Wise Mother Nature endowed some animals with considerable physical strength and sharp teeth, which serve as a means of protection from enemies (or are used to obtain food). Others use the strongest poisons as weapons when attacking prey or for defense. A striking example is the platypus that lives in Eastern Australia and on the island of Tasmania. This animal is often called the only venomous mammal in the world. Is it really? Let's find out!

The very fact that the platypus is dangerous already seems unbelievable. After all, he looks surprisingly harmless. It has a soft, duck-like beak and a beaver-like tail. The body is covered with thick fur. Interestingly, the platypus lays and incubates eggs like a bird, but feeds its young with milk.
However, no matter how cute the platypus is, it is still worth fearing. This applies mainly to male platypuses. These creatures have special glands that secrete poison, and they are located near the thighs. Through the tubes, the poison comes from the glands to a special process on the hind legs. During the mating season, male platypuses use it to fight rivals. IA platypus can kill a small animal.
Is the platypus the only venomous mammal in the world? The answer is definitely no! Poisonous mammals, in addition to the platypus, are, of course, extremely few on Earth, nevertheless they exist. Among them are some types of shrews: short-tailed shrew and water (common) shrew. The latter, by the way, lives on the banks of Russian reservoirs.
There is also another animal on Earth that secretes poison and is periodically erroneously referred to as the only poisonous mammal in the world. The name of this creature is not familiar to many. This is a sand tooth - the owner of toxic saliva, which, paradoxically, is capable of killing him. Such incidents occur, as a rule, during fights between relatives. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to meet this animal, as the sand tooth is in the lead in the lists of endangered species.
As you can see, the platypus is not the only venomous mammal in the world, although it is undeniably very interesting. Speaking of interesting things - meet these representatives of the terrestrial fauna, which are recognized as the most poisonous!
The most poisonous animals in the world - who are they?

The rock fish will never compete in a beauty pageant, but it still gained worldwide fame as the most poisonous fish. It contains its venom in spikes on its back. Toxic substances are a means of defense against predators. The stone fish lives in the tropical climate of the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Box jellyfish secrete the most deadly poison in the world,which affects the cardiovascular and nervous systems, the skin. It causes hellish pain. The box jellyfish lives in the seas of Asia and Australia.

The king cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world, over five meters long. She eats other snakes. One bite from a cobra can kill a person. This snake can destroy even an elephant. The king cobra can release a lot of venom at one time, 5-6 times more than other poisonous snakes. It is often found in Asian mountain forests.

Leirus scorpions are the most dangerous species of scorpions, as their deadly venom has a strong paralyzing effect. Leiruses live in North Africa and the Middle East.

The genus Taipan includes two species, the coastal taipan and the fierce snake. A single bite from a coastal taipan contains poison that can kill over a hundred people or over two hundred thousand mice. It is extremely neurotoxic, but there is an antidote. Taipans are mostly found in Australia.

Dart frog, or poisonous frog, lives in the humid equatorial forests of Central and South America. It is very bright and attractive, but in no case should you take it in your hands. Previously, the Indians smeared arrowheads with the poison of frogs.

The banana spider made the list of record holders, as more people died due to its fault than due to other representatives of arachnids. These spiders are also dangerous in their behavior, as they are constantly on the move and do notweave a web, and travel on the ground. They can be found everywhere: in buildings and cars, on clothes and shoes, so the risk of being bitten unexpectedly increases.
The blue ringed octopus is a small but very poisonous animal that lives off the coast of Australia. If no immediate action is taken after the bite, then the person will have problems with breathing, speech and vision. Paralysis and death may follow.

The fish-ball, or fugu, ranks second among the most poisonous vertebrates on earth after the frog-dart frog. An interesting fact is that puffer meat is considered a delicacy in the countries of the Rising Sun, but it is important to remember that the skin of the fish and some of its internal organs contain poison. The most poisonous animals in Russia live in the south of the country. It is necessary to beware of the Central Asian cobra and gyurza, their bite is deadly. The most common venomous snake in Russia is the viper.