Saturn Award (for science fiction films) in the Best Movie Actor category. Sam is the winner.

Private life

Sam Worthington, whose personal life is not very public, met with Australian actress Maeve Dermody for a long time. They constantly appeared together at secular parties, and on the streets of the city too.

All the closest acquaintances of the couple claimed that the wedding was just around the corner, but Sam and Maeve broke up in 2008, after three years of relationship. There were many different rumors and guesses in the press about this, but neither side announced the reasons for the gap.

Sam Worthington personal life
Sam Worthington personal life

In 2009, Sam got a new girlfriend - Natalie Marks. But it was not possible to create a strong union with her, and although the couple met for two years (and this is a long time for Hollywood), their separation did not surprise any of their friends. Their last public appearance dated October 2010 at a basketball game in New York. Worthington decided to tell that once again he broke up with his girlfriend only after the New Year.

For several years, the actor did not burden himself with a serious relationship, because he was having a hard time breaking up with Natalie (drunken brawls, bouts of uncontrolled aggression, etc. were mentioned in the press). But in 2013, he met model Lara Bingle, who is ten years younger than him. It was love withfirst sight. Very soon, young people began to live together, and after they found out that they would become parents, they decided to officially legalize the marriage. The wedding took place in February 2014 in a narrow circle of relatives and friends.

On March 24, 2015, the son of Sam and Lara, Rocket Zot, was born. Sam Worthington, whose photo is now rarely seen in the yellow press, spends all his time with his family.

Sam Worthington photo
Sam Worthington photo

Interesting facts

  1. Height - 178 cm
  2. Declares that he hates sports and going to the gym is torture for him.
  3. Been to Russia many times (including at the premiere of "Avatar") and admired Russian architecture.
  4. The actor has poor eyesight, but Sam Worthington is photographed without glasses and prefers lenses in real life.
  5. Participated in the audition for the role of James Bond in "Casino Royale", but then D. Craig was chosen.
