Veselka ordinary, she is Phallus impudicus, one of the most unusual and strange mushrooms. The thing is that it does not just grow, but hatches from eggs in a special way. First, a strange object can be seen on the ground, which is a dense peel, under which there is an odorous green mucus, and something consisting of a solid structure is hidden in the very center. In this form, the common veselka is quite a long period of time - about a month.

At one point, this egg simply bursts, and the fungus itself begins to sprout from it, and at a frantic speed that can reach up to half a centimeter per minute. In length, such a mushroom usually grows up to 9–15 centimeters.
Tricks of the trade
After the common oystercatcher grows up, its hat is covered with a foul-smelling olive-green mucus, which is very attractive to flies and other insects. It is in this mucus that spores of the fungus are contained, and insects that have flocked to the smell of carrion spread them around. Therefore, if you want to look at the common mushroom, you don’t really need to look for it, just rely on your sense of smell and, as soon as the wind blows frommushroom in your direction, your nose will certainly find the object of interest to you.
The "eggs" of these mushrooms appear in the middle of summer, and towards the end of it you can see the mushrooms themselves. They germinate only on rich soils. Prefer deciduous woodlands. Most often, the common veselka is found in tall grass, in bushes, in clearings. At the initial stage, veselka can be confused with other mushrooms. But it grows so rapidly and looks so peculiar in full growth that it is simply impossible to confuse it with other mushrooms.

French delicacy
It should be noted that the "eggs" of these mushrooms were very fond of the French. In France, soups and sauces are prepared from them, which are considered an exquisite delicacy there. Although in Russia the edibility of veselka is questionable, some here do not disdain it and also eat it.
Mushrooms in medicine
Of course, there are few lovers to taste these odorous mushrooms, but in medicine they are used quite actively. On their basis, decoctions are made that can cure various diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. But the most common use of Veselka vulgaris in folk medicine is to increase male potency.
Mushroom common veselka: photo

In the old days, these very unusual mushrooms were compared withmale sexual organ. Previously, it was believed that if during a stay in the forest along the way there is a veska, then it must be cleared of mucus and eaten raw, otherwise all male power will disappear, and it will be impossible to return it. Moreover, it will disappear exactly at the same speed as this mushroom grows (and, as you know, it is simply phenomenal). It is not surprising that in ancient times, centenarians were extremely rare among people, because such superstitions are not far from poisoning.