Olga Khizhinkova is a well-known model who won the title "Miss Belarus" in 2008. Despite the opening up prospects in the modeling business, the girl decided not to limit her life to participation in photo shoots and fashion shows. After winning the competition, she received a diploma in journalism and began to work in her speci alty, while simultaneously conducting fashion shows for novice models.

Early years
Olga Nikolaevna Khizhinkova was born on November 22, 1986 in the small village of Zaborovye, located in the Lepel district of the Vitebsk region. The childhood of the Belarusian beauty passed in Vitebsk. From an early age, Olga dreamed of becoming a teacher. After graduating from high school, she decided to enter the philological faculty of the pedagogical institute in her hometown, but did not pass the competition. Having failed, the girl went to study at the Vitebsk School of Light Industry, in which she subsequently organized a theater circlefashion and taught there until her victory in a beauty contest. Later, Olga Khizhinkova became a student of the Faculty of Journalism of the Belarusian State University with a degree in Literary Editor. In parallel with this, the girl attended a modeling school.
Titled beauty
2008 brought Hizhinkova the crown of the winner of the Miss Belarus contest. From that moment on, the girl's life changed dramatically. She moved from Vitebsk to Minsk, where she was given a one-room apartment for winning the title of the first Belarusian beauty. Olga began to prepare for the Miss World contest, which was to be held in Johannesburg (South Africa). This work took her a lot of time and practically did not leave her strength to study at the university. Because of this, the girl decided to transfer to part-time education. Since correspondence students were not taught literary editing, Khizhinkova chose the speci alty "Audiovisual Media".

Olga's participation in the Miss World contest held in December 2008 was followed by the whole of Belarus. Unfortunately, the girl did not manage to become the winner, but after returning to her homeland, her compatriots met her with unprecedented honor. Hizhinkova became one of the most popular people in the country. She often gave interviews, took part in TV shows and continued to appear on the catwalks. The beauty was predicted to have a brilliant modeling career, but she decided to connect her life with journalism. While studying in her fourth year at Belarusian State University, Olga came to work as a press secretary atBelarusian TV channel ONT.
Private life and marriage
Olga Khizhinkova is an open girl who can spend hours telling reporters about diets and self-care secrets. However, she did not answer questions about her personal life for a long time. The chosen one of the beauty became known only after Olga Khizhinkova got married. The husband of the model was her longtime friend Ivan Morozov, whom she met for 6 years before the wedding. The young man is from Vitebsk. He graduated from the local university of technology and worked in construction.
Ivan lived with Olga in the same house since childhood. He always liked the tall and attractive neighbor, but because of his modesty, he did not dare to meet her for a long time. Khizhinkova's relationship with her future husband began 2 years before winning the title "Miss Belarus". Ivan supported the aspirations of his girlfriend and rejoiced at her victory in the competition. After the girl moved to Minsk, he followed her.

According to the contract signed by the model with the organizers of the competition, she had no right to marry for 2 years after winning the title of the first beauty of the country. However, this obstacle did not frighten either Olga or her lover. Young people continued to be together, carefully hiding their relationship from others.
The wedding of Olga Khizhinkova and her lover took place in 2012. The wedding ceremony was quiet and modest, only close relatives and friends of the couple were invited to it. After the wedding, the model kept her maiden name.
Familylife and later career
Marriage brought changes to Olga Khizhinkova's biography. The girl resigned from the post of press secretary of the ONT TV channel, because due to an irregular work schedule, she could not pay due attention to her husband. Instead, she got a job at the press service of Belkoopsoyuz. In 2016, the Vitebsk beauty took the position of press secretary of the Dynamo Brest football club. Olga continues to participate in photo shoots and fashion shows of Belarusian brands to this day. In addition, she teaches fashion shows at the National School of Beauty.
Ivan Morozov did not lag behind his star wife. After moving to Minsk, the Korona shopping center became his place of work, where he rose to the position of lead engineer.

Eating mode
Vitebsk beauty is a lover of buns, sweets and cakes. She cannot imagine her life without sweets, however, due to the need to maintain good physical shape, she is forced to limit herself in food. In nutrition, Olga prefers dairy products. Hard cheese, cottage cheese and sour milk drinks make up about 70% of her daily menu. Olya has not eaten meat for many years, but her diet always includes fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits.
Olga Khizhinkova believes that constantly denying yourself your favorite foods is harmful, so one day a week she allows herself to enjoy everything she wants, including sweets and fast food. And if the model urgently needs to lose 2-3 kg, she excludes fromeating carbohydrates and not eating after 6 pm.
Khizhinkova drinks a lot of water and cannot imagine her life without coffee, to which she always adds milk. But the girl does not like black tea, because in childhood, when she was sick, her mother dissolved pills in it.

Physical activity
Olga Khizhinkova loves to be on the move. She is an avid jogger and does many miles of morning runs every day. As a person born in the village, she likes to run in the forest, listening to the sounds of nature instead of music. Olga also loves sports training according to the TRX system, which involves performing physical exercises using belts and ropes.
Although many years have passed since the model won the beauty contest, Belarusians are still interested in her life. Periodically, rumors appear in the media that Olga Khizhinkova is pregnant, but the girl prefers not to comment on them. She regularly posts photos of herself on social media showing her slim figure and dazzling smile.