Conspiracy theory (conspiracy theory) is a set of hypotheses that try to describe a chain of events that are important for society, reliable historical realities or epochal processes as the result of a conspiracy by a group of people who lead this movement out of self-interest, ambition or other clan, group and other interests. Roosevelt Franklin Delano once said, “Nothing happens by accident in politics. If something happened, it was meant to be.”
The world conspiracy theory is seen as one of the unusual versions of elite judgment. To small groups and individuals, conspiracy theories ascribe fantastic powers of command and control over intricate political and social processes.
Prerequisites for the emergence of conspiracy theories
World conspiracies are tracked by people with deep spiritual and social interests. Comprehension of the provisions of the conspiracy theory is possible only with the simultaneous study of the mechanisms of projection, stereotyping and the phenomenon of escapism. Many experts believe that this concept is successful only because of the ideological response to social inequality.

The projection device shows that the proponent of the theory usually transfers some of his positive and negative personal qualities to the alleged participants in the intrigue. At the same time, they take on inflated forms. At first glance, intriguers are demonized, they are credited with both personal immorality and evil intentions. This allows you to eliminate any ethical restrictions on actions in relation to suspected conspirators, to avoid criminal liability or moral condemnation.
After all, the one who destroys these monsters should be recognized as the winner, not the villain. If you take a closer look at these nuances, you can see that conspirators are endowed with special skills (cunning, intelligence, determination, and so on).
Foucault Pendulum
What does the desire to circumvent cognitive dissonance lead to? A person who has accepted any conspiracy theory is almost impossible to convince to abandon it. A person ignores all facts that contradict the assumption, or rejects them using the classic methods of occult science.
By the way, any fact that is harmless and has nothing to do with the case can, with some effort, be included in the image offered by conspiracy theories. Umberto Eco in Foucault's Pendulum put it this way: "If we imagine that there is at least one starting point in the Universe that is not a sign of something else, we immediately find ourselves beyond the scope of hermetic thought."

Meme theory says conspiratorsare memes that compete with the meme of the traditional picture of the world. Their success is built on distrust of conventional sources of knowledge and the authority of experts.
Existing conspiracies around the world closed groups (oligarchic or elitist), sects, intelligence agencies and others are trying to investigate and classify. The desire to discover information that, for whatever reason, they are trying to hide from society, leads to the emergence of conspiracy or occult science. Sometimes political speculation is passed off as research conducted by the followers of this science. Thus, the publicist Gardner Lawrence states that the Stuart family descended from Jesus Christ through the Carolingian and Merovingian dynasty. This author explains the legitimacy of Prince Michael Albany on the Scottish throne.
Typology of conspiracies
How are world conspiracies revealed? Usually there is a statement about the existence of an unobtrusive and unknown secret society, founded by a handful of people who want to seize power over the world. The activity of this group explains the historical events that have a negative image for the target audience of the teaching. The followers of such interpretations also postulate the relationship between modern and historical episodes, which are stages in the implementation of the global plans of the conspirators.
In most cases, global conspiracy theories rise to prominence during times of crisis - political and economic instability.

If the broad masses of society do not want to understand the objective causes of the problem,the search for elementary answers begins, as well as the selection of persons responsible for the crisis, enemies. It follows from this that total concepts give an outlet for destructive chaotic social energy. They can be used both in the interests of the ruling elite (in Tsarist Russia - the Black Hundreds), and against it (in the Weimar Republic - the Nazis). What are the good conspiracies of the world? Global theories are the most effective tool for working with the masses in crisis circles, although mediocrity in this case can lead to an absolutely unforeseen outcome.
Every society has social groups, more than others prone to support and perception of the world's intriguing concepts. In general, these teachings find support among those who grumble at the existing situation in society, especially those who are indignant at their personal position. Since crisis cycles dramatically increase the number of such individuals, support for world intrigue theories rises in identical proportion.
In ancient times, the Secret World Government tried to carry out a conspiracy against the world through Egyptian priests with mysterious skills. With the help of them, the pharaohs and the people were controlled. In the Middle Ages, the secret government in Europe was the clergy - popes and cardinals, who laid the foundation for the Inquisition and the Crusades. The most popular conspiracy theories today are:
- Computer conspiracy. There is a version that manufacturers of software (software) specially develop products that constantly require the use of more and more powerful computers in order tosupport demand for expensive components.
- Conspiracy of oilmen. The conspiracy concept says that the owners of the largest oil corporations are hindering the development of a multi-variant energy sector, preventing an energy coup.
- The Mondialist Collusion is the latest form of conspiracy that exposes the plans of the Secret World Government of recent decades. This version of the theory is specific in that the United States is the basic object of monitoring. It is this country that becomes a special geopolitical center, owning an unusual and controversial in some aspects futurological and cultural concept.
- The Jewish Masonic Conspiracy is a conspiracy plan that combines theories of the Jewish and Masonic agreements.
- The Arab conspiracy is an Islamist global rebellion against Western culture.
Theory analysis
According to George Antin (Professor Emeritus of the University of Pennsylvania), it is usually not so much about scientific theories as about conjectures, myths, rumors.
Conspiracy theories tend to be used to make intricate social events accessible. But any process in the economy, politics and many other areas is the result of actions agreed between two or more persons. These manipulations can be interpreted as a conspiracy. However, even Adam Smith determined that it is the mutual benefit of each of the subjects that is the basic stimulating argument for actions in the economy. Karl Marx discovered that politics depends on the economy, as it is guided by its needs and limited by it.means.

The conspiracy of the world government was discovered by scientists, summarizing all the facts on the basis of a mathematical model. The conspiracy theory is used not to expose schemers, but to disguise the true causes of a phenomenon with mystical explanations. The basic core of conspiracy theory is a private and completely impersonal (otherwise the case will be taken to court, and it may be lost) allusion to a social entity (corporation, firm, country, nationality) responsible for the existing situation or some events, analysis of his motivation. In addition, the idea of non-institutionalized, secret power (curatorship) plays an important role in conspiracy theories.
Sergey Kara-Murza believes that the term "conspiracy theory" is becoming evaluative, and is used by many audiences as a sure way to shorten the opponent's tongue.
World Government
World government is the concept of collective political domination over the entire human race. Various interpretations of the conspiracy assign the mission of world leadership to fictional and real structures (Freemasonry, Jewish Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the Bidelberg Club, the G20 - the G20).
Today there is no world army, legislative, judicial or executive power with jurisdiction that envelops the entire globe.
Secret World Directory
So, we continue to study the global conspiracy. “Secret world government” is one of the basic terms for the interpretation of the conspiracy, which defines a narrow circle of people. These may be the owners of the largest national corporations, which, according to the followers of such teachings, determine the emergence and control the development of basic events taking place in the world. They are the ones who want to create a “new world order.”
What is the purpose of the global conspiracy? The secret world government seeks to create a society based on the principle of the "golden billion". This is exactly what conspiracy theorists argue. They believe that this "golden billion" will include members of the "highest guilds" and attorneys of the "most developed and worthy" nations.
What is the secret of the global conspiracy? Other nations (Asians, Russians, Africans) are assigned the role of servants of mining, black production, and the entire economic sector. This "useful part" allegedly consists of one and a half billion people, while the rest of the population (more than four billion), the followers of the theory say, is "superfluous" and is systematically exterminated with the help of drugs, alcohol, smoking, revolutions.
One of the most notorious groups present in the conspiracy theories that denounce the secret world leadership is Freemasonry. Sometimes the secret directory is presented as fused with transnational institutions of finance.
Bad Pharma
“The Whole Truth About Drugs: A Global Conspiracy of Pharmaceutical Companies” is the Russian edition of the book by British scientist and physician Ben Goldaker, which tells about the pharmaceutical industry, its cooperation with doctors, and the control of scientific drug trials by pharmaceutical companies. "BadPharma" is the English edition of this book. In fact, in it, Ben Goldaker describes the lies of pharmaceutical companies. He claims that these enterprises harm patients and mislead doctors.
The book was first published in September 2012 in the UK by HarperCollins Publishers LLC. It was released in the US in February 2013 by Faber and Faber.

Ben Goldaker uncovered a very dangerous worldwide conspiracy. He tells in his book that the manufacture of medicines today is changing for the worse, as the principles on which it is based are constantly trampled on by the pharmaceutical industry. The industry funds most clinical drug trials. Hiding adverse testing facts by drug companies is common.
Clinical trials are often conducted on atypical small volunteer groups. Pharmaceutical corporations are investing heavily in physician education, and apparently scientific "independent" publications are activated or even commissioned by drug companies or their contractors, which is hidden. Goldaker describes the current drug market as "deadly" and offers solutions to scientists, patient associations, physicians and the industry itself.
Automotive industry
What is the worldwide conspiracy of automakers? Proponents of this conspiracy theorybelieve that car manufacturers deliberately reduce the reliability of units and assemblies so that they serve a little longer than the warranty period. Cars deteriorate, forcing people to buy new cars or spare parts - in any case, manufacturers make a profit.

The prerequisites for this conspiracy are the merger of large car manufacturers into corporations and the fullness of the market.
Consider the global conspiracy against Russia. The media expresses concern about the confrontation between Russia and the United States and its consequences. The basic informative reason for this was the elections in Luhansk and Donetsk, as well as the negative statements of Western leaders about the Russian position.
The Emirati newspaper al-Bayan wrote that because of these elections, the Russian Federation found itself in a confused position: it cannot openly support them, but it cannot but recognize them as legitimate. Therefore, Russia has taken an ordinary decision: Moscow continues to push these regions to negotiations with Kyiv, without formally recognizing their independence. Probably, it is more profitable for her today to slow down the Ukrainian confrontation.

All the facts point to a global conspiracy at work here: The secret world government is unpredictable in its actions. The media tried to figure out how far Putin would be willing to go in his growing conflict with the West and his desire to strengthen Russia in the geopolitical arena. Is he strong enough for this? Political analysts believe that the Russian Federation should prepare for a longa period of economic hardship and diplomatic isolation, as confrontation with the West will continue after Putin's rule. It will affect the cultural, political and economic spheres. But, by the way, all these nuances do not affect Putin's popularity yet. According to opinion polls, 74% of Russian citizens support their president.
The Qatari edition of al-Watan reports that today a sharp decline in world oil prices is the result of a conspiracy by the US administration against the Russian Federation, which was recreated after the collapse of the USSR. Having settled the situation inside the country and made a giant economic leap, Russia began to revive its influence in the world, which it is doing great, including because of the short-sighted policy of America.