Markov Sergey - Russian political scientist: biography, speeches and activities

Markov Sergey - Russian political scientist: biography, speeches and activities
Markov Sergey - Russian political scientist: biography, speeches and activities

Political science is defined as the science of politics, i.e., a special sphere of social life associated with the state-political organization and power relations in it, political principles and institutions, norms that should ensure the relationship between society, people and state. The term has Greek roots.

Specialists in this field are called political scientists. Most of them come from philosophy and other related sciences.

One of them will be discussed below. Political scientist Markov Sergey Alexandrovich is very extravagant and expressive.

A bit of biography

The biography of Sergei Alexandrovich Markov originates in Dubna (Moscow region). It was in this city that he was born on April 18, 1958.

markov sergey political scientist
markov sergey political scientist

After leaving school in 1977, he served in the border troops in the Arctic.

Then he studied at the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University (1981–1986). After graduating from this university in his hometown, he taught at a branch of the MoscowInstitute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation for three years, and then transferred to the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University, where he held positions from assistant to associate professor of the department.

In 1997, his political activity began with membership in the Perestroika club, which continues to this day.

In 2011, Russian political scientist Sergei Markov was appointed Vice-Rector of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

The political scientist is married with a daughter.

Activity of a political scientist

By and large, his whole life is participation in the fate of the country in one way or another.

From 1995 to 2004, political scientist Sergei Markov headed the Association of Political Research Centers.

The most significant year for Markov was 2002, as he was elected chairman of the National Civil Council for International Affairs. This committee interacted with all three branches of government.

In 2004 he worked in Ukraine, took part in the election campaign of V. Yanukovych.

In 2005–2007 was a member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Political scientist Sergei Markov is currently a member of the General Council of the United Russia party. He is one of the delegates of the State Duma to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and combines this activity with participation in the Council on Defense and Foreign Economic Policy.

For three years (2009-2012) he was a member of the commission that counteracts those who are trying to falsify historical facts to the detriment of Russia's interests.

Currently holds the presidencyCenter for the Protection of Russian Citizens Abroad and Support for Compatriots.

sergei markov political scientist biography
sergei markov political scientist biography


Based on Markov's many speeches, some conclusions can be drawn. For example, he correlates the topical topic of Russophobia with anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. And he considers it quite normal. “Russophobia is the recognition and fear of the majesty of our country…” says Sergei Markov (Russian political scientist).

"Our competitors for a place in the world are the United States of America, France and Germany, these countries are afraid of us, their fear refers to natural Russophobia," he said in an interview.

And there is such a phenomenon, according to Markov, as unnatural Russophobia. It is what is happening in Ukraine now. The political scientist says that they are calling for the destruction of our population in the Donbass and Lugansk. As another example of unnatural Russophobia, he cites the situation in the B altic countries (Latvia, Estonia). According to Markov, the rights of Russians are extremely limited in these states, there are undemocratic political regimes.

In one of the interviews given by Markov S. A. newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, the political scientist said that Russophobia is racism, directed not so much against Russians as a population, ethnic group, but against three components of Russian identity: the state, the church and, of course, the Russian language. “But the Russians are a strong and independent people, you won’t exterminate us with all this,” Markov says.

Russia and Azerbaijan

BIn the light of recent events, the leaderships of Russia and Azerbaijan have switched to a strategic partnership.

Political scientist Sergei Markov says about Azerbaijan and Russia that, despite the ups and downs between these countries, relations are quite adequate and normal. Yes, there is some tension caused by some facts of government from the Azerbaijani side, but all disputes are in the process of being settled at the highest levels of government.

sergey markov political scientist about azerbaijan
sergey markov political scientist about azerbaijan

According to political scientist Markov S. A., political and military relations between these countries worry another country - Armenia. The authorities of this state recognize this fact. Armenia and Azerbaijan are on the verge of conflict, and it would be much more profitable for the former to maintain the status quo. If a constructive dialogue between the countries is not resumed, then it is unlikely that a military conflict will be avoided.

However, in spite of everything, relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia continue to develop and have a positive attitude. According to Markin, the Russian Foreign Ministry is somewhat concerned about the situation. "They are so inflated any petty problem between these countries that it may seem that the relationship is extremely tense," - said political analyst Markin. Personally, he has a positive attitude towards Azerbaijan and Russia and is confident that the dialogue between these states is gradually being established.


The biography of political scientist Sergei Markov is rich and voluminous. He is a confidant of the President of Russia, general director of the Institute for Political Studies, candidatepolitical sciences, has a long teaching experience, as well as an impressive experience of working abroad, is a member of the ruling party of the Russian Federation "United Russia". He has his own opinion regarding Russia's partners and its ill-wishers. He can justify his position to other people based on practical conclusions and the political picture as a whole.

sergey markov russian political scientist
sergey markov russian political scientist

Naturally, there are many rumors, intrigues and blatant lies about the political scientist, which he can dispel on his own.
