Kazan Metro is a network of metro lines in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan. This subway is fairly new. He appeared in August 2005 and became the next in a row after Yekaterinburg. The metro is built in a modern style and is recognized as the safest in Russia. The rolling stock is represented only by modern domestic developments and has 2 types of trains with different types of interior and design.

Subway history
The idea of building a subway appeared back in the 30s of the twentieth century, but only in 1983 did it crystallize into a concrete readiness to start construction. Preparations for construction began in 1988, but due to the deteriorating economy, work was stopped. After that, Kazan was temporarily removed from the list of contenders for the construction of the metro. Work resumed only in 1997. Digging of tunnels has been started since May 2000. Stations were being builtopen way.
The opening of the Kazan metro took place on August 27, 2005. At that time, the metro included 5 stations, and the total length of the line was 7.1 km. Vladimir Putin, along with some other high-ranking officials, became the first passenger of the new subway. In the future, the share of the metro in total urban transport may be increased to 60%.

Features of the subway
The total length of the metro line is 15.8 km. It has 9 stations. Additional facilities are an electric depot and a building for engineers. The map of the Kazan Metro shows one line with one short branch at the depot and one river crossing between Kozya Sloboda and Kremlevskaya stations.

Metro working hours: from 6:00 to 0:00. The train runs along the entire metro line in 22 minutes. And the time interval between arrivals of trains is from 6 minutes. The fare is 25 rubles (for 2016).
Information on subway signs and announcements is written in three languages at once: Tatar, English and Russian. The metro has: a video surveillance system, an alarm system, a fire extinguishing system and a special complex for detecting dangerous and explosive substances. The Kazan metro is considered the safest in Russia.
Train cars are equipped with monitors to display advertisements and other information.
Each Kazan metro station has 2 vestibules, from which there are exits to the city, and some of them are notopen.

Exits from some stations of the Kazan metro are arranged in the form of a pavilion, and from others they are an underground passage. Many stations have escalators. There are 16 of them in the Kazan metro.
The Kazan metro uses modern domestically produced trains, which are distinguished by increased reliability and good efficiency. There are 2 types of rolling stock running in the metro: trains of the Kazan brand and trains of the Rusich brand. They differ significantly in appearance and interior. For technical work, a two-cabin electric locomotive and a motorized rubber are used.
Prospects for the Kazan Metro
In 2018, a new Dubravnaya station is expected to be put into operation. In the future, it is planned to build three more new metro lines: Privolzhskaya, Savinovskaya and Zanoksinskaya.