Kim Jaejoong: biography and filmography

Kim Jaejoong: biography and filmography
Kim Jaejoong: biography and filmography

In recent years, many have been discovering South Korean culture. It is quite distinctive and strikingly different from Chinese and Japanese. One of the most famous musicians of our time in South Korea is Kim Jaejoong. Albums with recordings of this artist are sold out almost instantly. He is also quite successful on television. And according to a sociological survey of the Chinese channel Xingkong Weishi, which involved forty million people, Jaejoong was voted the most attractive man in Asia.

Kim Jaejoong: biography of early years

This talented guy was born in January 1986 in the South Korean city of Gongju.

kim jaejoon albums
kim jaejoon albums

After the birth, the biological parents gave the baby up for adoption, and soon the Jaejoong family adopted him. In addition to Kim, his adoptive parents had eight more daughters. Due to the fact that the future singer grew up surrounded by girls, there is a lot of feminine in his demeanor and clothing style. Although the young man himself, this nuance is notworries.

The beginning of the creative path

When Kim Jaejoong reached the age of fifteen, he went to the capital of South Korea - Seoul. Here the young man had to earn his own living. And since he had no education and connections, Kim was interrupted by odd jobs and led a very modest lifestyle.

Everything changed when he went to SM Entertainment's audition. The guy sang beautifully, and the representatives of the company liked his good looks so much that he was soon signed a contract for thirteen years. Thus, Kim Jaejoong (pictured below) became a member of the boy band Rising Gods of the East (Dong Bang Shin Ki).

kim jaejoon
kim jaejoon

Participation in the group Dong Bang Shin Ki (DBSK)

Among the five members of the musical group, Kim was the oldest in age, but Yuno Yunho was the leader of the boy band. Jaejoong, along with Sia Junsu, were the vocalists of the group (both singers are tenors). After starting to perform in DBSK, Kim adopted the pseudonym "Hiro Jaejoong".

Until 2010, the singer was a member of this group. By that time, the "Rising Gods of the East" had become one of the most popular bands in the country.

Besides touring and recording albums, the members of DBSK often appeared in commercials. However, due to a rather tough contract, SM Entertainment took most of the money they earned, and the guys got only a small fraction of the profits.

In the summer of 2009, the three members of Dong Bang Shin Ki (vocalists Hiro Jaejoong and Sia Junsu, and bass tenor Mickey Yoochun) filedagainst the company in court, demanding to terminate the contract without compensation for damages on their part. As a reason for such demands, the guys indicated that the contract was issued for too long a period; and besides, during his imprisonment, the guys were too young and could not adequately assess the conditions offered by SM Entertainment.

The Seoul Central Court granted the plaintiffs' claims, and they were able to terminate the contract and not pay compensation. So DBSK became a duo and Hiro, Sia and Mickey started their own group called JYJ.

New achievements

Founding their own boy band, in the spring of 2010, the guys released their first album with the simple name The… And although it only had four songs, more than 175,000 copies were sold in South Korea and Japan.

kim jaejoon biography
kim jaejoon biography

The same year they released their second album - The Beginning. It already had eight tracks.

In 2011, the band released a 10-song CD, In Heaven, and in 2014, Just Us (thirteen songs).

In recent years, each of the JYJ members has focused on their own careers. So Kim Jaejoong began acting in films quite successfully.

Acting career

Back in 2006, Hiro occasionally guest-starred on various South Korean TV shows and dramas.

kim jaejoon filmography
kim jaejoon filmography

However, the real breakthrough for him in this field was the role in the television series Heaven's Postal Delivery Man. In this project, Kim Jaejoong played a mystical postman whobrings news to the living from their dead loved ones. One day he meets a girl who lost her lover, but could not stop loving him. Trying to help her, Jaejoong's hero finds himself in a difficult situation.

After the success of this drama, Kim was often invited to film. However, due to litigation until 2010, he was forced to refuse. However, after being released from his contract with SM Entertainment, the young man began to act on television again.

Released in the spring of 2010, the eleven-episode drama "It's Hard to Be Honest" is the next work of star Kim Jaejoong.

The filmography of this artist in subsequent years was replenished with such popular projects in South Korea as "Protect the Boss", "Adventures in Dr. Jin's Time", "Code Name: Jackal", "Triangle" and "Spy". Notably, Kim has performed soundtracks for some of the above dramas.

Solo career

Along with his acting career, filming commercials and being a member of the JYJ group, Hiro composed and recorded his own musical compositions.

no x kim jaejoon
no x kim jaejoon

In January 2013, the musician released his first album - MINE. At the end of the same year, his second solo album was released - WWW, which stood for: Who, When and Why.

While in the army, in February 2016 he managed to release his third solo album No. X Kim Jaejoong. This music compilation has songs in both Korean and Japanese.

Kim Jaejoong: private life

As the idol of millions of girls, Hiro has not yetconstant companion. However, he honestly admits that, most likely, he will marry one of his fans, but he has not yet met the same one. As for the future family, Jaejoong dreams of having three children - two daughters and one son.

As you know, Kim Jaejoong was adopted as an infant. His biological parents were not interested in their child until he became famous throughout the country as a member of the Rising Gods of the East group. So in the fall of 2006, the singer's mother found him and tried to improve relations with her son. Hiro gladly accepted her and now communicates with both her and the foster mother who raised him. Jaejoong claims to be happy as he now has two mothers to take care of him.

kim jaejoong personal life
kim jaejoong personal life

But a rather bad story came out with the biological father of the guy. Upon learning of his son's fame and fortune, the man sued Kim's adoptive parents, claiming that they illegally took the child from him, demanding financial compensation.

A DNA test confirmed that the man was really Hiro's father, after which the singer himself officially recognized him. However, the plaintiff soon dropped the case, as it turned out that at the time of Jaejoong's birth, he had already divorced his mother and renounced parental rights to his son. Thus, Kim's father had no chance of winning, besides, he was afraid of a counterclaim from Kim's adoptive parents.

Fun Facts

  • The singer's height is 180 cm, eyes color is brown, hair is dark. At various times he dyed his hair red, brown and white.colors.
  • Kim Jaejoong photo
    Kim Jaejoong photo
  • Jaejoong loves to cook. However, he prefers spicy food and is able to cook as many as fifteen dishes.
  • The singer loves to use a lot of emoji in his text messages.
  • Kim's favorite game is Rock, Paper, Scissors….
  • At nineteen, he injured his knee. Major surgery was required to restore him.
  • In the spring of 2006, he was arrested for drunk driving. However, due to his huge popularity, he was quickly released, and as a punishment, he was suspended from concert activities for one hundred days.
  • While working for SM Entertainment in 2006, Kim appeared in commercials for Samsung.

In recent years, it has become fashionable among South Korean stars to serve in the army. Kim Jaejoong is no exception. Having played the last concert at the end of March 2015, he went to serve the Motherland for twenty-one months. On December 30, 2016, the youngster should be retired and fans are looking forward to his return.
