The world of mysticism, hidden from the eyes of ordinary people, sometimes opens up to those who have unusual, extraordinary abilities. One of these extraordinary personalities, in whose hands superhuman skills turned out to be, was the finalist of the 7th season of the Battle of Psychics show, the black witch Ilona Novosyolova. Immediately after her participation in the project, the woman's fans went crazy, wondering how much it costs to receive Ilona Novosyolova. Reviews about the abilities of this witch after the first releases of the season of "Battle" made it clear that viewers had found a new favorite. This article will tell the mysterious story of the life and death of this woman.

General information
In the minds and associative perception of the whole country, Ilona Novosyolova is one of the main contenders for victory in the 7th season of the show "Battle of Psychics", a powerful and very strong sorceress who practically nailed the views of viewers to the screen during the passage of another difficult test. Novoselova's whole life differed from those established by societynorms, and therefore for other psychics it was alien and incomprehensible. The gift came to a woman in early childhood, then magical practice began. After several serious cases, the witch decided to take part in the 7th season of the scandalous and controversial show "The Battle of Psychics". Brilliant abilities, a mask of alienation, invisible power emanating from a woman - all this gave Novosyolova the love and trust of her fans. After the "Battle" the clairvoyant became a star, but she did not shine for long. Under mysterious circumstances, Ilona Novosyolova died.
Bio Pages
The future witch was born on November 2, 1987 in the city of Pavlovsky Posad in the Moscow region. From the first minutes of her life, Ilona's fate was not the same as that of ordinary people: the future witch was born in the body of a boy named Andrei. From childhood, it became clear to everyone around that in the future the child will either become a very unusual, bright and independent person, or completely withdraw into himself. This opinion was formed because of Andrey's relationship to the people around him: he shunned some himself, building blocks on communication with peers; he made others afraid of him, so much so that even adults felt tension and awkwardness, experiencing the gloomy looks of a child on themselves. Closure, repulsive character and unsociableness forced the boy's mother to transfer her son to home schooling. Then Andrei was only 12 years old, but this was by no means the beginning of his journey into the world of mysticism.
At the age of 13, Andrei began to experience strange sensations, bordering on either mental or physical pain. It seemed to him,that life is somehow going wrong, not at all according to the scenario that was prescribed to him from above. So, at the age of 18, Andrei decided to change sex. After the operation, a future strong witch named Ilona Novosyolova was born.
Until her death, Ilona kept in touch with very few people, including her colleagues on travels in the world of mysticism, and over the years she had been allowed to link her fate with three different men, each of whom changed her life in their own way. And even after her own death, Ilona Novoselov, whose reviews were never unambiguous, did not leave her loved ones, continuing to observe their fate from another world.

Introduction to magic
Witchcraft power became a constant companion of the clairvoyant, and soon Novosyolova herself stopped denying her presence, calling herself a "hereditary witch." There are two versions of the appearance of contact between the witch and the other world, in other words, two versions of the emergence of Ilona's supernatural abilities.
Based on the first, it was precisely those phantom pains that a woman began to experience from childhood, while still in the body of a boy, opened a channel between the witch and the world of the dead. After the sex change operation, the connection between Ilona and the otherworldly dimension became only stronger, as if the spirits supported Novosyolova in accomplishing such an act.
The second version is based on the continuity of generations and the transfer of magical potential to the heirs. In the future, a woman said that both her grandmothers had psychicabilities. So it is not surprising that after the death of one of them, the girl opened a window for contact with another world.
At the age of 10, Ilona dreamed of the image of the deceased grandmother in a mirror image - it was at that moment that the girl seemed to be pushed from the outside to plunge into the mystical world of the dead. She began to hear voices and see the souls of people who left the world, and then she completely established contact with them. And it was unrealistic to imagine that in the relatively near future her connection with the world of the dead would become stronger. 19 years later, Ilona Novosyolova died under unclear circumstances. But don't get ahead of yourself.
At the age of 18-19, the psychic's abilities only intensified, fueled by grief and severe pain that Ilona experienced in connection with the separation from her loved one. According to her, it was at that moment that a signal was sent to her that a huge power would be concentrated in the hands of the witch in the future. Thanks to such a sharp turn in her life, the girl even refused to commit suicide, which she mentally prepared herself for after parting.
Qualities of a real witch
By nature, the witch has always been quick-tempered and unrestrained, shocking people around her from rapidly changing moods. Perhaps this was only a consequence of professional activity in the form of constant contact with the other world, or maybe the woman’s innate temperament did not allow her to quickly establish contact with people. Her methods of contact with the world of spirits horrified many, but also could not but arouse interest in what other side the dark nature could reveal.witches. It was in this mood, horror and curiosity at the same time, that the clients of the clairvoyant left feedback on the work of Ilona Novoselova.

Cooperation with the "Battle of Psychics"
In 2009, a woman went to the casting show. From the very beginning, her harshness, as in childhood, repelled people around, including the unchanging judges - the Safronov brothers. But after a very short time, Ilona began to show stunning results, coping with tasks almost effortlessly. The first victory and the first statement about oneself was the traditional test - the search for a person in the trunk of one of the many cars. Novosyolova handled it flawlessly, and then finished the first demonstration day with an excellent result in the challenge with Mr. X.
Defiant courage helped the woman very quickly conquer millions of viewers and thus reach the very end. After the "Battle of Psychics", in which Novosyolova took second place, requests for help rained down on the witch from all over the country. After seeing the miracles with their own eyes and the shocking details that the psychic demonstrated with amazing accuracy, viewers believed that a person capable of doing such things on the set could bring them to life. And such a person turned out to be Ilona Novosyolova. Reviews of her work were very different: some admired, others did not find anything special, others were frightened, and the fourth showed outright malice if their case turned out to be beyond the psychic's competence.

In any case, the "Battle of Psychics" greatly advanced the clairvoyant forward, pushing her to study new practices and types of exchange of magical energy. Some time after the finale of the show, which was dissatisfied with a lot of Ilona's fans, the medium returned to the project "Psychics are investigating", which caused a flurry of approval. After that, the witch Ilona Novosyolova again became the object of general attention. Reviews of admiration for her difficult work for some time blocked all the negativity, as if the woman's appearance on the screen again returned the fans' faith in herself.
Life outside the show
After the "Battle of Psychics" the witch finally had the opportunity to breathe without the attention of cameras. In her life, one event followed another: the second place brought a resounding success, and now the time of the witch was planned by the minute, because many people wanted to meet with her to discuss their troubles. Ilona Novosyolova has become a serious subject of controversy. Reviews of some clients did not cardinally coincide with others, but this opinion can be subjective.
And yet the woman tried to help everyone. Until it began to cause unpleasant he alth problems: the clairvoyant was exhausted by communication with spirits, both morally and physically.
Private life
In addition to practice and helping others, psychic Ilona Novosyolova, whose reception reviews and prices for services were constantly changing, met a young medium Alexander Sheps, with whom she quickly got along. The couple were similar not onlycharacters, but also the methods by which they achieved success in the field of relations with the world of the dead. Novosyolova became Sheps something like a mentor, but the couple was more connected by personal relationships. Ilona accompanied her friend to the battle, where Alexander took first place, predicting his future success in advance. After some time, the couple severed all ties, thanks to the insistent request of Ilona's close friend, Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, who saw something dark and unkind in Sheps's intentions towards Ilona.

Then the woman's life was connected with a man named Oleg Petrov, with whom the woman, largely due to her directness and emotionality, had constant conflicts. After parting, Artyom Besov appeared - a man who called himself the Warlock. It was this novel that became the last in the life of a woman. After the death of the psychic, news came to light about a strong quarrel that arose between Novosyolova and Besov shortly before his death. Close people of the clairvoyant claim that it was the man who started the quarrel, but there are also those who definitely spoke out that Ilona Novosyolova added the first portion of oil to the fire. People's opinions regarding the death of a clairvoyant are completely different.
Professional activities
Before filming, in her free time, and even more so after filming in the Battle of Psychics, the woman worked as a strong medium and clairvoyant. Hundreds of people turned to her with requests for help in matters in which mortals had no power. She helped to heal, forget the pain and find happiness. Most of the witch's clients were amazed by her witchcraft power, completely forgetting that Novosyolova, in contrast to the usual human ideas about magic in general, used black magic.
However, the woman herself admitted this quite calmly, because magic, even black magic, can be made to work for you if you give her what she asks for in return. And Ilona gave all of herself: she traveled around Russia, plunging into the secrets of various magical schools. Spontaneously broke down for help in almost hopeless cases. And sometimes, she simply retreated into herself for a long time, concentrating and learning the unrevealed facets of her gift.

Witch Arsenal
In general, we can say that during her short witchcraft practice, Ilona managed to help a lot of people, and in things both ordinary and very dangerous. In the arsenal of the medium were such abilities as:
- Removing and inducing damage.
- Spell and reverse ritual for a loved one.
- Healing conspiracies.
- Creating protective amulets and good luck charms.
- Slander on various areas of human life (family, career, love, friendship).
This is not a complete list of everything that could be done by a truly dangerous, but at the same time very talented witch. The threat was also felt by the competitors of the female medium, and therefore her sessions were often slinged with mud. Moreover, even the death of Ilona Novoselova could not stop this flow. Reviews of haters continued to denigrate the name of the clairvoyant.
Opinions on the work of a witch
Certainly, a woman could not satisfy the requests of all people, just as she could not help in all troubles. Many of her clients lamented after the sessions, talking about the large sums of money spent on the wind, which were given in the hope of a result. It was about amounts ranging from 15 to 48 thousand rubles.
However, before the conclusion of the contract, all of them knew about the difficult nature of the clairvoyant, who at one moment could lose her patience when, after the client, with death hanging over him, they came to her to ask for advice on changing their place of residence or work. Sometimes such a discrepancy between fates infuriated the witch, and she tried to end the session as soon as possible. And sometimes it brought down such fatigue on her that it was almost impossible to maintain contact with another world for information.
However, people still came, and in huge numbers, because there was faith in the help of a powerful medium, which was the psychic Ilona Novosyolova. Customer reviews have always been different from each other, but until the last outweighed the positive.
After long sessions with especially difficult clients, Ilona took long breaks, otherwise the woman simply fell into depression under the weight of participation in crippled human destinies.

Interesting facts about the last moments of life
The death of the clairvoyant occurred on June 13, 2017. She fell out of the window of her Moscow apartment on the 6th floor. Again and again people wondered why this happened. Many dragged the dark man with whom Ilonaconverged in recent years, others blamed the very essence of Novoselova, and still others assigned a role to the accident.
An unexpected guess for everyone was the past of a psychic, because she was born in a male guise. Rumors spread that it was the sex change, the act against nature itself and those consequences in the form of phantom pains that killed the witch or caused her suicide, bringing her to an extreme degree of despair. However, the fact still remains - in an instant, the powerful black witch Ilona Novosyolova died. The cause of death is still not completely clear.
It is interesting to note the testimony of Novoselova's close friend Alsu Gazimzyanova. The woman believes that the death of the clairvoyant was not at all accidental. She, like many, points to the dubious black magic of Ilona's last lover, Artyom Besov. During their relationship with Novosyolova, the man managed to quarrel his medium with all her inner circle, including Alsu. In addition, after the death of the psychic, it was revealed that Novosyolova managed to transfer one of her apartments to Besov.
Looking with horror at the photographs from the scene of her friend's death, Alsou noticed that she was wearing street shoes, that is, before her death, the clairvoyant clearly had a desire to leave the house and go outside. However, the investigation preferred to hush up this moment. The case is still associated with the version of suicide, since no traces of violence have been identified.

As a result, we can say for sure that Novoselova's life has never been rich in white stripes. Making progress inusing her gift, she not only received a lot in return, but also parted with a lot. The only thing that prevented a greater development of the power of the witch was the death of Ilona Novoselova, reviews of which will stumble upon a blank wall of mystery for a long time to come. And the real reasons for which will remain under the veil of mysticism and darkness.