Axiom of wisdom: everything that is done is done for the better

Axiom of wisdom: everything that is done is done for the better
Axiom of wisdom: everything that is done is done for the better

Folk wisdom knows no boundaries, for all occasions there are all kinds of proverbs, sayings, parables, aphorisms, and, most surprisingly, on all continents of the Earth, the situation in instructive phrases is different, and the conclusions are the same. The same words are repeated from generation to generation, but sometimes it is pronounced purely formally, without realizing the deep meaning in which the spiritual law is contained, and ignorance of this will not save one from responsibility. For example, this happens with the expression: “Everything that is done is done for the better.”

Spiritual Law

everything that is done is done for the better
everything that is done is done for the better

No one denies the laws of natural sciences (physical, chemical, biological, etc.), and, knowing them at least at the household level, people are guided and obey them in their lives. No one will jump from an airplane without a parachute (Newton's law), touch bare electrical wires (Ohm's law), dive into water without knowing how to swim (Archimedes' law). Spiritual laws were also discovered a long time ago and set forth, for example, in the Bible or other religious teachings, and, of course, they were reflected in or althe creativity of the peoples. The spiritual law: “Everything that is done is done for the better” is not a banal soothing phrase, not a call for the best, but a chance to understand and accept what happened for further spiritual growth.

Understand and accept

for the better
for the better

“Everything that is done is done for the better” is heard from all sides on any small occasion. But as soon as it comes to serious tragedies, the human mind refuses to accept death as a science, it always looks for the culprit (he or they, of course, always exist), not understanding the main thing: everyone is involved in what happened. Everything is for the better - this is not the slogan of optimists who are not afraid of anything, but a law confirming the human right to choose. The choice is made every second: to go - not to go, to do - not to do, to think - not to think, to be silent - to speak. By taking action, a person chooses (albeit unconsciously) and the responsibility that he will bear for this, so the expressions “fate cheated” or “God punished” are actually soothing and justifying phrases for unbelieving people. No one punishes anyone for violating spiritual laws - only everyone punishes himself. This is hard to accept, because making excuses has become a habit. But just as it is useless to shout in the sky and make excuses that you forgot your parachute because you didn’t get enough sleep, it’s just as useless to wring your hands over a failed fate and look for those responsible.

Everything will be fine

all goes to good
all goes to good

Why is everything that is done - done for the better? What is done according to the law is understandable, but who said what exactly tothe best? Probably because it is an axiom. It is accepted by the heart, and it is almost impossible to prove it to a closed soul. Once upon a time, at the dawn of civilization, knowledge of all laws was given to man, but he preferred to cultivate the natural sciences, because they opened the way to profit and power. But not paying attention to spiritual commandments means signing a death sentence for yourself, as can be seen in the history of recent centuries: the more sophisticated and grandiose the discoveries, the more ruthless people are towards each other, the louder they shout about peace, the bloodier the wars, the more More medicine means more disease. But the universe still gravitates towards good, and therefore everything that is done is done for the better, even if soon there will not be a single person left in the Universe.
