Russian politician Konstantin Borovoy: biography and activities

Russian politician Konstantin Borovoy: biography and activities
Russian politician Konstantin Borovoy: biography and activities

Money and politics are two topics that attract people's eyes a lot.

Konstantin Borovoy, a well-known businessman and politician of the 80s and 90s, clearly feels throughout his active life that he lives in a "house with transparent walls." And so he especially does not hide the facts of his biography.

konstantin borovoi
konstantin borovoi

Childhood and youth

On June 30, 1948, the youngest son Borovoy Konstantin Natanovich was born in the family of a professor of mathematics at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. The family was quite successful, with a history. So, Konstantin's grandfather was a fairly well-known revolutionary who suffered from Stalin's repressions. After rehabilitation, he acted as the main witness at the trial of Beria, was close friends with N. S. Khrushchev and L. I. Brezhnev. The mother of the future politician occupied a respectable post in the district committee of the CPSU, his father taught at the university and wrote books. Therefore, the child received a good upbringing, grew up in abundance, but his grandmother was most of all involved in him, who was even able to christen her grandson, which at that time was a risky business. The boy read a lot, visitedtheaters and grew up as a real child from a Moscow intelligent family. From the age of 12, Konstantin began attending meetings at the Polytechnic Museum, where he got acquainted with the work of idol poets of that time. He also attends lectures at Moscow State University on astronomy, literature, physics, and is saturated with the culture of the thaw. At the same time, together with his classmates, he creates a secret organization for the distribution of samizdat literature.

Years of study

According to family tradition, the boy was sent to a mathematical school, which he successfully graduated in 1965. Then Konstantin Borovoy entered the university where his father worked, and successfully graduated in 1970, immediately enrolling in the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Moscow State University. After graduating, Borovoy begins working in the field of introducing automated control systems and enters graduate school. Having defended his Ph. D. thesis in 1980, he works in several research institutes and universities, begins teaching and makes a quite successful career at that time. At this time, an intelligent circle of friends was formed around him, they discussed the situation in the country and the world in the kitchen, the latest in cinema, theater, and literature. This circle also included Irina Khakamada.

Borovoy Konstantin Natanovich
Borovoy Konstantin Natanovich

Co-op fever

This period ends when Konstantin Borovoy, whose biography began in the spirit of family traditions, changed his path at a time when great changes began in the country. In 1987, Borovoy parted ways with his convenient and fairly profitable place of work and went into free swimming. He began by providing research institutessoftware products, carried out various scientific developments. People who wanted to make money were drawn to him, ideas multiplied like a snowball, and a year later Borovoy was the chairman of several cooperatives. By 1989, the level of income allowed Borovoy to do charity work, he helps destitute old people and even sponsors the Modern Opera Theater. At this time, Konstantin Natanovich becomes a millionaire and understands that cooperatives are not his scale, he needs something more.

Stock Dealer

In 1989, the idea of creating an exchange appears and gradually crystallizes. Konstantin Borovoy, who does not hide his nationality, at this time enters the Jewish Union, where he will find many useful acquaintances. In the same period, he understands that a new brainchild will allow him to reach a new level. In 1990, the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange appeared in Russia. Its creation was not easy, the shareholders faced strong opposition from the authorities, but nevertheless the project was a success, Soviet and foreign shareholders appeared, and the turnover of the exchange began to grow rapidly. This was the start of the exchange movement in the USSR, by 1992 there were about a thousand of them.

Konstantin Borovoy biography
Konstantin Borovoy biography

And Borovoy goes further and becomes the founder and chairman of the board of directors of the Russian National Commercial Bank. At this time, he is actively engaged in educational activities, tells the population about the advantages and possibilities of a market economy. Borovoy becomes a media character, he is often invited to the media, and he becomes recognizableman. Konstantin Borovoy at this time performs many extravagant acts, for example, he meets with the Minister of Finance of the Pinochet government, but donates large sums to various projects, in particular, to the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

Konstantin Borovoy nationality
Konstantin Borovoy nationality

He cooperates with the leading politicians of the time, becomes a member of the president's office. But his fame has a scandalous connotation, he does not hide his condition, he is even assassinated. This period of rich commercial activity ends naturally - Borovoy goes into politics.

Politician: Borovoy Konstantin Natanovich

In 1992, the novice politician Borovoy creates the Party of Economic Freedom. He gains fame as a defender of democracy during the putsch of the State Emergency Committee, which allowed him to get closer to Yeltsin. In 1995, he was elected to the State Duma, his speeches were remembered by many for their irony and eccentricity. The politician builds his career on opposition to the current government, he defends democratic freedoms and is an apologist for the market economy.

For several years, Borovoy has been participating in various elections, but luck does not smile at him. All this leads to the fact that he becomes a bright oppositionist in relation to the current government.

Opposition activity

The end of the twentieth century was not easy for Borovoe. He believes that the FSB is pursuing him, he is being followed, especially after he was killed right during his conversation with D. Dudayev

Borovoy Konstantin Natanovich nationality
Borovoy Konstantin Natanovich nationality

In 2010, Konstantin Borovoy signs the petition “Putin must go”, together with his friend Valeria Novodvorskaya, they become the initiators of the social movement and the Western Choice party in defense of European values, later the party was denied registration. The movement continues its activities, proving that there is an opposition in Russia.

Life in the 11th century

Today, Borovoy actively criticizes Putin's policies, he collaborates with Ukraine's socio-political online publication, where he regularly expresses his pro-Ukrainian ideas. He has ceased to be a welcome guest in the Russian media, but does not lose his popularity thanks to speeches on various political issues on the Internet.

Borovoy currently has sufficient funds to live on, he is a shareholder and owner of several campaigns. Also, together with American partners, he opens World Wide Consulting, is engaged in investments and political consulting. He continues to open new companies, attracting large investments, his entrepreneurial acumen has not faded in the heat of political battles.

Colleagues speak contradictory about Konstantin Borovoy. He was unable to maintain friendly relations with many people because of his sharp tongue and unpredictability. However, he is respected and appreciated for his consistent position in upholding the values of a market state.

about Konstantin Borovoy
about Konstantin Borovoy

Family and personal life

Despiteall the scandalousness of the image, Borovoy admits that he professes true family values. His first, student marriage was a youthful mistake, but he lives with his second wife for many years. Borovoy Konstantin Natanovich, whose nationality, in general, does not matter, promotes Christian values. He has a daughter from his second marriage, the eldest daughter from his first wife died in 2008, and three granddaughters.
