Muslim hats: types, decorations, photos and names

Muslim hats: types, decorations, photos and names
Muslim hats: types, decorations, photos and names

There are many varieties of Muslim headdresses in the world. They differ in type and purpose. In this article, we will talk about the main headwear that men and women use. We will try to give complete and comprehensive information.


girl in hijab
girl in hijab

Of course, the most famous and common Muslim headdress is the hijab. Initially, this was the name of absolutely any clothing that covered the female body. Indeed, in a literal translation, this word is translated as "veil". In an even broader sense, hijab can be called not only clothes, but also manners that meet the requirements of the Koran, the behavior and thoughts of the fair sex.

In the modern world, this is most often called only a headscarf for women, which carefully covers not only the hair, but also the neck, ears and chest. This is the most common Muslim headdress for women.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that in different cultures and even countries, traditions and features of wearing a hijab candiffer. Therefore, in this article we will cover only the most general principles.

How to choose a hijab?

Muslim women's headdress
Muslim women's headdress

In order not to make a mistake when choosing this Muslim headdress, you should strictly focus on several important details. This is skin color, facial features and its shape. In this article, we will give some tips.

Women with a square face need to soften the features, so it is recommended to tie the scarf as freely as possible, opening the cheekbones and forehead, but hiding the jaw and chin.

If a Muslim woman has a round face, then it is desirable, on the contrary, to lengthen it, giving it an oval shape. To do this, open the forehead, covering the cheekbones.

For a girl with a rectangular face shape, it would be best to push the bodice as close to the eyebrows as possible so that the face visually expands. The emphasis should be on whiskey and cheekbones.

When the face is triangular in shape, the best option would be to tie the hijab in a free style. You can remove the existing disproportion by giving the face a diamond shape. To do this, hide the forehead on the sides, and frame the chin with the remaining free folds.

If you have an oval face, then consider yourself lucky, any option will do.

Wearing rules

Now the hijab is used as a female Muslim headdress, which is a stole, square scarf or scarf. The main thing is that it has a base on which the scarf itself is attached with pins.

The outfit itself consists of severalcomponents. This is a hoodie - this is the name of the hood, reaching to the chest, it has a hole for the face. The universal hijab "al-Amira" consists, as a rule, of a hat with a hood. One part covers the ears and hair, and the second part covers the chest and neck.

If you want to learn how to sew a Muslim hijab headdress, then you should be aware that its base must be made of silk, cotton or viscose. But the colors and textures are made very different, decorating with rhinestones, prints or even embroidery.

For any Muslim woman, the process of tying a hijab can be compared to a certain sacrament. Girls are taught this from the age of five or six. By the way an adult woman ties a hijab, as well as which one she prefers to leave the house, one can determine her desires and mood.

Stronger options for women

Strict niqab
Strict niqab

A more strict Muslim headdress for women is the niqab. However, it is much less popular than the hijab.

The niqab covers the face almost completely, leaving only a narrow slit for the eyes. It consists of three parts. The first must be tied on the forehead using ribbons located at the back, the second is sewn on the front along the edges, and the third is located at the back, covering the neck and hair. In some cases, girls also use the fourth part - a veil that covers the eyes themselves.

Also there is a veil (its variants are cloak or veil) - this is a robe or veil that completely covers a woman's body from head to toe. The only difference between them is thatthat there is a veil in the burqa and veil (in the burqa it is attached separately), and the veil can be both with an open face and with an opening for the eyes.

A woman wearing a niqab or a veil can usually be found in the countries of the Middle East. Muslim women wearing a niqab are often found in European countries where a large number of representatives of this religion live. At the same time, some EU countries have recently begun to impose restrictions on wearing the niqab or hijab.

The veil and burqa are found only in the most conservative Muslim countries. These include Pakistan and Afghanistan.

For men

Headdress - skullcap
Headdress - skullcap

Men's Muslim hats, of course, are not so diverse. First of all, this is a skullcap. It can be of several types (four-wedge or cylindrical-conical cut). Traditionally they are worn both in cities and villages in the countries of Central Asia. Often men in such a headdress can be found in the Russian Cis-Urals (Tatarstan, Bashkiria), the Volga regions.

It is worth noting that now the skullcap is out of fashion. Most often, it is worn by representatives of the older generation. And young people in winter often choose classic European hats - the most common knitted hats.


Traditional turban
Traditional turban

The turban or turban is another well-known headdress among Muslims. True, now they are mainly used only by clergy. In ordinary life, a modern Muslim in a turban is unlikely to meet.

It's basically a piece of clothwhich is wrapped around the head. Usually it is wound not immediately on the head, but on a fez, skullcap or hat. It is customary to wrap a turban on a bare head only for representatives of the Shiite clergy. It takes from six to eight meters of fabric to make it, some turbans are 20 meters long.

In Russia, this headdress is often worn by representatives of the clergy who profess Islam. According to Eastern researchers, there are at least a thousand different ways of tying a turban in the world.

By its shape, color, number of folds, method of tying, you can determine the age, profession and place of residence of its owner. Muslims attach special importance to the turban, claiming that it was worn by the Prophet Muhammad.
