Even gambling lovers to wander through the forest for prey, the talker (mushroom) is little known. Not knowing her by sight, even having met with a scattering of representatives, the people pass by. Meanwhile, the talker is a mushroom, which is interesting both as a biological object and as a culinary component.

Description of talkers
They are the most numerous genus of mushrooms with caps. Assigned to the ordinary family, there are approximately 250 varieties. More than 60 species have mastered Russia. The most favorite places for them were forests in the temperate zone, Primorye and Siberia. Govorushka (mushroom) has soft white flesh with a pronounced sweetish-spicy taste. And the name was given due to the unusual shape of the hat, which looks a lot like a loudspeaker.
It can be considered interesting that the smell quite accurately characterizes the age of the talker and its culinary quality. They collect young specimens that have a floral or fruity aroma, mainly hats are used, since the legs, frankly, are not very tasty.

Edible species
There are not so many edible talkers. Among them, the edible govorushka mushroom is represented by a maximum of one and a half dozen varieties. Slightly more conditionally edible, and most are inedible or even poisonous.
- Smoky talker is considered especially good for eating. Goes to many dishes, suitable not only for drying and s alting. Disappointing is its variability: in the process of processing, it decreases in volume by 4-5 times.
- Often there is a clubfoot talker. The mushroom is rather tasteless, but satisfying and easily identified by the shape of the base.
- The funnel talker is most respected by mushroom pickers. Her flesh is fresh, but she is forgiven for the almond smell. The hat has the most pronounced horn-like shape.
- Anise talker is attractive with a strong corresponding smell. It is simply impossible to confuse it with poisonous relatives: they do not emit a similar smell. If this aroma does not disgust you, you can safely collect mushrooms that have it - do not get poisoned. It is fragrant like an anise talker, only it has a yellowish hat.
- The goblet talker tastes like a funnel one, although the shape is quite consistent with the descriptive name. S alted, dried, marinated, boiled.
- Winter talker is named for the ripening period - it must be harvested very late in the fall. It grows in the Far East and the Caucasus, in Siberia and Western Europe, even in North Africa and South America. Especially recommended for soups and a variety of seconddishes.
Let's dwell separately on the giant talker. Strictly speaking, it is classified as a pig, but the name has just that. A very large mushroom with a hat up to a third of a meter in diameter. The pulp is somewhat tasteless, moreover, in people with a weak stomach, it often causes his disorder. Only young specimens are allowed to eat - at the age of the fungus it becomes bitter and hard. However, it contains an antibiotic that does a great job with Koch's wand.

Poisonous varieties
Why fans of "silent hunting" do not like talker mushrooms - edible and inedible specimens are mostly difficult to distinguish. At the same time, some of its species can not only relax the stomach, but also lead a person to death. The following species are especially dangerous:
- Whitish talker. It grows in the same places as edible relatives, and successfully disguises itself as them. However, when the insidious mushroom is prayed for, the muscarine contained in it takes on a more aggressive form and “infects” non-poisonous neighbors. Within half an hour, vomiting appears, consciousness "floats", the head is spinning, the stomach experiences unbearable cramps. If urgent measures are not taken, death overtakes within an hour. In order not to bring the killer home with them, mushroom pickers immediately inspect the leg that the cut talker (mushroom) has. If a bitter “milk” appeared on the cut, the fungus is not dangerous. The poisonous cut stays dry.
- Pale-colored talker in her youth "pretends" to be winter and may well be with herconfused. The consequences of its use are less tragic, but you will have to spend a week or two in the hospital.
- Waxy talker misleads with pleasant smell and taste. Looks strongly like a stalker. However, this talker (mushroom) is deadly. The symptoms of poisoning her are similar to those given by Patuillard fiber.
- Nashing talker attracts with a pleasant spicy smell and dense fleshy pulp. However, poisoning with it is quite severe.
We have listed only the most common and dangerous poisonous mushrooms. However, in reality there are many more of them, and even experienced mushroom pickers often confuse them.
Cook talkers
When talker mushrooms are available, most recipes require them to be boiled. This is done as follows.
- Prey is cleared of forest layers and carefully washed with cold water.
- Mushrooms are transferred to s alted water (one spoon per liter).
- Waiting for boiling and detecting half an hour.
After that, you can fry talkers, stew with vegetables or make pies.

Marinated talkers
The second popular way to cook these mushrooms. Previously, they are still boiled, but this time in the marinade (half a glass of water and vinegar, plus two tablespoons of s alt) and much less - about a quarter of an hour. At the end, cloves, dill, laurel, ground cinnamon and peas are added. When the talkers have cooled, they are laid out in jars, poured with marinade and rolled up.