Kuibyshev Square, Samara: description, history, interesting facts and reviews

Kuibyshev Square, Samara: description, history, interesting facts and reviews
Kuibyshev Square, Samara: description, history, interesting facts and reviews

Large areas can impress a person. They cause delight, surprise with their significant scale. The largest in Russia is Kuibyshev Square, located in Samara. This object is larger than even the capital's Red, which is given a fairly high value.


The scale of it is really impressive. The area of Kuibyshev is localized at 17.4 hectares. The advantage over Krasnaya is due to the fact that the measurements showed 1 hectare less for that one. The object is built in the form of a rectangle bounded by the street. Chapaevskaya, Galaktionovskaya, Vilonovskaya, Krasnoarmeiskaya. At the corner points you can see 4 squares. Kuibyshev Square is covered with asph alt. There are also quite a few flower beds and green spaces decorating the atmosphere. Nearby stands the Palace of Culture of the same name.

kuibyshev square
kuibyshev square


The object can be called quite young, because it was decided to organize it within the framework of the City Council, which took place in March 1935. Before that, there was Cathedral Square, not far from which there was a temple. Hiscalled the most beautiful and huge building of a cultural type in the Volga region. Unfortunately, the city council decided to blow up such a beautiful structure. On the other hand, Kuibyshev Square has grown significantly in size, which subsequently brought it such great fame.

Reconstruction of neighborhoods located nearby took three years. There are also new buildings here. For example, a monument in honor of V. Kuibyshev himself. Its opening took place in the fall of 1938. A little later, in winter, a palace of the same name was built. In addition, the local library, which contains scientific works from all over the region, deserves considerable attention. It was located inside a luxurious building.

concert on Kuibyshev Square
concert on Kuibyshev Square

Solemn procession

One of the most significant events for this place was the parade on Kuibyshev Square. It was held on November 7, 1941. He was of a military nature. At that time, there were quite big difficulties with the means for holding such events. However, the government found the money to carry out this action and another similar one. So for the whole state, Kuibyshev Square was quite important. Samara has never seen such an event before. They were held exclusively on the capital's Red Square. If Stalin was present in Moscow, then M. Kalinin had the opportunity to lead the process. He was the chairman of the Supreme Council.

In those days, Samara became a place of evacuation for many people. More than once, Kuibyshev Square has become a place of important political events. Activities herewere also held with the participation of N. Khrushchev, who visited here in August 1958. At that time, a celebration was held dedicated to the launch of the hydroelectric power station, named after Lenin.

Parade on Kuibyshev Square
Parade on Kuibyshev Square

Dangerous Times

Also, the plans were to hold a rally. However, it did not take place. Then people did not treat Khrushchev very well, for which there was a rather simple and easily explainable reason. It lies in the poor supply of the population with the essential products it needs. People scolded the authorities not only with curses, but could also throw some rotten product, so the stands on Kuibyshev Square were not the best place for this state person at that moment.

The crowd was not in the mood for dialogue. There were even cases when people carried out a throw with a bouquet, in which a heavy bottle was actually hidden. Khrushchev gave in and decided once again not to provoke the audience. It is worth noting that the level of protection was quite strong. Many military service workers were involved, who stood around the performance site, forming three rows. It would seem, on whom to rely, if not on the internal troops and the KGB officers.

Cool changes

Also, a rally was held here in June 1988, when perestroika processes gained strength in the state. After this event, the career of the local regional committee of Muravyov actually ended. However, for other political men, the event was a real flowering. For example, this can be said about such statesmen as Yu. Nikishin, V. Karlov, A. Solovykh, M. Solonnin.

Interesting metamorphoses have already taken place closer to our time, in the summer of 2010, when the city administration renamed the square back to Cathedral, as it was in earlier times. Officials thought it made some sense. The name change was scheduled for November 1 of the same year, but then this idea was abandoned.

area of kuibyshev event
area of kuibyshev event

Interesting facts about the square

The object is the largest square in Russia. Even in Europe there are very few similar analogues. And on a global scale, there are only four points that could surpass the area in size. They are located in Havana, Pyongyang, Cairo and Beijing. Also, the square in the past of Dzerzhinsky, and now Svoboda, which is located in Ukraine (Kharkov), deserves some attention. She can also compete with pl. Kuibyshev in size. Of course, Russian scientists wanted to prove that it was the Samara site that had more superiority. Quite detailed measurements were made for this.

For example, a clean area was determined. Here it is important to understand whether the places where squares stand can be taken into account when calculating. If not, then the Kharkiv object will win the palm. Although this issue is indeed quite controversial.

kuibyshev square samara events
kuibyshev square samara events

Important events

In our time, it is quite common to hold various solemn events, folk festivals and othershares of great importance to the public. One of the most revered and important holidays for all the people is May 9th. On this day and this year, a large-scale concert was held on Kuibyshev Square. The memory of the immortal feat of the ancestors was revived in the hearts of people. The celebration began at seven o'clock in the evening. A large number of wartime songs sounded, which simply cannot be forgotten. They should always live in the souls of people, reminding of the heroism of the saviors of the Russian land.

An interesting feature was that the musical numbers were designed in such a way that they would most suit the tastes of modern people. At half-past eleven, a chic fireworks display went off. His accompaniment was the sound of military music. It was completely free and free to enter the square. The police kept order.

Opinion of citizens

The residents of Samara themselves claim that they are proud of this place, because it is it that distinguishes their homeland from a series of other Russian and world cities. Besides, it's pretty pretty. It's nice to walk there, feeling great space and freedom.

stands on Kuibyshev square
stands on Kuibyshev square

Thanks to large-scale events held on the square, life in the city becomes much more interesting. It is safe to say that the object has long been the hallmark of the city. To see it, a large number of tourists come to Samara every year. Of course, this plays into the hands of the local administration and the townspeople themselves. Every person who is fascinated by large open spaces is recommended to visit thisbeautiful place. It will leave an extremely positive impression and give unforgettable emotions.
