Minutes of the meeting: structure and content

Minutes of the meeting: structure and content
Minutes of the meeting: structure and content

The minutes of the meeting is a document that reflects all the important decisions of this event. Its incorrect drafting, both in meaning and in execution, may cause it to be contested by the participants in the meeting. In addition, there is a potential danger of making incorrect management decisions if the minutes of the production meeting contain distorted information. A set of simple recommendations will help you arrange it correctly.

protocol of the meeting
protocol of the meeting

The text of this document usually contains two parts: introductory and main. The minutes of the meeting (its first half) include a description of the main parameters of the event: positions, full name. members, chairman and secretary. When one of those present has a special status (invited, expert, observer, etc.), this is also noted in the document. If the meeting was attended by many people, then the minutes of the meeting may contain data about them ona separate sheet, which is an inseparable appendix of the document. The introductory section ends with the agenda, which contains a list of issues under consideration. It is desirable to arrange them in order of importance, but there may be other factors that affect the place in the list of questions. For example, the structure of the agenda may depend on the logical relationship of part of its issues or the employment of the persons participating in the event. The document itself is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization (its division), it must be indicated when the meeting took place.

production meeting minutes
production meeting minutes

The minutes of the meeting in the main part must match the introductory part. In particular, its items should go in the same order as in the agenda. The algorithm for constructing a text that records information on each agenda item is as follows: "listened", "spoke", "decided". The main rule when writing this part of the protocol is that it should not turn into a kind of transcript.

In particular, the subparagraph "listened" describes who was the keynote speaker on the issue, what he proposed at the end of his speech. According to the speakers, it is also indicated who said what he proposed. The decision fixes the final position of the majority of the meeting participants. If it was adopted by voting, then it is indicated how many people were for it, how many were against it, as well as the number of abstentions. Depending on the importance of the issues discussed, the full name may be listed. people who have taken one position or another.

registrationminutes of the meeting
registrationminutes of the meeting

The minutes of the meeting are drawn up by the secretary, the document itself is signed by the executor and the chairperson of the meeting. The source of information for its compilation are handwritten drafts, recordings made using a voice recorder, transcripts. If the resolution of issues identified during the meeting requires the authority of a higher official who did not participate in the meeting, approval of decisions by this head may be additionally provided. A signed and registered protocol can be sent as a single document or as extracts to officials who are covered by only a part of the questions.
