Journalist Vladimir Mamontov: biography, activities and interesting facts

Journalist Vladimir Mamontov: biography, activities and interesting facts
Journalist Vladimir Mamontov: biography, activities and interesting facts

Journalism is one of the oldest professions. There are visibly invisibly printed periodicals throughout the country, bloggers have appeared, anyone can become a news correspondent. But there are not so many real professionals in this business. Not everyone is given. It is all the more interesting to read journalism and thematic columns of newspapermen who know how to appreciate and carefully handle the word. From the old Soviet guard, Vladimir Mamontov is one of them.

From Vladivostok to Moscow

The biography of Vladimir Konstantinovich Mamontov is filled with events, sharp turns, adrenaline. And always journalism. He was born in the city of Vladivostok in December 1952. Always emphasizes - in the USSR. I changed citizenship once - to Russian after the collapse of the Union.

Vladimir Mamontov - speaker of the meeting
Vladimir Mamontov - speaker of the meeting

The usual beginning of the life of a Soviet person - school, Komsomol, university. Far Eastern State University, the most eminent educational institution of the Far East, the Faculty of Journalism, where the competition was more than ten people perplace, successfully graduated in 1975. During his studies, he worked part-time in various periodicals, gaining practical experience.

A young graduate was invited to work in the largest media outlet in Primorye - "Red Banner". First - a correspondent in the department of science, then became the head of the department of culture. Having proved himself not an amateur, but a master of words, Vladimir Konstantinovich Mamontov moved to Khabarovsk, worked as his own correspondent for the newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya. Here he meets perestroika, rejoices in the thaw, the sprouts of democracy, freedom of speech. Sobkor goes to Moscow, he wants to participate in the reforms. Summer 1990 - the beginning of a new stage in life - work in Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Central newspapers, point of growth and collapse of the USSR

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Vladimir Mamontov shows real professionalism - in eight years, career growth from deputy editor of the propaganda department to editor-in-chief of a central Russian publication. Sharp topics, critical publications - the spirit of freedom wafted from the youth press. And when he came up with the Friday issue - “Fatty”, she instantly became the most readable, up to 3.5 million people subscribed.

Editor at Komsomolskaya Pravda
Editor at Komsomolskaya Pravda

The spirit of the revolution soared in the post-Russian media. Passions were seething in the Komsomolskaya Pravda team as well. So only adherents of the old school remained in the youth team, and some of the correspondents implemented the Novaya Gazeta project. Mammoth stayed. In 1997, the large-circulation newspaper received an investor in the person of ONEXIM Bank, which bought out its shares. Since May 1998 he has led the teamexperienced publicists, observers, correspondents, tested by perestroika, successfully competed with new publications, often “yellow”, with cheap sensations.

During this period, the most revolutionary events in the country took place. The great and mighty Soviet Union ceased to exist on the map. There was a GKChP and a putsch. The foundations were crumbling, the worldview was changing. Journalist Vladimir Mamontov did not take it so happily, the perestroika nightmare and the emergence of "wild capitalism" diminished optimism. This was not the kind of freedom of speech he expected. He changed with this time, but he took the best that was in the Soviet period - professionalism, attitude to deeds and words. And very often, speaking in the media in front of a live audience, he cited positive examples from the past.

At TV get-togethers
At TV get-togethers

Izvestia is not a cudgel of power

At the end of 2005, Mamontov Vladimir Konstantinovich's activity changed again. He becomes the editor-in-chief of Izvestia, a periodical of the Russian government. He was a leading Russian journalist, who was ranked among the very best. He faced an odious task - to turn the periodical from a bulletin on fresh laws and regulations into a press for the reader. He believed that the larger the audience, the information awareness, the more serious its influence on the authorities.

The newspaper belonged to Gazprom, the owner was rich, but stingy, invested poorly, demanded profit. Cynical money relations spoiled the quality, but only here one could see the opinion of the president and his extreme opponent side by side. On thethere was no political censorship on the pages of the multi-circulation newspaper. There was only one requirement - professionalism, literacy, understanding of the topic.

Controversy about demography, upbringing, teachers
Controversy about demography, upbringing, teachers

Glavred tried to return the brand "press for thinking people". After a year of work, he turned to the employees with a "Memorandum". By proposing an editorial policy that was not in opposition to the authorities, in fact, he began to purge the ranks. Colleagues accustomed to freethinking left, but he did not immediately realize the consequences of such a strange step for himself. In 2009, the editor-in-chief becomes editorial president.

Regalia and awards

His track record includes the positions of president of the editorial office of Izvestia, chairman of the board of directors of Komsomolskaya Pravda, adviser to the general director of CJSC Nat. Media Group”, a member of the Academy of Television, charitable and media organizations, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Today he is also the general director of the radio station "Moscow Speaks" and a member of the Presidium of the Union of Journalists of Russia.

As the editor-in-chief of Izvestia, Mamontov received an award - "Chief Editor-2006", was the winner of various professional awards. There are government awards: the medal "For the construction of BAM", the medal "For Services to the Fatherland".


As a well-known publicist, expert, political scientist, mastodon, Vladimir Mamontov is a great positive example of a newspaperman. It works in all formats - print media, radio, television, the Internet. Having a powerful professional experience, he easily writes on the topics of Orthodoxy for the Foma magazine, on modern trends in the development of culture inportal "Culture", leads the political club "Izvestia", is a columnist for "Vzglyad".

Meeting with students
Meeting with students

Mamontov travels around the country, speaking to students and youth. He tries to preserve the best in this world, which progressive orthodoxies are trying to "destroy to the ground." A professional fights for the purity of the Russian language, the beauty of Russian speech, the moral principles of journalism - literacy, objectivity, honesty. The Soviet-Russian columnist is trying to bring the word "conscience" back into the professional lexicon.

Publicist, columnist, presenter, he does not hide his love for the Soviet era, as well as irony - the world is imperfect. But, removing the unnecessary and harmful, sensible and fundamental does not advise to destroy. He speaks and writes about the gene pool of Russia, the value of human life, pangs of conscience.

The journalist has his own "winged" statements that are used by intellectuals and joke lovers: a joke about weaklings whom medicine saves from the Spartan abyss, concern about the development of robotics, in which people will not be needed. He is quoted at the lectures of the faculty of journalism so that the next generations do not consider themselves "teachers of life", do not interpret the concept of freedom of speech as "to lie and not answer for misinformation."

Long summers

This year Mamontov will be 67 years old. He continues to write in various publications his carefully thought out, meaningful articles and columns, decorating them with a beautiful style and style. He is a real intellectual on all sorts of television show disputes, knowledgeable, polite, interesting. His thoughts are alwaysordinary, speaks real Russian, without husks and slang. He does not seek to get out on the screen by any means, but his performances in the projects “Time Will Show”, “Meeting Place” always become pleasant and useful episodes of programs.

Live on Radio Moldova
Live on Radio Moldova

And also a publicist and official Vladimir Mamontov writes songs. That's his hobby. Moreover, he, by and large, does not know how to play instruments, music helps to create a computer. For him, it is relaxation and entertainment. And for the rest - a pleasant surprise, because friends listen to his songs in cars, iPhones - they are not pacifiers, they make sense.
