Floods are everywhere. In addition, they repeat over time. On the territory of the former Soviet Union, the biggest disasters occurred in 1908 and 1926 on the Volga and on the Dnieper (1931). Today - in 2013 - on the Amur.
Three years ago
It happened in 2012 in the Kuban. On July 4, it rained heavily everywhere. From the 6th to the 7th, at three o'clock in the morning (when people were sleeping), water suddenly began to accumulate on the streets of Krymsk. And after 10 minutes, its level jumped by several meters. The first floors of houses were completely flooded. More than 3-5 months of rain fell on the ground in just these two days. Krymsk suffered the most. In it, the water rose by 4-7 meters.

One of the reasons for the disaster was called a very poor storm sewer on the streets or none at all. Then in the Krasnodar Territory 171 people died, more than 34 thousand were injured. Experts from Russia gave this flood the status of "outstanding". Foreigners regarded it as a "flash flood".
Be that as it may, but the scale of this disaster was such that on July 9, 2012 mourning was declared throughout the country. Celebration of the Day of family, love and fidelity,on that date were cancelled.
Trouble again
Thunderstorms began in the regional center on the evening of June 23, 2015. They walked for several hours in a row, the city of Krasnodar did not expect something very bad. Does it rain a lot? Short and long. This often happens in the summer. However, this time there was a real flood in Krasnodar. On the night of the 24th, in just an hour and a half, a monthly rainfall fell. Street sewers quickly fill up to the very top. And dirty streams poured out. Instantly flooded the underground passages near the stadium "Kuban" and on the street 40 years of Victory. Gomelskaya just became like a river.
The elements paralyzed traffic. Trolleybuses did not run for a long time. The trams also stopped. Private cars were flooded almost to the roof with water.

150 entries
Krasnodar did not sleep at night. The administration held an emergency meeting. And soon the utilities quickly got down to business. Until the morning eliminated the consequences of the downpour. They were joined by firefighters in their "combat" vehicles. Thus, more than 20 pieces of various rescue equipment were involved.
Drainage pumps worked non-stop on P. Metalnikova and Dachnaya streets. Also at the intersections of St. Turgenev and Far, Novorossiysk and Seleznev. In total, during that restless night, the townspeople called brigades to pump out water 147 times. By morning, almost 100, or rather 99, requests were completed by the workers.
The headquarters for the elimination of the elements promised to increase the number of pumping machines in the most problematicpoints of the city.
Without light
But it turned out badly that the flood in Krasnodar flooded the electrical substation (it is located on Topolina). Many houses were without electricity: on the street. Gavrilov, also the Russian and Highway Oilmen, on May 1, Yesenin and Dzerzhinsky. The lamps went out on the streets leading from the Aurora (cinema) to the street. Budyonny. Here, too, the power substation "wet". This was reported by eyewitnesses. Many then sat in apartments in complete darkness, and even without water in the taps. And only unsuccessfully tried to escape from the dirty streams that swept into the living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens.
In general, no less than 160 substations were to be repaired in those days! After all, the flood in Krasnodar deprived of electricity not only the regional center, but also the villages in the district. Specialists, given the dramatic nature of the circumstances, worked tirelessly. And they promised to light the streets and residential buildings in two or three hours.

Hot spots
Everyone had a hard time. Flooding in Krasnodar is a natural disaster. And it spares neither the old nor the small. The storm front and heavy rainfall on June 23 and 24 brought a lot of trouble to residents in the Apsheron, Otradnensky, Labinsk and Mostovsky districts. But only later it turned out that the flood that happened in Krasnodar is the largest of all that was in the settlements of the Kuban.
And in the regional center Moskovskaya street turned out to be in the most critical situation. Even earlier, on June 17, there was already flooding here, when in less than an hour it all went under water. Bythe only way to pass the street was to take off your shoes and roll up your trousers above the knees.
Moreover, those living in this microdistrict were cut off from the outside world. It was impossible to drive by car. Moreover, many people's cars were half filled with water. These are expensive jeeps, and simpler cars. Some of them can be taken directly to the landfill. The engine won't start at all. Yes, there is water on the seats. And those drivers who figured out to quickly drive their cars from the street into the yards are now unable to get out of them.
Local residents assured that then, at the most difficult moment of the flood, not a single pumping equipment came to them. This special transport arrived only on June 18 in the afternoon. But the moisture never completely disappeared.

It only got worse
And who would have thought then that the threat of flooding in Krasnodar has not been eliminated?
Exactly a week later, after heavy rains that fell on the 23rd-24th, the situation on Moskovskaya Street worsened even more. Another huge mass of water spilled onto the moist soil. They began to pump it out - the pumps broke. True, the workers were able to quickly fix them.
All this seriously worried the city authorities. It is no coincidence that the repeated flooding in Krasnodar on Moskovskaya forced them to find money (they decided to take it from the reserve ones) and use it to build a new pumping station. She, as assured in the city administration, should earn in a month.
The fact is that one such enterprise already exists in Gomelskaya. This is a 360cc pump. m/hour. Howeverthey plan to install a more powerful (800 cubic meters) chamber for receiving water and lay a new pipeline in the same microdistrict. All this, according to experts, will take 2-3 weeks. And the synchronous operation of both stations (old and newly built) will eliminate flooding in this place much faster.

Reasons and rescue measures
Moskovskaya street is generally long-suffering. After literally every rain, it turns into a sea. Why? Krasnodar journalists asked this question to the leaders of the city. It turns out that they tried to solve this problem back in 2014. Then a pumping station was installed at the corner of Moskovskaya and Gomelskaya. But as soon as a heavy downpour broke out on June 17, 2015, the street “floated” again. And with an even greater flow that happened on June 23-24, neither the station itself, coupled with storm sewers, nor pipes could cope at all.
Yes, in a city caught in the grip of the elements, the authorities have temporarily changed bus routes. They moved where it was still possible to pass. Other emergency measures were taken.

But if from time to time there is a possibility of a flood in Krasnodar, then why do we have to wait for its arrival for many years in a row, without doing anything in advance? Apparently, they live by the proverb: “Until the thunder breaks out, the peasant will not cross himself.”