As you know, time is moved forward one hour in spring and one hour back in autumn. But many people, despite the fact that this is a well-known fact, forget about it. Fortunately, the transfer is carried out from Saturday to Sunday, when most people who work or study have days off. But it is still important to know when to change the clock this year and what modern gadgets do it automatically.
Dates of time change one hour forward and backward in 2018

Europe sets clocks for daylight saving time one hour forward on 2018-25-03. This does not apply only to Belarus, Russia and Iceland, which canceled the change of time regime. The translation of the clock hands, as a rule, occurs between 1:00 and 4:00. This change in time allows for an increase in the "length of daylight in the evening" and, accordingly, has a positive effect on labor productivity, although this fact is debatable. Since it occurs on the last night from Saturday to Sunday of the month, the dates change every year.
28.10.2018 at 2.00 a.m. there will be a transitionfor winter time. The hands of the clock must be set back an hour. In order to remember exactly where to turn the clock hands - forward or backward, there is a saying: “forward in spring, back in autumn” (spring forward in spring, fall back in fall).
Currently, only 100 countries out of 192 change their clocks twice a year. For example, on the African continent, only 3 countries change the clock. The rest consider it inexpedient to change the hourly regime, and the governments of others have never even thought about whether and when to change the clock. In Australia, Canada and the United States, clocks are only partially translated, some regions or cities.
Russia stopped changing the hourly schedule back in 2014, this practice is now valid throughout the Russian Federation.

How does the translation of time affect a person?
In the spring, when time decreases by an hour, a person automatically lacks sleep for 60 minutes. In winter, on the contrary, everyone has an extra hour of sleep. Until now, discussions are ongoing around the world regarding the degree of influence of the clock change on a person.
Thus, supporters of the transfer insist that the shift of clocks in winter time can reduce the number of accidents on the roads and save electricity, which is important in the cold season.
Some hyper-sensitive personalities suffer from lack of sleep, especially when the clocks are switched to daylight saving time. But it usually goes away after a day or two. In winter time it does not causesignificant inconvenience, as there is an additional hour to devote it either to your favorite business, or to do morning exercises or soak up one more time in a warm bed.
There are also opponents of this idea, who every year insist on the inexpediency of changing the clock, as this negatively affects both the person and his activity. In connection with these reasons, many countries canceled the change in the hourly regime back in 1992. These include Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan.
In order to avoid the negative impact of modification and the amount of time in a day, it is worth preparing your body for this process in advance. So, a week before the spring time change, you should get up 30 minutes earlier than usual. Thus, the body will gradually rebuild to a new time. Going to bed early is also worth it. This will allow the whole body to rest more, and then the person will wake up full of energy and strength.

Do modern gadgets automatically change clocks?
On all gadgets, including phones, smartphones and computer equipment that has an Internet connection, there is an automatic time conversion. Therefore, the question: “What date do you change the clock to daylight saving time?” - is purely informative. Modern technology does it all for a person. In 2018, the transition to summer time will occur on March 25, and to winter time on October 28.
In anticipation of the transition to daylight saving time, many Russians are sure that in 2018 the time will changewill definitely return to Russia. So far, in response to this question, as every year, at the level of discussions, the authorities have not officially announced anything.

Who first suggested changing the clock?
The idea of when and why to change the clock was first proposed in 1784 by Benjamin Franklin. The essay "Economic Project", written by Franklin at age 78, was considered amusing, although he clearly explained his proposal and backed it up with facts. In his opinion, people needed daylight saving time so that they could spend less money on expensive candles and artificial lighting, and could simply continue their work in daylight. Benjamin confirmed all his conclusions in the essay with averaged figures, clearly indicating cost savings. Then no one took this idea into account, as they considered it a ridiculous trick of a “sick and elderly” person.
Subsequently, moving the clock forward or backward depending on the season was proposed by William Willett in 1907. Based on his research, Willett suggested setting the clock forward 80 minutes in April and 80 minutes back in September. But for the first time, the translation of the clock, as it is now, took place in 1916. During the Second World War, the clock was moved only on May 21, as they forgot to do it in April.