In order to warn the driver of the ongoing road construction work ahead, special signs are put up in the way of traffic to help protect the work of repair workers and avoid possible emergencies.
In the article we will discuss with you the "Roadworks" sign, namely, find out where it is installed and what are the rules for driving on a site with a similar sign.

Reasons for a Road Works Sign
Bringing the roadway into proper shape has always been an urgent task in our country. And the complex of measures related to this, as a rule, includes the repair of either the entire road, or some of its separate sections.
The need for this arises as a result of serious accidents, and as a result of deterioration of the road surface. At the same time, during the repair, special signs are required to warn of danger,- this can be a "Road works" sign, as well as cones and barriers.
If the entire roadway is occupied during the work, then new bypass lanes are additionally opened, which, by the way, become priority over those where the roadway is being repaired. A typical color for road maintenance work is yellow and orange.

When a road maintenance warning is set
As a rule, the need to install a "Road Works" sign is in the event of certain situations that may interfere with safe movement, or even make it impossible.
So, the named pointer is placed if it is necessary to reconstruct an existing road surface or lay a new one. The described sign is also installed during the cleaning of curbs along the road from dirt or when it becomes necessary to replace light bulbs in traffic lights and street lamps.
Such a pointer is also needed during sanitary pruning of trees growing along the route.

Where the road sign "Repair Works" is installed
To comply with safety rules, certain distances are maintained, within which the signs "Roadworks" are installed:
- if the road is being repaired outside the city, then the sign is set at a distance of 150 to 300 meters from the place of work;
- if a ruined canvas in need ofrepair, passes within the boundaries of the settlement, the said sign is placed at a distance of 50 to 100 meters from the place of work;
- in some cases, this sign can be located even at a distance of 10 meters, provided that the road repair will take place on the roadway within the city.
By the way, in order to minimize disruption of the city transport schedule, repair teams usually work at night.
How a driver should act when he sees Road Works signs
If during the movement the driver found the described sign, then he must slow down and at the same time carefully monitor the situation on the highway. By the way, you need to know that traffic officers have every right to regulate traffic on a particular section of the road - they can, if necessary, completely stop it and show the way for a detour.
It should also be recalled that the temporary sign "Road Works" is not stationary, although it has advantages over other signs installed on a specific section of the road.
No matter where exactly the described sign is located, it always indicates that the driver must slow down and be extremely careful!

Existing character combinations
Quite often, the installation of a "Roadworks" sign requires the use of accompanying signs. So, in combination, for example, with the sign "Permitted speed not higher than 50 km / h"set so that cars at the reconstruction site do not exceed the specified speed (by the way, the pointer must have a yellow background). We must not forget that the driver who sees a sign instructing to slow down is obliged to strictly follow these instructions until they are canceled. If there is no such sign, then the speed limit must be such that it allows you to adequately respond to unexpected obstacles that arise as a result of the work being done.
If the "Repair work" sign is placed along with the warning: "Caution, gravel throw", then this means that there is a risk of throwing small stones during repair. And in combination with the signs “One-way or two-way narrowing of the road”, the described sign tells drivers that a narrowing of the road ahead of them as a result of the work being done.
The "Roadworks" sign serves to ensure the safety of both drivers and maintenance workers. And carelessness and negligence on the part of car owners or representatives of the road service can lead to very serious consequences and even accidents.