What do you need to get a gun license?

What do you need to get a gun license?
What do you need to get a gun license?

Unfortunately, despite the obvious improvements since the memorable nineties, the crime situation in a number of areas leaves much to be desired. In such a situation, many people think about acquiring weapons. However, in practice, for this it is not enough just to save up money for one or another “trunk”. In order to avoid problems with the law, one has to go through a rather complicated, multi-step procedure - obtaining a license for a weapon.

Let's try to consider this process in detail.


Getting a gun license step by step begins by learning about the categories of guns. It is necessary to decide which type you need and for what purposes, since this will largely determine the subsequent actions of the future licensee. There are four main categories here

  1. A weapon designed for self-defense. This includes the so-called "traumatic weapon" (in the common people -"traumatics"), with rubber or metal-rubber striking elements; gas weapons, the damaging effect of which is based on the irritating respiratory organs or the nerve-paralytic effect of certain gases; Airguns; short firearms and others.
  2. gun "Wasp"
    gun "Wasp"
  3. Hunting weapon. Everything is clear from the name itself: hunting rifles. True, very often they are acquired, first of all, for self-defense, and only in the second (and even then not always) for hunting bunnies and hazel grouse. Two broad categories are distinguished here - smooth-bore weapons and rifled weapons, which are distinguished by an increased range of aimed fire and which are more difficult to obtain than smooth-bore ones (and only with five years of experience in the owner of a smooth-bore gun).
  4. Weapons for sports purposes. The license for it is issued only with the assistance of the relevant sports federation of Russia.
  5. A weapon that is an organic element of one or another national costume. This includes various Cossack checkers, daggers in national costumes of various Caucasian peoples, etc.
  6. Collectible. Various types of collectible weapons.

Different conditions for obtaining weapons

The most troublesome, perhaps, is obtaining a license for hunting weapons. In addition to obtaining a license, in this option you will have to become a member of a hunting club, as well as confirm your membership in it. In addition, you will have to go through two stages of licensing. First of all,obtaining a license for smoothbore weapons. This must be followed by at least five years. Secondly, after several years of owning it, a rifle license is obtained.

gun permit
gun permit

The procedure for obtaining weapons for representatives of the respective national communities has been somewhat simplified (in the case of obtaining weapons for the national costume). It is also easier to obtain a license to purchase weapons for representatives of the authorities "on duty" - police officers, prosecutors, judges, special services, military personnel, and so on.

hunting ticket
hunting ticket

The next step will be to analyze the possibility of obtaining a license for this type of weapon.

Who cannot be licensed?

A citizen will be denied a gun license if:

  1. He did not pass the necessary medical examinations (no contraindications, no narcotic or psychotropic compounds in the body).
  2. Under the age of 21 years (for all citizens and all types of weapons; 18 years for persons undergoing military or other paramilitary service with the appropriate rank or rank; 18 years for weapons defined as (to be worn with national costumes).
  3. If he is currently serving a sentence.
  4. If a citizen has an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for an intentional criminal act.
  5. If there is an expired or expunged conviction for a serious offense committed with a weapon.
  6. to whomcan't get weapons
    to whomcan't get weapons
  7. No mark of permanent residence.
  8. He has been repeatedly prosecuted for some types of administrative offenses before the end of his sentence.
  9. A person is legally deprived of the right to purchase weapons.
  10. The citizen is registered with the relevant medical institution for drug, alcohol addiction or psychopathology.
  11. Did not provide information about passing training, about passing a knowledge test in the field of handling weapons

For what diseases is a gun license not issued?

The list of diseases that make it impossible to obtain a gun license consists of two groups - diseases of the nervous system and diseases of the eyes.

The first group includes mental disorders of a protracted and chronic nature, with persistent severe manifestations or frequent exacerbations (including schizophrenic disorders, neurotic stress disorders, behavioral and personality disorders, mental retardation, and others).

The second group includes a drop in visual acuity to less than 50% in the best eye and less than 20% in the worst eye, as well as other serious visual impairments.

The full list can be found in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 143 dated February 19, 2015.


If you are clean and he althy before the law, then the next step is to install a gun safe or gun cabinet at home. Here it is better to immediately approach the employeeMinistry of the Interior, which in your area is responsible for this area of \u200b\u200bactivity (you can find out by calling the officer on duty at the police authority indicated on the passport registration page), and check with him what requirements will be for a safe for storing this particular weapon.

Since the requirements for specialized safes are not clearly spelled out and many points are left to the discretion of a particular police officer, this conversation can save you a lot of nerves later, and possibly money. It is especially necessary to clarify the required size of the fireproof cabinet, the need to firmly attach it to the wall, the location in the house or apartment, and so on.


Training to obtain a license for a traumatic weapon or any other can be completed at any specialized educational institution in your city, provided that it has the appropriate license. Otherwise, it will be a waste of time and effort.

The training itself for obtaining a weapons license consists of theoretical and practical training. Usually these courses are very short and do not exceed six academic hours.


The theoretical part of the training will cover the main provisions of federal legislation that directly affect your relationship with the state in connection with the future purchase, storage and use of weapons. In particular, you will be told the main provisions of the law "On weapons", which would be nice to read in advance, because it is unrealistic to remember everything in short hours of training.

Also intheories will tell you the basic rules for handling different types of weapons and many related nuances, in particular, the rules for caring for weapons, the rules for protecting the organs of vision and hearing when shooting, and so on. In general, the information is quite necessary and useful.


The practical part of the training is even more interesting.

Here every applicant will be trained to shoot. Moreover, the minimum number of shots that each student will have to make is twenty-five shots from different types of self-defense weapons.

traumatic weapon
traumatic weapon

Depending on the type of weapon used, the firing distance will be from three to twenty-five meters, while shooting will be trained from two main positions - with emphasis and without it (that is, standing).


In addition to the fact that during the training a person will immediately demonstrate his basic weapon handling skills acquired here (shooting, reloading, cleaning), at the end he will need to pass a small exam. Exam tickets will be offered, you must answer the questions of one of them.

The issues themselves will be considered during the training period at the center where it is carried out.

After passing this exam, the trained and tested citizen will be issued an appropriate certificate, which will be needed later during the licensing procedure.

Package of documents for obtaining a license

To obtain a license for a weapon, giving the right to purchase it, you will need to collect a package of documents:

  1. A document proving the citizenship of the Russian Federation (passport, temporary passport, etc.).
  2. Application for an appropriate license.
  3. A document confirming that the prospective licensee has completed the appropriate weapons handling training and skills.
  4. Conclusion of a medical organization on the absence of contraindications in the appropriate form (valid for 12 months, carried out at the expense of the citizen).
  5. Analysis for the absence of products of narcotic or psychotropic action in the body and the corresponding medical report based on the analysis (valid for 12 months, carried out at the expense of the citizen).
gun license documents
gun license documents

Items 4, 5 of the list of documents for obtaining a weapon license are provided if a citizen obtains a license for the first time.

When obtaining a license by a citizen who is in the service of a paramilitary state organization (army, police, court, etc.), he must provide:

  1. A document proving the citizenship of the Russian Federation (passport, temporary passport, etc.).
  2. Application for an appropriate license.
  3. A document certifying that a citizen has served in this organization and has a special or military rank (class rank of justice).
documents for a license
documents for a license

If a citizen obtains a license to purchase weapons with muzzle energy characteristics greater than 7.5 joules (pneumaticor firearms) for sports, then it is additionally necessary to attach such a document as a petition from the relevant All-Russian sports federation.


To confirm the license, among other things, the following documents must be received once every five years:

  1. A document confirming the successful completion of a test of knowledge of the rules and skills in the safe handling of the relevant weapon.
  2. Documents confirming the passage of a medical examination (conclusion) both for the absence of medical contraindications and for the absence of psychoactive, psychotropic and narcotic compounds in the body.
