Sometimes you can hear from someone: "I constantly get into ridiculous situations!" How to understand it? What situations can be classified as ridiculous? How often do stories like this happen to people, and what is the chance of never committing a ridiculous act? Read about it in the article.

What does the word "ridiculous" mean
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary interprets the word "ridiculous" as "meaningless, devoid of common sense." Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, a Russian lexicographer who compiled an explanatory dictionary for 53 years, believed that "ridiculous" is "ugly, inelegant, meaningless, empty, awkward." The explanatory dictionary of T. F. Efremova explains that this word means "clumsy, clumsy and senseless".
There are many synonyms for the word "ridiculous": awkward, funny, anecdotal, stupid, clumsy, empty, strange, unreasonable, stupid, absurd.
Now it is clear that ridiculous situations are strange, meaningless, stupid and funny cases that are not uncommon in our lives. Another major symptom- a person gets into history not of his own free will, but by chance, by accident. People around often make fun of what happened, while the main participant himself feels shame, embarrassment.
Who can get into a ridiculous situation?
Anyone can get into a story like this! No one is immune from, for example, knocking over a dish of salad or a cake during a feast, accidentally pouring a glass of wine on the boss's dress, or slipping and falling in front of all the guests.

As you can see, everyone can get into a ridiculous story. Even animals often get into funny situations. For example, the head of an overly curious dog got stuck in a doorway, or a parrot fell into the water while trying to get drunk from the bathroom.
Private person and celebrity
It's easier for non-public people. Only those who were directly present and watched what was happening know about their mistake, and the story is unlikely to go beyond the family circle. But celebrities, getting into ridiculous situations, suffer much more seriously. The paparazzi try not to miss a single scandal, and stupid stories that happen to actors, singers, politicians, athletes, artists, journalists and everyone who millions know immediately get on the front pages of newspapers, on the Internet. People are happy to read the "yellow" press, discuss the antics of the stars, their mistakes, tasteless outfits, savoring the ridiculous situations that have become public. This is one of the disadvantages of fame. The only sad thing is that often due to unhe althypublic curiosity and ridicule of those who find themselves in such a situation, not only the main characters of the event suffer, but also their families. It can be quite painful.
When do stories like this happen to people?
There are so many reasons why ridiculous and funny situations happen:
- Stupid accident, coincidence, when the hero of the events is not to blame. A strong gust of wind lifted the skirt, equipment broke down, a program crashed, the lock jammed - the list is endless.
- Stupid initiative - a person takes on something that is beyond his power, or acts impromptu, although sometimes such experiments end very well.
- Illiteracy - it's funny to listen to the answers of stupid people or long arguments of a person on a topic completely unfamiliar to him.
- Alcoholic intoxication, when the mental, physiological and behavioral functions of a person are violated. Drunk people have no control over themselves and therefore often get into ridiculous situations.
- Hurry - when a person is in a hurry, he can, for example, fall, drop something, break something. From the outside it often looks ridiculous. No wonder they say: if you hurry, you will make people laugh!
- Awkwardness - there are people who, due to their clumsiness, very often become the main participants in some stories.
Of course, ridiculous situations in life can happen for other reasons. Next, consider some options.

Stupid Situations Men Get Into
Oftenthis happens due to drinking too much hard liquor. Falling face down into a salad during a feast is the smallest mistake that a drunk man can make. Ridiculous situations of the highest order are falling on the dance floor and dragging a lady along with you, crashing into a stage and knocking an artist down, swearing obscenely or having a striptease in front of everyone.
Sometimes a man can get into a ridiculous story because of his strength: Roby Brown, for example, gesticulating heavily during a conversation, accidentally broke the nose of a companion standing next to him.
And sometimes a stupid story can happen because of the inability to keep your mouth shut: in the smoking room I was telling a friend a funny story about the boss, and he was standing around the corner…
Stupid and funny stories that happened to women
The fair sex also often find themselves in ridiculous situations. Women are often associated with funny stories on the roads. There are many stories and videos of a lady trying to fill up a car from the wrong side, painting her lips while driving, answering police questions while flapping her long eyelashes.

Jokes are born from real stories:
- Beautiful girl slows down at a red light. Yellow lights up - the girl does not budge, green - the car is standing, everyone is driving around it, honking. Again, first red, then yellow and green light lights up, the girl still does not budge. A policeman walks up to the car and asks politely, "Madame, would you prefer some othercolor?"
- The wife asks her husband: "Darling, let's buy a car with you, I'll learn to drive, we'll travel, see the world with you." Husband puzzled: "This or that?"
Also, ladies often become victims of their own style. A too short skirt exposed the ass when tilted, a tight dress showed all the flaws of the figure, a bra accidentally unbuttoned, tight trousers burst - such a story can happen to every woman, regardless of her social status.
Ridiculous situations famous people have been in
Giselle Beyoncé - a famous American singer and dancer - during a performance in Montreal (Canada) came too close to a powerful fan that was on stage. The blades captured her curls. Assistants immediately rushed to help. The singer was rescued for about 7 minutes, but all this time she continued to sing, although fear and awkwardness clearly reflected on her face. For such resilience, Beyoncé received many compliments.
Popular American singer Katy Perry during a performance in Guadalajara (Mexico) unexpectedly jumped into a huge cake on stage, which was not planned by the scriptwriters.

As a result, the icing was scattered far around, staining many spectators. But that was only half the trouble, as Kathy couldn't get to her feet, she kept slipping on the pink cream and falling. Assistants hurried to help her, who also slipped and fell. After all, Perrythey were simply dragged backstage by the hands like a sack of potatoes, and the cleaners came onto the stage so that the remains of the cake would not interfere with the performance of other performers. The hitch did not please the audience, and Cathy was fined by the organizers of the concert. This is how sad and ridiculous the desire to stand out can end.
Ridiculous situations during interviews or public speeches - this is what Ukrainian ex-president Viktor Yanukovych became famous for. “We must process metals to their very depths…”, “Anton Chekhov is a great Ukrainian poet…”, “And Mishka listens and eats…” - such statements were often heard from Viktor Fedorovich. There are even collections in which his mistakes are quoted, grouped by topic - from the field of geography, literature, history, and so on.

Jennifer Lawrence, an American actress, journalists dubbed one of the most clumsy. It's because she often falls - on the red carpet, on stage, on the steps…
Unsuccessful outfits of stars is a very popular topic. Celebrities often find themselves in the most ridiculous situations by dressing inappropriately or inappropriately for the weather.
How to avoid such cases
No one is immune from a ridiculous situation, embarrassment can happen to anyone. To minimize the likelihood of looking stupid, you need to not get drunk, control your behavior, think about the possible consequences, remember that the world is small, do not speak badly about others and do not gossip, always be in clean and beautiful underwear, whole socks. Since today cameras in public places are nota rarity, you must always behave decently, as if others are looking at you.
How to survive a ridiculous situation
An awkward person who finds himself in ridiculous situations feels uncomfortable, he wants others not to focus too much on his person and quickly forget about what happened.

In each case, you need to try to get out of history with the least losses and maintain self-esteem. The best thing is to turn everything into a joke, to laugh with others. Sometimes you just need to apologize and keep talking.