Far Eastern trepang: useful properties, application, photo

Far Eastern trepang: useful properties, application, photo
Far Eastern trepang: useful properties, application, photo

Far Eastern trepang is an invertebrate creature belonging to the type of echinoderms. It lives in the eastern seas. The appearance of trepangs is not very attractive and somewhat resembles worms with spikes, but they are very useful.

Far Eastern sea cucumbers have existed for over 500 million years. These creatures have one amazing feature - regeneration. So, if it is divided into two parts, then in six months the trepang will be completely restored.

Trepang Far Eastern photo
Trepang Far Eastern photo

Looks like

Trepang has a slightly flattened, elongated body with a maximum length of 44 cm, a width of 9 cm. Weight can reach one and a half kilograms. The color of the creature varies from greenish-yellow to dark brown. Moreover, the color of the back is darker than the abdominal part. The mouth opening of the Far Eastern trepang is slightly shifted to the ventral side and surrounded by rings of tentacles.

The puberty of an individual occurs in the second year of life, and the whole trepang lives up to eleven years.


The creature lives in the northern part of the East China, Yellow Seas, almost along the entire coastSea of Japan, off the east coast of Japan. Trepangs are also found in the Sea of Okhotsk, in the coastal zones of the Kuriles, near Sakhalin. You can meet the creature at depths from the water's edge to 100 meters or more.

Trepang far east on honey
Trepang far east on honey

Trepang in oriental medicine

In Chinese medicine, trepang has been used since ancient times. Back in the sixteenth century, this creature was used to treat a variety of diseases. The emperor of China believed that the use of infusions rejuvenates the body, granting longevity, which means that he will be able to rule for a long time.

Means made from trepang helped even terminally ill people to get back on their feet. The Chinese refer to this creature as a miraculous source of vitality.


The properties of the Far Eastern trepang allow it to be used to treat a variety of diseases.

Scientists conducted a series of experiments that showed that this creature contains 40 elements from the periodic table, necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in the human body, as well as contributing to the production of hormones and enzymes. The creature also contains an almost complete set of water-soluble vitamins, valuable biologically active substances. Not a single organism on our planet has a similar composition.


As you can see in the photo, the Far Eastern trepang does not look very attractive, although it gives the most useful meat. It contains proteins, fats, vitamins: B12, riboflavin, thiamine, etc. There are also many useful elements in meat: magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, manganese, copper, ironand not only. Fat contains phosphatides and unsaturated fatty acids.

Various preparations are obtained from trepang: honey tinctures are made, covered with a charcoal rash and dried, extracts are made. Meat is eaten by preparing various dishes.

Far Eastern trepang with honey
Far Eastern trepang with honey

Benefits of honey tincture

Far Eastern trepang with honey is especially valued. Applying tincture in courses, you can not only increase the body's immune system, but also get stable protection against viral and bacterial infections. Also, the drug has the following properties:

  • helps to heal oncological ailments - due to its constituent substances, the drug stops the growth of malignant cells;
  • normalizes blood pressure, functions of the cardiovascular system;
  • helps lower cholesterol, blood sugar;
  • treats bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia and other pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • normalizes the digestive tract, relieves pathologies;
  • increases visual acuity;
  • has a stimulating effect on mental activity, soothes;
  • helps fight impotence;
  • cleanses the body, removing toxins;
  • has a positive effect on bone pathologies, injuries, accelerating the process of bone tissue fusion;
  • accelerates regeneration processes - helps to heal any skin damage faster;
  • eliminates inflammation of the oral cavity.

Useful properties of Far Eastern trepang on honey affect the appearance of a person. The remedy not only heals internal organs and systems, but also helps to rejuvenate the face - after applying honey tincture, the face becomes fresh, he althy.

Trepang far eastern treatment
Trepang far eastern treatment

Preparation of tincture

For the treatment of Far Eastern trepang, you can use ready-made tincture with honey or cook it yourself.

Finding a ready-made high-quality product is difficult, it's easier to make it yourself. For this, fresh or dried sea cucumbers are used.

To prepare a preparation from a fresh creature, it is necessary to keep it in water for some time, and then remove all the insides. The prepared carcass is washed, cut into small pieces. All ingredients are placed in a glass container and filled with honey to the very top. The composition is infused for two months in a dark, cool place. After that, the product is filtered and poured into containers.

You can make a tincture of dried sea cucumber. To do this, the meat is soaked in water for several hours. The further procedure does not differ from that used in the preparation of the drug from a fresh carcass.


Tincture is a natural product that has no harm. It is recommended to use it not only for adults, but also for children.

The instructions for the use of Far Eastern trepang on honey include contraindications. This remedy should not be used by those who suffer from an allergic reaction to honey and other bee products, as well as by individual intolerance to sea cucumber. WithCaution should be taken by those who suffer from hypotension, as the meat of this creature can lower blood pressure.

Doctors do not recommend taking trepang in any form for those who suffer from hyperthyroidism.

Cultivation of the Far Eastern trepang
Cultivation of the Far Eastern trepang

How to take

For the treatment and prevention of pathologies, honey tincture is taken in courses of thirty days with a break of 20 days. The remedy is taken in a tablespoon twenty minutes before meals. Use tincture 1-2 times a day.

Alcohol tincture

In addition to honey tincture, you can prepare medicine for alcohol. The resulting product helps to get rid of a variety of ailments, and it is also ideal for external use in skin pathologies.

To make a tincture, you need 70% alcohol, but 40% vodka is also fine. The tincture is made from fresh sea cucumbers. First, they are soaked in sea water, after which they are gutted and washed. Then the carcasses are placed in a container and poured with alcohol so that the ratio of trepangs and alcohol is 1 to 2. The container is tightly closed. The product is infused for three weeks with occasional stirring.

The finished product is taken in the morning once a day up to 50 drops, depending on the person's weight. The composition can be used as a wound healing and disinfectant.

Far Eastern trepang what is it
Far Eastern trepang what is it

Tincture with alcohol and honey

To prepare a tincture for alcohol and honey, one hundred grams of dried sea cucumber is taken - this is 1.5-2 kg of fresh,placed in a glass container and filled with boiled cold water. The meat is soaked for twelve hours. Then the water is drained, and the carcass is finely chopped. Ready-made pieces of sea cucumber are poured with 40% alcohol - one hundred grams of meat will need 0.5 liters of alcohol. The product is infused in a dark, cool place for three weeks. Store the finished product in the refrigerator for no more than a year.

From the finished alcohol tincture you can make honey-alcohol. To do this, the liquid is drained and mixed in equal proportions with honey. The composition is insisted for a day, allowing the honey to dissolve.

Other recipes

In the East they say about the Far Eastern trepang, that this is a unique remedy that gives youth and excellent he alth. There are tinctures for alcohol and honey, which can be found in Japan, China, where they are very popular. In Russia, such drugs are very expensive, but it is quite possible to prepare them yourself.

To prepare the remedy, you need to take fresh sea cucumbers, soak them and gut them. Then the meat is cut into thin rings, no more than 1 cm wide. Then the meat is poured with vodka in a ratio of 1:2. The remedy is infused for three weeks in a dark, cool place. Shake the product daily. After 21 days, honey is added to the tincture in a ratio of 1: 1 with the resulting alcohol infusion. Mix everything well until the honey is completely dissolved. Take the remedy for a teaspoon once a day before lunch. The duration of the course is 1 month. Then they take a ten-day break and repeat the course.

People who have experienced the healing properties of sea cucumber continue to take itas often as possible, because it is a rare, scarce product. Because of its small distribution, the cultivation of the Far Eastern trepang began. You can watch an interesting and useful video about this process.


Using trepang

Far Eastern trepang extract and other means of it help with a breakdown. Meat can increase metabolism, enhance digestive functions, regulate intestinal motility, and normalize the functioning of the stomach, liver, and pancreas.

Sea cucumber is good for diabetes. The substances included in its composition help to remove toxins from the body, ammonia. This seafood is indicated for cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis.

When using sea ginseng (as it is called in China), the work of the heart may change, which may require replenishment of related substances.

The consumption of trepang tinctures has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, as it helps to accelerate the fusion of bones, and also has a positive effect on the body with sciatica.

With skin pathologies, wounds, trepang helps to accelerate tissue regeneration. Also, the extract and tinctures help to dissolve scars, remove adhesions, and promote the healing of trophic ulcers. Seafood helps with purulent wounds, boils, mastitis, burns and frostbite are treated.

Tinctures are used to make mouthwashes.

Alcohol tinctures have a pronounced effect, so in most cases they are used in the morning and no more than fifteendrops, but there are exceptions (depending on what pathology is being treated and what is the weight of the patient).

When used correctly, trepang helps to normalize the work of the heart, reducing the amplitude and increasing the force of compression, thereby eliminating bradycardia.

The drug has a positive effect on immunity, as it contains a lot of micro and macro elements, vitamins.

Where the sea cucumber lives

The largest populations of sea cucumber live off the coast of Sakhalin, Korea, Japan. It can also be found near the Kuril Islands, in Peter the Great Bay, near the island of Kyushu.

Trepang prefers warm, shallow places, likes to hide in thickets of algae under mussels or in upper layers of silt. During the day it rises to the surface of the water. On hot days, the creature descends to a depth of 150 meters.

Far Eastern trepang extractor
Far Eastern trepang extractor


As you can see in the photo, the Far Eastern trepang is more like a worm: it is flattened from the sides, and can reach 40 cm in length. Its body consists of two parts: on the one hand, there is a mouth and tentacles with which it scoops up the upper layers sediment and sends to the mouth all the microorganisms contained in it. The second part is the exit, i.e. the anus. These parts are interconnected by the intestines. This type of structure is called reduced. In fact, nature left the most significant organs, and the rest disappeared.

If a sea cucumber is divided into three parts, then the extreme ones immediately begin to crawl away on their own, and the middle one lies a little and also begins to crawl. Graduallyall three parts become independent individuals, and after 2-6 months each of them becomes a full-fledged individual of a large size.

On the back of the trepang there are conical outgrowths arranged in four rows. On the abdomen there are small legs that allow the cucumber to move along the bottom. His movements are somewhat reminiscent of the movement of a caterpillar.

The trepang feeds on microorganisms, plankton, pieces of algae. Once in the mouth, food moves through the intestines, where nutrients are absorbed. Then all the excess comes out through the anus. In search of food, sea cucumbers go at night or in the afternoon, and in the morning they sleep. In winter and autumn, individuals almost do not eat, and with the beginning of spring, their appetite wakes up and does not subside until mid-summer.
