Last summer was full of internet scandals. Traditionally, representatives of the Russian political system or individuals indirectly associated with it have become the objects of the sensation. And this, unfortunately, is not an unfortunate accident. After all, the fracture of society from top to bottom is more and more noticeable, drawing the line between adequate people and, excuse me, the rabble, on which for some reason our state relies. In the near future in Russia, this difference will be a defining aspect in all social processes.
Internet resistance
The blogosphere is a kind of litmus test that replaces civil society, reflecting attitudes towards certain processes or individuals. Therefore, we will pay our attention to one person who was ganged up on by Runet bloggers. In this article we will tell you who Eric Davidovich is. Than he deserved special attention to his not particularly outstanding personality. We'll also talk about people like him.representatives of the Russian state. So…

Who is Eric Davidovich?
In September last year, the site, popularly referred to as "Smotra", received its portion of slops. This portal, as the "viewers" position themselves, is aimed at the owners of cool "basins" and those who simply envy them. Its founder and sole director is Erik Davidovich Kituashvili. The biography of this character has managed to acquire myths and conjectures, the author of which, for the most part, is Davidovich himself. He calls himself a showman, street racer and businessman. His friends, like himself, love United Russia, President Putin, fun companies and cool cars. And then one day the representatives of the "Review" at the head of their leader decided to hold a motor rally through the cities of Russia as a promotion. It is worth noting that in this regard they coped with the task - who Erik Davidovich is, now the entire Runet knows. The question is whether such glory pleases them. But first things first.

Events of July 17
Arriving at the Moya hotel booked in advance in the city of Samara (about five o'clock in the morning), the company decided to notify all the guests about this. Directly in the hall, they began to laugh loudly, make noise, raise their voices at the administrator Irina, who was on duty at that time. Among the crowd that surrounded the administrator's place was Eric Davidovich, whose biography the girl was unknown (to the deepest surprise of the chief observer), singer Roma Zhigan, and Ruslan Hakobyan. What are the names of the other members"Performance", unfortunately, is unknown. But as the further development of events showed, today they would not particularly like to be identified. The video demonstrates that an elderly woman, who is in the line of duty, is insulted and even directly threatened by a group of young people. We will not give a detailed text, since the speech of the thugs is richly embellished with obscene expressions. The militia outfit, who arrived at the call of Irina, found out who Erik Davidovich was and, frightened (!), preferred to retire from the scene. After that, the lookouts removed the security car blocking the way from the exit and left the hotel. Video of this enchanting action can also be found on the Internet.

Further developments
It would seem that justice should prevail, and a group of gopniks, having overslept, will apologize to the injured woman. But history took a completely opposite turn. The hotel director personally fired Irina, forcing her to apologize to the boor. You already know the further development of events - the video from that night hit the Internet, raising a wave of indignation. At the moment, a lawsuit against a company of Moscow thugs is being considered. And in society, a tacit war was declared against the so-called descendants of P. P. Sharikov. For with the collapse of the USSR, they did not eliminate themselves.