Minutes of the meeting of founders: when is it needed and why

Minutes of the meeting of founders: when is it needed and why
Minutes of the meeting of founders: when is it needed and why

The minutes of the founders' meeting are required when a decision is made to establish a commercial or non-commercial organization. As a rule, it is made up when there are two or more participants. Such a protocol of the meeting of founders, in addition to the decision to establish an organization, may also contain the approval of the assessment of tangible assets invested in the authorized capital. For example, equipment, furniture, building, raw materials, patents, and the like. Although it is not a founding document, it must be drawn up.

founders meeting minutes
founders meeting minutes

In the future, this document is required to manage the organization when any issues go beyond the authority of its leader. They (powers) are determined by the charter, the regulation on the director, the employment contract. In addition, the minutes of the meeting of the founders are also required for the appointment of a director of the company. At the initial stage of the functioning of the organization, there is a certain identity of the two concepts. In particular, the founder and participant are one person. In the future (when selling shares), this identity disappears. That is why the minutes of the meeting of the founders after this should be called differently.

meeting minutes form
meeting minutes form

In the future, participants can make a fairly wide range of decisions. All of them, as a rule, must be recorded in the LLC protocol. In particular, these can be issues related to an increase in the authorized capital, distribution of profits, payment for the work of the director of the organization, obtaining a large loan, approval of a number of documents regulating the company's activities, issuance of bonds, reorganization.

The meeting minutes form must contain several required details. Their absence in the future may adversely affect the objectivity of assessing the situation in some proceedings. Firstly, the title of the document, the name of the company in it, must fully comply with the charter. In addition, there must be a number and date. This is especially important if one decision changes the positions of another. You also need to indicate the location of the meeting (city or other locality).

After the title, the participants (founders) present at the event are usually listed. If it is not them personally, but their representatives, then it is necessary to make a reference to the power of attorney, write its details and notary data. Full name is also indicated. secretary (his position in this organization). Then comes the meeting agenda. Her questions are usually listed in order of importance.

protocol ooo
protocol ooo

Next comes the administrative part of the protocol. The number of its sections corresponds to the number of issues on the agenda. Each of them includes a description of the keynote speaker, if available.additions (changes), their essence and full name are indicated. who offered them. Then the data on voting of participants is resulted. The result is a decision. For unambiguous talk, it must be clear, clear and without ornate phrases. The protocol is signed by all present participants (founders), the chairman and the secretary.
