Pogrebinsky Mikhail Borisovich is a well-known figure both in Ukraine and abroad. The secret of popularity is not only in his excellent education and long experience in the political sphere. There is a special talent and vocation here that allows you to see through the situation. Political scientists are like magicians, they can read between the lines and draw conclusions not from words spoken, but from deeds and actions.

This is how a well-known political scientist, a real expert in his field, Mikhail Pogrebinsky appears.
Born on December 7, 1946 in the city of Kyiv. Here he graduated from the university, which today is better known as the Taras Shevchenko National University. The speci alty received at the end of the university has nothing to do with the political sphere. It is known that Pogrebinsky Mikhail studied at the Faculty of Physics, after graduating from which he received the corresponding profession - a theoretical physicist.
Work in speci alty
He began his career immediately after graduating from the university - in 1969. The choice fell on work in the speci alty at one of the departments of the Kyivuniversity of microdevices. Pogrebinsky Mikhail worked in this institution for more than twenty years and went from an ordinary engineer to a leading specialist, and later became the head of a laboratory that was engaged in physical and mathematical modeling.
First tryouts in politics
The future political scientist first showed himself in this role in 1989. Then he took part in the election campaign, which took place on the eve of the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He was able to realize his political technology talents by acting as an adviser to Yuri Shcherbak. Later, he took part in all presidential election campaigns held in 1994 and 1999, and also participated in parliamentary elections (in 1998 and 2002). Then Pogrebinsky collaborated with the SLOn bloc and with the SDPU(o).
Politics as a vocation
Starting in 1989 his activities in the political sphere, Mikhail Pogrebinsky took part in various election campaigns. This experience prompted the political scientist to think about creating an independent advisory body. And already in 1993, he acts as the founder of the Kyiv Center for Political Studies and Conflictology (KTsPIK), whose tasks include providing advice and conducting various levels of research.

To this day, Pogrebinsky Mikhail Borisovich is known not only as a political scientist, but also as the director and creator of the KTsPIK.
A few words about the work of the center
The Kyiv Center for Political Studies and Conflict Studies is astructure that deals with expert-analytical assessment. The main activity of the organization is research. Today, the KTSPIK focuses its attention on how transformational processes are taking place in Ukrainian society, how social institutions and state bodies are changing under the influence of democracy.

Specific activities include the following:
- monitoring the current situation in Ukraine in various aspects: political, social and economic;
- analytics and forecasts of developments both domestically and abroad;
- organization of various kinds of meetings with the involvement of experts (conferences, seminars and round tables);
- sociological research, which also includes expert surveys;
- consultations provided to entities of different forms of ownership and levels;
- development and publication of printed materials containing information data and analytics.
Heads and coordinates the work of the structure, and also acts as its face, Mikhail Pogrebinsky (see photo below).

Consulting activities
It is clear that Pogrebinsky Mikhail could not stand aside while doing consulting activities and interacting with the most famous politicians and parties.
And from 1998 to 2000 during the presidency of Leonid Kuchma, he becomes a member of the Council of Experts dealing with issues of internalstate policy. Simultaneously with this activity, the political scientist becomes an adviser to the then Prime Minister of Ukraine - Valeriy Pustovoitenko.
This period in the life of a famous political scientist is characterized by the fact that he managed to try himself as a politician. He was a member of the Kyiv City Council, assistant to the deputy chairman of the Ukrainian parliament.
Further cooperation leads to the fact that Pogrebinsky takes the position of another adviser. This time consultations are required for Viktor Medvedchuk, who at that time headed the Presidential Administration.
In 2004, Mikhail Pogrebinsky became an adviser to Viktor Yanukovych, who at that time was running for president.
Cooperating with Viktor Medvedchuk, he promotes his brainchild, which from 2012 to 2014 was known as the Ukrainian Choice.
Today, political scientist Mikhail Pogrebinsky actively consults and expresses his opinion on the processes taking place on the territory of the country, as well as on its relations with other states and international organizations.
Mikhail Pogrebinsky on the situation in Ukraine
Speaking out, the well-known political scientist is critical of the current government and does not really hide his opinion. In his recent articles, Mikhail Borisovich draws attention to the fact that the policy proclaimed by the government and the president of Ukraine runs counter to public opinion.

The political scientist backs up his statements with the results of opinion polls. An example of suchConfrontation of interests is provided by data on what is included in the top three priority problems in the country. Among the answers in the first place is the war in the Donetsk region, the second is corruption in government agencies, and the third is growing unemployment. The issue of relations with Russia is not included in the category of paramount. What do those in power demonstrate? Here the situation is completely different. The issue of countering aggression by Russia is a priority. And, accordingly, the media replicate this, influencing public opinion. In addition, there are a number of issues in which there is a similar conflict.
These and other problems are stated by political scientist Mikhail Pogrebinsky. Ukraine, in his opinion, is in a difficult situation today.

The political scientist notes: following the logic of democratic tools, among which there are early elections, and such an action as a civil protest, the insolvent government must go. But, unfortunately, this does not happen. The reason for the current deadlock is that, having come to power, Maidan, who calls himself a revolution of dignity, blocked even those of the democratic instruments that were valid under all previous political regimes, a well-known political scientist believes.
This is another name of the center that is more familiar to users of the worldwide web. Here Mikhail Pogrebinsky, whose blog is constantly updated with various data and news about current events, introduces readers to hisviews on the situation in the country. Here you can also see the opinions of other leading experts of the KCIPCC, which are posted on the main page. The most original of them is Cat Chizhik, whose sphere of strategic interests is also presented to the attention of blog visitors.