The importance of oil and gas for the Russian Federation can hardly be overestimated. These are raw materials for the production of fuels and lubricants, and for the chemical industry, and fuel. The presence of a large number of oil and gas condensate deposits allows the country not only to provide the domestic market with the necessary products from oil and gas, but also to export it to other countries of the world.

Deposits of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Oil and gas production in the region is of strategic importance in its economic and social development. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is located in Eastern and Central Siberia and has rich mineral deposits. In particular, it has 25 oil and gas fields. This is about 25% in the structure of the industrial complex of the region. The largest are the Vankorskoye, Ichemminskoye, Tagulskoye and Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye deposits. According to Rosneftthis is one of the very promising areas that should be developed in the near future. It is not only the emergence of new oil and gas pipelines and economic profits. This is also the development of areas of the Krasnodar Territory, which until now have not been inhabited and developed.
Some information about the deposit
Geostructurally, the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye field (Krasnoyarsk Territory) belongs to the Baikit anteclise in the west of the Siberian Platform (anteclise is an uplift of the earth's surface layers on a vast flat area that develops over several geological periods). In turn, the Baikit anteclise belongs to the Lena-Tunguska oil and gas province.

According to experts, the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye oil and gas condensate field has oil deposits of about 321 million tons in category C1 + C2 and 387 billion cubic meters of gas in category C1 + C2. Natural resources are located at a depth of about 2.5 kilometers. The saturation of reservoirs with oil and gas is uneven. In the south, the intervals do not exceed a thickness of 72 meters, and in the north they reach up to 172 meters.
Deposit characteristics
The formation of minerals continued for several geological periods. The Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye field has a complex structure. The distribution of reservoirs of oil and gas bearing layers is limited by clay deposits and outcrops of crystalline rocks. The layers are shielded by clay-carbonate rocks. Water-oil contact was detected at depths of 2.07 kilometers, andgas and oil - 2.02 kilometers.

However, the amount of raw material is so large even in the proven areas of occurrence that it makes sense to develop even if the unconfirmed reservoirs turn out to be poor in resources and will not blow the required profitability of their production.
Field development project
Oil and gas were discovered back in the 1980s, but the decision to extract it was made only a few years ago. In 2007 JSC "Tomsk Research and Design Institute of Oil and Gas" completed a technological project. According to it, the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye field will be developed in three stages.
Exploratory and industrial wells should be completed at the first one, complex fractured reservoirs should be created, a gas compressor station, oil receiving and delivery points, raw material preparation facilities, etc. should be installed.
The second and third stages are the continuation of the development of production, allowing to increase production capacity and launch the petrochemical complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2020.

Stages of development of natural oil reserves in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
The Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye field is second in terms of oil production. Rosneft transferred the authority to develop it to its subsidiary OAO East Siberian Oil and Gas Company. The first stage of development is planned for 2014-2019. During this period, 170 wells should be drilled withhorizontal ends. The first section should be launched in 2017. By 2019, it is planned to receive 5,000,000 tons of oil per year. It is also expected to use associated gas - by reinjection into the reservoirs and for technological needs.
Thanks to the fact that back in 2007 the project was developed and approved, work began on the construction of the Kuyumba-Taishet main oil pipeline in 2013. This pipeline is to connect the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye field with the East Siberia - Pacific Ocean highway. It is through this pipeline that oil will be pumped to places of further use and redistribution.

Prospects for the development and complexity of field development
The construction of new facilities is always the development of the region adjacent to them. The development of the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye field will not only create new jobs for residents of the Russian Federation. It is also the development of socio-economic infrastructure.
It should be noted that the area where the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye field is located (photos can be found on websites with relevant topics) is sparsely populated and requires large investments. For example, only the development of oil deposits in this region will require investments in the amount of 215 billion rubles, according to preliminary estimates. And this is not counting the social sphere. However, the multiplier effect is expected not only in the income of contractors for the construction of the oil and gas pipeline. It is also an opportunity for development.woodworking industry, and the creation of petrochemical enterprises for the utilization of associated petroleum gas. In addition, the project involves the construction of well-equipped roads with a minimum length of 700 kilometers and the electrification of settlements through which the oil and gas pipeline will pass.
It is planned to develop the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye field only in conjunction with the Kuyumbinskoye field. And this means that not only the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but also part of the Irkutsk Region will fall into the sphere of economic development. But the federal budget will also receive tax revenues in the amount of 1.3 trillion rubles, which may have a positive impact on the development of the regions.