In the article, let's talk about Katerina Tikhonova. The daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin quite adequately defends her right to privacy. We will turn our attention to this young woman's education, academia, and other passions.
Let's start with the fact that Ekaterina Tikhonova was born on the last day of summer in 1986. The girl was born in Dresden, Germany. At the moment, she is a fairly well-known Russian public figure and manager. Works at the Center for the National Intellectual Reserve of Lomonosov Moscow State University. She is also the director of the Katerina Tikhonova Foundation "National Intellectual Development". Engaged in investment activities in Moscow in the field of scientific and technological progress on Sparrow Hills.
Also, a young woman is the Deputy Vice-Rector of Moscow State University. The permanent place of residence is Russia. The daughter of the President of the country is an athlete and an important functionary in the international and national acrobatic rock and roll confederation. Also, Ekaterina Tikhonova is the silver medalist of the 2014 Russian Championship. In addition, sheparticipated in the European and World Championships.
It should be noted that the information that she is the daughter of Vladimir Putin is not absolutely accurate. Such data was provided by Russian and international media.

Katerina Tikhonova - Putin's daughter
Let's start the biography of this girl with the fact that on August 31 she was born in Dresden in the family of a KGB officer V. Putin and his young wife Lyudmila. Then they were in Germany, as her husband was on a long business trip. The couple named their second daughter Katya. The girl received this name in honor of her grandmother on the mother's side.
Information that the heroine of our article is the daughter of such a high-ranking person appeared in the winter of 2015. Then it was provided by journalist Oleg Kashin, which was confirmed by anonymous sources from the Reuters agency. All this information, which referred to secret sources, was confirmed by another agency with a worldwide reputation, namely Bloomberg. Later, journalists found the minutes of the Acrobatic Rock and Roll World Championship, where they could find the exact date of birth of Tikhonova. Before that, only the year of the girl's birth was known.
Naturally, the head of the country could not but react to this information. In December 2015, he gave an interview where, during a press conference, he was asked a question about whether Katerina was his daughter. However, Vladimir Vladimirovich preferred not to confirm or deny this fact. He motivated this by the secret of his private life and security considerations.
In the spring of 2016, Andrei Kostin, who at that time wasPresident of VTB Bank, commented on the leak of the Panama Papers. Interestingly, during this, the man mentioned that Tikhonov is the daughter of Vladimir Vladimirovich.
In some other sources, this person was signed as K. Tikhonov. Thus, her real name was underlined or hidden. Katerina was meant, not Ekaterina.
In the summer of 2017, during a direct interview with Putin, the President said that both of his daughters live in Russia, namely in Moscow. Then he confirmed that he had a grandson. Thus, we understand that no one knows how to contact Katerina Tikhonova. This is the strictest secret that really should remain a secret, since even such a public figure as the head of the country has the right to his private life.

After the family moved to St. Petersburg, Katerina studied at a non-state type gymnasium with in-depth study of the German language. After that, the whole family moved to Moscow, then the girl studied at the school named after Dr. Haas at the German Embassy.
According to some reports, which are not the ultimate truth, the girl has been studying at St. Petersburg State University since 2003. There is also an opinion that she graduated from Moscow State University, with which, by the way, she actively cooperates to this day.
Katerina Tikhonova is the president's daughter who does not sit still. Despite the influenceand her father, she is still active. Rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy invited the girl to cooperate on the basis of innovative and technological development at the university.
It is known that from 2013 to this day, Katerina has been the head of the Center for the National Intellectual Reserve of Moscow State University, as we mentioned above. She also heads the Innopraktika company, under the brand of which her foundation operates and business develops. In the summer of 2014, the girl visited the Republic of Korea and Japan as the director of the Central Scientific Research Center. Then she visited these countries as part of the Russian delegation. During this trip, agreements were established on cooperation between Moscow State University and various Korean universities in the field of scientific and technological progress. The sports and cultural spheres that affected acrobatic rock and roll in Korea and Japan were also separately discussed. Thanks to this, a special organization was later created in South Korea, headed by Song Chun Hoon, who is the vice president of the SAMBO Federation.

Scientific activity
Note that Tikhonova Katerina Vladimirovna is also developing in scientific activities. So, she is engaged in a certain area of research at Moscow State University. More specifically, it studies the compensation or minimization of deviations from the normal functioning of the body using mathematical modeling methods. At the same time, the behavior of the organism is considered precisely during the exposure to extreme conditions.
Note that the girl's work is very closelyintertwines with at least 5 different disciplines, namely mechanics, physiology, mathematical modeling, biochemistry and physiology.
Katerina Tikhonova (Putina) is also quite popular as an athlete and participant in the European, World and Russian championships in acrobatic rock and roll. The girl always performed in tandem with Ivan Klimov. In 2014, at the Russian Championship, she received a silver medal. Then a couple of athletes still represented the sports school.
Note that the dance partner is also a member of the board of the Central Scientific Research Foundation. At the same time, the girl is the chairman of the international committee of the confederation for acrobatic rock and roll. On the well-known YouTube service, videos are presented where she performs and competes. In the winter of 2016, the girl, together with D. Alekseev, won the Russian Cup in this sport.

Private life
Putin's daughter Ekaterina Tikhonova, according to Bloomberg, is married. It is believed that her husband is Kirill Shamalov. The man was born in the spring of 1982 in Leningrad. At the moment, he is Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sibur for relations with authorities and owns more than 20% of the shares of the same company. He is the son of Nikolai Shamalov, co-owner of the Bank of Russia. This man, by the way, was Putin's comrade in the Ozero cooperative.
According to the Reuters agency already known to us, the wedding of a young couple took place in the winter of 2013. The festival was held at the Igora ski resort, whichlocated near St. Petersburg.

And now let's talk a little about Katerina Tikhonova's business projects. As we know, she is the founder and director of the TsNIR, and together with this she manages the NIR fund. The girl is involved in many projects in the technological valley of Moscow State University, which is an analogue of the American Silicon Valley. All these organizations, together with Moscow State University, are creating a development project on Sparrow Hills. Note that its cost is over $1.7 billion as of January 2015. In many sources, this project is recorded as "Skolkovo 2".
As part of this activity, a science and technology valley should appear on a large area in Moscow, which occupies 240 hectares, which is located between Michurinsky Prospekt and Vernadsky Prospekt, by the end of 2018. It is planned that, in addition to buildings for study and dormitories, more than 550 sq. m. of housing. In the meantime, the cost of the entire project is estimated at 110 billion rubles.
However, in the course of this project, financial analysts estimated the value of the holdings owned by Ekaterina and her husband. It was equal to 2 billion dollars. It should be noted that in 2014 the research budget amounted to more than 280 million rubles. By 2015, this figure increased to 411 million rubles, and already in 2016 it reached 646 million rubles.
Of these funds, more than 300 million rubles were spent on targeted activities and more than 80 million - on the maintenance of the management apparatus. In the same year, net profit amounted to more than 180 million rubles.
Note that the board of trustees of this organization includes the heads of Transneft, Rosatom, Rosneft, Sibur, Gazprombank. In 2016, this fund entered into many contracts, the total amount of which amounted to 241 million rubles. By the spring of 2017, only two contracts were signed, the amount of which amounted to 142 million rubles. The main customers were such organizations as Rosatom, Rosneft, Transneft.

Interesting facts
Note that the president has repeatedly given interviews about his daughters and his family in general. He has said many times that he will never discuss issues related to his personal life. Vladimir Vladimirovich also insisted that none of his family is engaged in business or politics. He argued that no one climbs into all these cases. That was the answer given by the head of the country after being asked by correspondent Mikhail Rubin.
In addition, he stressed that his daughters always live in Russia, they did not leave for permanent residence abroad. Vladimir Vladimirovich noted that he was proud of his daughters, who can speak three European languages fluently. In doing so, they use their knowledge in their work.
Also, the father of two girls noticed that they are just starting out in their careers, but are already making some commendable progress. Again, for security reasons, he never talked about where his daughters work.and what they do. So many times the president emphasized that every person has the right to his own destiny. His children have never been stellar and did not enjoy the attention of the press. That is why they can live their real life, which they do very well.
Before 2015, apart from the official information that Putin has two daughters, nothing more was known.

Interest of journalists
After that, the attention of RBC was attracted by a special event that took place at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Then a rather modest company "Innopraktika" was able to organize an international congress there. Journalists were very surprised that its head Katerina Tikhonova was not among the authors of articles or participants in scientific conferences. It should be noted that various events are very often held in the Lomonosov building, at which the president himself is present. However, at the event itself, Katerina went unnoticed, as her company was represented by Natalya Popova. Neither she nor Tikhonova communicate with the press.
Summing up the results of the article, I would like to say that the private life of every person is inviolable. This applies to ordinary people as well as celebrities, politicians, artists, etc. Let's respect this right to freedom.