The nature of China and its features

The nature of China and its features
The nature of China and its features

In the eastern part of Eurasia, China is located, being the third country in the world in terms of area after Russia and Canada. 9.6 million km² - the area of China. The PRC has borders with Russia, Mongolia, North Korea, Myanmar, India, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The People's Republic of China is located on the territory that is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, namely its seas: the South China, East China and Yellow, as well as the Korea Bay. The Taiwan Strait runs between the mainland and the island of Taiwan. Features of China's nature are primarily due to the presence of different types of climate - from subtropical to sharply continental.

nature of china
nature of china


China is characterized by the presence of both the highest mountain ranges - the Himalayas (the highest peak in the world - Everest, 8848 m), accumulative plains, depressions, plateaus, valley and cirque glaciers, high- altitude deserts. More than 85% of the country's territory falls on areas with heights of more than 500 m, and altitude over 5000 m is located about 19% of its territory. In China, a variety of surface deposits can be observed. Over time, the nature of China carefully created them. As a result of the concentration of such deposits, one of the largest Loess Plateaus in the world arose in the northern part of the country. It originates at the bend of the Yellow River and has an area of 580 thousand square meters. km.

Loess, or "huantu" - "yellow earth" in Chinese. The literal translation of the name of this loess landscape arose not by chance. The color of these deposits, characteristic of northern China, predetermined the entire color scheme of the Yellow River.

nature features of China
nature features of China

Climate features

The size of the country, climatic conditions, the nature of China, its features make it possible to clearly distinguish the country from most other Asian ones. Speaking about the peculiarities of the country's climate, it is necessary to focus on its diversity. In the southeast it is subtropical, and in the northwest it is sharply continental. As a result of the interaction of ocean and land air masses, the southern coast is exposed to monsoons. Depending on the occurrence, intensity and weakening of the monsoons, the amount and concentration of precipitation is distributed. Diametrically opposed temperature indicators and features of China's nature are inextricably linked. In winter, in the northernmost part of the country, temperate Heilongjiang Province, the temperature drops to -30°C and the average temperature is 0°C. In summer, the average temperature here is around 20°C. And in the southern regionsGuangdong province is much warmer - from +28°C in July to +10°C in January.

natural monuments of China
natural monuments of China

The country's water we alth

The melting snow of the highlands of the Tibetan Plateau is an indispensable water donor for the main rivers of the country: the Salween, the Mekong, the Yangtze, the Yellow River. The largest rivers in China originate high in the mountains. The Great Chinese Canal, built back in the 7th-13th centuries, located along the coast, connects the mouths of the largest rivers: the Huang He and the Yangtze.

You never cease to admire how rich and diverse the nature of China is. The splendor of natural reservoirs is striking: Tianchi (Heavenly Lake), located east of Urumqi, on the slopes of Bogdo-ul, Mansorovar - one of the highest freshwater lakes in the world, the pearl of Huntzhou - Lake Xihu. The vast rivers of the country are also fascinating. However, they are capricious and can bring a lot of grief to those who live along their coasts.

China and its wild nature

Man and nature are inextricably linked in China. A vivid example of such continuity can be observed in the Heilongjiang Park Reserve, the largest in terms of the number of Amur tigers. There are more than 1,000 of them here. In order to create adaptive conditions for the life of tigers, the animals are closely monitored, and measures are taken to maintain their he alth. Conditions have been created for feeding animals, close to natural - namely, meat and mostly live birds. Favorable migratory conditions for animals have been created. Tiger population observationshave been held for over 20 years.

Man and nature in China
Man and nature in China

The flora and fauna of China

The nature of China has generously endowed flora and fauna with a variety of species and subspecies. Some species and families of flora and fauna are distinguished by their antiquity. From the diversity of the plant world in China, one can distinguish cedar and larch in the taiga, magnolia and camellia in the subtropics, as well as about 25 thousand relic species in East China. Of the inhabitants of the animal world in northwestern China, one can meet the goitered gazelle and the Przhevalsky horse, in Tibet - the Himalayan bear, orongo antelope, kiang. In the southwest of the country, you can see flying dogs, giant and lesser pandas, lorises and leopards. China is rich in little-known and sometimes hard-to-find natural treasures. China's wildlife is represented by the splendor of Mount Everest, the noisy cascades of multi-level waterfalls of the Jiuzhaigou Valley, rock formations in Gansu province, created mainly from red sandstones and dubbed the "Dengxia Landscape". And this list will be endless.

wild nature of china
wild nature of china

Amazing Natural Monuments

Chinese poet Li Bo called the Huangshan Mountains "yellow mountains". These are amazing natural monuments of China. You wonder when looking at the yellowish, sometimes golden, peaks. These mountains are quite high, up to some of their peaks - about 2 thousand meters. The peaks of Huangshan, being literally in the clouds, create bizarre visual effects. Thus the names "Buddha Light", "Cloudy Sea" andothers

To fully understand the richness of nature and sometimes even some unreality of landscapes, of course, you only need to see them. This mountain range is visited not only by numerous tourists, but also by film crews. The famous director James Cameron, while shooting the film "Avatar", saw the planet Pandora in these places. Filming of the film's outdoor scenes took place in the Chinese province of Anhui - the Huangshan mountain range passes there. And it is the Yellow Mountains that should be added to the list of must-see amazing places on planet Earth.
